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Season 1 Prize Winners

Discussion in 'VF Circuit' started by akai, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Season 1 Prize Winners
    Description of actual prizes described can be found here. I will make a separate post to officially conclude the first season and address some of the feedback that have been posted. The prizes were awards based mostly on dedication and ability. Instructions will be posted...

    "VFC Champion" Titles
    PSN Russia - Lyama (AO) vs ZBEP (AK) 3-2

    PSN Europe - Kingo (AO) vs Pana (JA) 3-1

    PSN America - VFnumbers (LE) vs Genzen (JA) 3-2

    360 Europe - Krye (LA) vs 40i4 (BL) - 3-1

    360 America - Phanatik (LE) vs MotorCityJacky (JA) - 3-2

    Mad Catz Prizes
    PSN Russia Division
    1. Lyama - (Tiebreaker Match with ZBEP)
    2. ZBEP
    3. Ryanwalter

    PSN Europe Division
    1. Pana
    2. Kingo
    3. Unicorn - (Tiebreaker Match with Bilal)

    PSN America East Division
    1. VFnumbers
    2. VF2011 - (Tiebreaker Match with DomAug)
    3. DomAug

    PSN America West Division
    1. Genzen
    2. ExzetyXat1
    3. MisterRadon

    360 Europe Division
    1. Krye
    2. 40i4 (Tiebreaker Match with Aidan)
    3. Aidan

    360 America East Division
    1. MotoCityJacky
    2. DeadlyLastPush
    3. Craigbot

    360 America West Division
    1. Phanatik
    2. Dipstick
    3. AyuFanB0y (Tiebreaker Match with Hseiken1)

    Sega Prizes (20 People) - number of events participated
    Daydream - 10 (360)
    Kruza - 8 (360)
    Feck - 8 (360)
    DigitlSamurai - 7 (360), 6 (PS3)
    Z3R0fun - 7 (360), 6 (PS3)
    hseiken1 - 6 (360)
    Johoseph - 6 (360)
    Vfnumbers - 6 (360)
    Mister - 6 (360)
    Tocuh - 10 (PS3)
    Namflow - 10 (PS3)
    Bilal - 8 (PS3)
    Shinobi - 8 (PS3)
    supergolden - 8 (PS3)
    ToyDingo - 7 (PS3)
    Manchkin - 7 (PS3)
    Elite - 6 (PS3)
    Arjay - 6 (PS3)
    hurtfulthings - 6 (PS3)
    Cometsu - 6 (PS3)

    Ube Prizes (8 People)

    VF Circuit Pre-Registration Gift
    Shinobi - "ViewtiFul"
    AnimalStacatto - "Sleep"
    BG_Akira - "Virtuous"
    westtrade - "Deathfist"
    Aidan - "Pastafari"
    Zass - "Suplex"
    Daydream - "Banana"
    Tocuh - "Dragonslayer"
    Arjay, Mr_X, DomAug and 5 others like this.
  2. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    First post updated with all the participants that will be receiving something. The VF Circuit Pre-Registration Gift and Sega Prizes will be sent directly by me to the list of players. Mad Catz Prizes and Ube Prizes will be shipped by the companies itself.

    This is what I need from everyone on the above list (If you do not send me the information by the end of the year, you will not be getting the prize). Please send me the information via email or private conversation on VFDC:
    • Name (real names please :p)
    • Address (if there is some specific format for international shipping please specify)
    • Phone Number
    • Email
    • Prizes You Are Getting (For Mad Catz Joysticks, list the system you want it for / Size of T-shirt etc)
    Once you send the above information, you should receive an confirmation reply from me within 24 hours. If you don't receive one, please try to contact me ASAP.

    Ube Prizes - a message will be sent to you guys concerning the smoothie berry barz.

    The Sega Prizes will be shipped sometime in January (when Sega sends me the VF5FS t-shirts - the size of shirts come only in Large or Extra Large). Z3R0fan and DigitlSamurai who participated in majority of events in both leagues will additionally get a VF5FS poster also).

    There are no set time-table of when the Pre-Registration gifts will be sent out (personalized item with custom drawn artwork).

    If you have any questions please ask here.
  3. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    Hi Akai, I was wondering if you can ship via Fedex for the prize? Also, what are the requirements for getting the Sega prizes?
  4. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Craigbot - Mad Catz prizes are being shipped by Mad Catz, so whatever format they choose.

    As for the stuff I will be sending myself, not sure what mailing service I will use. Since it will be 20+ I will likely look for a cost-efficient shipping method.

    Sega Prizes - given to the people that have participated in the most events. If you won a mad catz prize in your league, you are not eligible for the Sega prize.
  5. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    Oh ok, I understand.
  6. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    What are the pre registration gifts?
  7. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    You're paying the shipping costs with your pocket ? !
    Would make sense if it's us who have to pay for that, you know.
    Craigbot, Unicorn and Tocuh like this.
  8. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    First season, I will do it. Maybe next season when prizes likely will be limited custom items I will make you guys pay for it :D

    A lot of people have brought this up, so I will post it here. Apparently the tritton detonator headset is made for the 360 only. The headset works perfectly fine for the PS3 system for game audio, but appears the microphone does not work. I will check with Mad Catz if they have an alternative (when I get the list of players sent to them)
  9. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    I bolded the names of people that have given me their information. Just need the last 4 people with Mad Catz prizes to send me their info, before I relay it to Mad Catz.
  10. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    I was kind of surprised the Japan division wasn't even mentioned on the list of winners. I know we had, at most, 5 players. (and usually only 2-3 per event). Real life reared its ugly head from time to time, with Reno having net problems and a vacation back home, and Super having a 2 week death march at work that forced him to miss all the December events. Maybe it's just me, but the impression I had when the season began was that even though we only had a few players the top players in the Japanese division would still win Mad Catz prizes. I'm not sure when Mad Catz decided to not give us the prizes cause we only had a few players, but if that's their choice that's cool... But to not even have Japan listed as a division on the winner's page? It feels like a slap in the face to Super, Reno, Adversity, Shou and I.
    Chibiaya likes this.
  11. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Namflow - if you feel this was a slap in the face, I apologize. The intention of this thread was made to announce "prizes" or what people have won so that I can facilitate getting the items to people.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Were is my prize, that sega shirt for participating in the 3 days of the circiut until I was rudely kicked out. If there is no prize for me then thats all right too because I am not doing this for prizes only but for much more then that, prizes are a bonus and congrats for the winners. Only if I was not kicked out of it, oh well.
  13. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Compiling the info to a single document to send to Mad Catz - hopefully send the document out by the end of the day. Message sent to those that have not given me info (If you do not send me the information by the end of the year, you will not be getting anything).
  14. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    For PS3 Mad Catz Prize winners - Mad Catz is willing to switch to a PS3 headset of similar quality as the 360 tritton detonator headset. I will send a PM to everyone sometime soon, to see who wants to switch over.

    In early January they should be preparing the items to be sent out...Markman will contact me when tracking information is available.
  15. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    2013-01-09 17.52.51.jpg

    I got my package safe and sound today! I'm glad I took part in the VFDC and got this great prize. Thanks Akai for doing the event and Madcatz for sponsoring the prizes. Here's to more training to become even better for Season 2!
  16. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Oh wow that was fast :D

    Glad they are coming already :D Still writing up season 1 ending.
    Craigbot likes this.
  17. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    Ok, I'm looking forward to reading it when it's done.
  18. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    AnimalStaccato asked about the 'Pre-registraton Gifts' earlier in the post, but I dont' think you answered the question. How does a person qualify to get one?
  19. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Craigbot - those were for people that registered before the Circuit even had a name. Only 20-30 people. And of those people, they received an email a long time ago, asking for certain information. 9 people replied back, so those are the 9 that will get something - no timetable when they will get it :D
    Craigbot likes this.
  20. Craigbot

    Craigbot Well-Known Member

    Ok, I understand. Thanks!

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