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Sega and AM2

Discussion in 'Console' started by EmpNovA, May 18, 2003.

  1. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    I know it is a pretty general post, but there are many things to be discussed so here they are:

    -VF showing at E3
    -VF4 in America
    -Sega and AM2 PR in America
    -VF popularity in America

    PS, has any one ever sent an E-mail to Sega and/or AM2 regarding the save system in VF:Evo, becuase I sure have, and boy did I get the crappiest response ever.

    From Sega of Japan:

    -they would not give me a non automated response, and TOLD ME TO CONSULT MY GAME MANUAL WTF?!?!?!

    Sega of America:

    -quote "we are unable to answer your question because we have no knowledge of this game" How have you not heard of VF4 Evolution?!?!?!

    Sega also has now confirmed that this is a direct port of VF Evolution from Japan to the states (and Europe), so the save system WILL BE FIXED!!!!
  2. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    I'm confused, you say it's a direct port from Japan so it will be fixed, if it's a direct port it wouldn't be fixed. At any rate, I'm glad that it's at least coming to America because it's a great game and while I will continue my studies of Japanese, I'd prefer that it not be because the game I love has no english equivilant. Sega has had problems for years with marketing and knowing what's wanted where. I just hope one day, one of their in house people can get their stuff together enough to see what a viable market America really is. The VF4 scene has natural limitations that due to sociatal and geographical limitations make it more intense in Japan, however my friends and myself are one of those that take the game quite seriously and look forward to doing some traveling over the summer ( MoAT, Evo, and possibly others). We do plan on doing well despite the presence of other good players (maddogjin, Ryan Hart at evo, Toronto people at MoAT). It is not impossible to obtain a Japanese like level at the game while not in Japan, one must just understand what needs to be done to obtain that level.

    I conclude with my disapprovement with the E3 display. While I realize Sega has quite a bit on their plate and sincerely thank them and AM2 for bringing out such a fine quality product, it does seem like the foreign markets mean less than nothing to them (when compared with Japan) which I find to be wrong. While the general gaming populous takes in about anything that anybody can half ass out the door, their is still more than enough of a place for the truly well made and thought out games (EVOOOOOOOO). But while these games are out there to be played, the players must know the game exists before they can play it. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  3. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Wow I feel like such a retard, it should say:


    I cannot believe I missed that, sheesh!
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    So much hate.

    I'd like to get a few things off my chest, although I'll simply be rehashing what has already been said around here.

    Firstly, the save system isn't broken so it doesn't need "fixing". In order to dramatically improve save and load times during versus play, a tradeoff was made to store all player data in the single file (with the system file). Actually, they did more than just improve save/load times -- they totally eliminated it during versus play! This, to me, is a fantastic improvement. The slowness of versus play in ps2 vf4c with all the added overhead was a burden, especially when you're having a long session with a group of friends, and I'm glad to see it go. Saving only occurs when you quit out of versus. No more swapping mem cards in and out, and the chance of accidently corrupting player data is practically nil.

    OK, so at a large gathering you can't bring your character along and use it for versus play. But think about it for a second. Rankings and winning percentages are meaningless if they were attained 'artificially'. By artificially, I mean against the CPU mainly. It's like that Tsuchiya Joe guy in Japan who bought his own VF4Evo+VF.Net, played against himself and attained the highest rank in the game. Imagine the reception he'd get if he used his HaOh card at an arcade. I'm guessing it wouldn't be very warm. Not that it's on the same scale, but people bringing in their own characters on memory cards to a large event, that have been charged up largely on the CPU, kinda have the same vibe to me.

    The other argument some have made is that you also couldn't track people's progress from scratch, even using the same system file on the single machine, purely because of the 2-of-the-same-character limitation especially in a large gathering situation. Sure, it sucks, but a gathering is like a blip in the radar of the year.

    Your presence at a large gathering, and the fact that you're there playing, will immediately convey to the others also present what level of play your game is at. Whether the rest of the world know about it or not is of no importance. If rating or ranking people is that important, then hold a tournament, and results can be published online for all the see. In fact, I'm in strong support of tournaments in general, and no real gathering should go without one, even if just for fun.

    But if the 'failings' of the save system at large gatherings is not of your concern then disregard all I've said above and consider this. If you're just interested in playing with your friend(s) on occasion, then all you simply need do is nominate a single memory card for use during versus play.

    The idea I think they were trying to push with the new system was to centralise the data as much as possible, just as the data on VF.Net is centralised. What you don't want is a hundred Tsuchiya Joe's all playing eachother once or twice a year, because then the idea behind VF.Net becomes meaningless.

    I play with a bunch of friends (around 8 or so guys) and we all have our data stored on a friend's mem card. We play all our games at said friend's apartment when we meet. We've been playing on average twice per week since the JP release and we have a realistic measure of everyone's relative skill. The save system works beautifully for us and is infinitely better than ver.c's as far as we're all concerned. In fact, towards the end of ver.C, we stopped using mem cards altogether just because it was a pain. Now, I guess we're lucky that we have enough character variety such that no more than two of the same character is required. However, on the odd occasion that I want to fool around with another character, I simply go no-name. It doesn't hurt, trust me.

    I don't even want to entertain the idea of the inability to play dress-up at large gatherings. If you're hating because of this, then I remain speechless.

    As has been said before, don't fault the VF4 development team for what you see as 'faults'. Decisions to change the baselined product occur at management levels, and these are always driven by business needs. The fact that VF4evo is going to be released in the US as a Greatest Hits title should tell you something.

    Now, I'm not saying the current save system is perfect for everyone, but it is an effective and accurate way of simulating the real VF.Net experience. Perhaps a compromise could have been made though. An idea I had was they keep the current single system file system with characters embedded into it. But with the added capability to import and export character data.

    So, for example, everyone attending a gathering can import their character data into the current system file, and the 2-character limitation should be removed. This way, if you've had 5 akira's imported into the system file, then during versus when you hit select on the character select screen, and scroll through 5 akira entries. When you quit out of versus play, the entire system file is saved, and for transport purposes you can then export your akira file to your own mem card.

    While this could work in theory, I don't know enough about the memory limitations of the ps2 and whether or not it would be possible. I'd imagine there'd have to be an upper limit on how many characters your could store for example. Also, this implementation of mine isn't without problems either. Say you've imported your character into one machine, but want to go play on another machine? You'd have to disrupt play on the first machine, quit versus and export your data, and then you'd have to disrupt play at the other machine, quit versus and import your data. Now that's ugly.

    I don't see how they could have pleased everyone, but I'm certainly content with the current system. PS2 Evo is a fantastic product and everything any VFer could want in a home port, and more. IMHO, going back to ver.c's system would be a huge step backwards.
  5. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Myke said:

    Actually, they did more than just improve save/load times -- they totally eliminated it during versus play! This, to me, is a fantastic improvement. The slowness of versus play in ps2 vf4c with all the added overhead was a burden, especially when you're having a long session with a group of friends, and I'm glad to see it go.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's true, but the biggest problem with the new save system is not being able to save custom control configs individually. I remember when everyone I knew used a pad and everybody had their own weird config, and even now when pretty much all of us play stick it's still a problem because different sticks use different configs. It was a real pain when with ver. C when my friends and I were playing and then the asshat who forgot his memory card got passed the controller /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif. Now we all have to suffer the wait of exiting to the menu and changing controls every other time someone loses in addition to swapping sticks /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif.
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Ah, good point, I totally forgot about that. While it's not an issue for my group, since we always use the same sticks, I can see it being a royal pain in some situations. Maybe it's their way of trying to standardise controllers and control schemes used for VF (and maybe adding more reason to buy their stick).
  7. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    I'd be willing to tolerate slow loading times if it meant not having to exit the versus screen and change my settings when it's my turn to play Evo. Even though the new loading times are fantastic, it seems like the total "transition time" between versus matches is basically the same in Evo as it was in Ver. C. Anyone else notice this?

    Maybe you're right about them trying to get everyone using their standard configuration (Hori stick). I'm still pissed/bitching. /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
  8. Event_Horizon

    Event_Horizon Well-Known Member

    I think that configuration thing is a major problem. For the stats on vs play I think it sucks not having them too. A couple of friends and I used to play Tekken 3 for hours and hours everyday during the year and we would have killed to have personal stat tracking. I don't get to play as much VF 4 with friends now but we make a player file for vs only. Then the cpu has no effect, I guess if people want to juice their stats against the cpu or in vs mode against no one thats lame but who cares about them. But don't hurt the true fighters that wouldn't do that. For the once in a while tournament or gathering it is not that important for 2 mem cards. But for a group of friends that have 1000s of fights against each other, having your stats is priceless.
  9. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    I don't have the import Evo...but during character edit, is there an option to configure the buttons?

    For example, the one save file could possibly have 30 customizable characters. During charcater edit for each customizable character is there a controller config option for each one individually?
  10. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    I'll explain the problem from the Team Serious stand-point, imagine you got and got used to a VF4 evo hori stick (me, and I love that darn thing), your friend Madagascar got used to being able to do Akira's knee on a $20 pelican stick (durability for shit but it is a stick) and your friend Dandy J got used to his $140 Mas stick (it is sweet). Now imagine you still have other friends who play but they all play pad with reg. or editted but around A config. Problems arise in that hori= A config. + pads= A config. while mas+pelican+SC2 hori stick= C config. and that's not accounting for custom configs. While dressup is cool and all, I realize that it is not required, however, someone being able to use their controller of choice each time around is where the problem comes around. In answer to Akai's question, no you cannot save a config per character or character file, you use the standardized one. I'm sorry if I came off like one who just wanted dressup but this has been the beef all along (though dressup is cool and adds an extra something to the gameplay).
  11. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Myke said:
    I don't see how they could have pleased everyone, but I'm certainly content with the current system.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They could have pleased everyone by giving the option to access profiles via HDD (this is a japanese product), They could have pleased everyone by adding an import feature like you said. They could have pleased everyone by giving memcard access to the 2nd memory card slot. They could have taking a day and reprogram something for the Oversea players(with or without vf.net changes the market needs from black to white).
    Nobody is saying the new system is all bad... but we want to be able to play our unique characters. It's so great to have someone say "oh that's a cool looking so and so you got" or something to that extend. I'm not going to repeat all the reasons why the new system sucks. but going back to ver.c is not a step down. I don't know how you guys play, but for us (and the rest of US players I've seen) once two players get a session going. there is no loading even in ver.c.
    oh, and btw, I just had the displeasure of having my save corrupted this past weekend. not only did I lost EVERYTHING, we've also lost all the saves for Jerky and Hyun. It's wonderful to look at all my profiles in ver.c while trying to find my evo save.. just wonderful.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    True ! As much as I hate Sega bashing, I can't find a way to defend them on this one. Why make ppl wait so long for an exact copy ?
  13. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    Well, it's not an exact copy; there's the issue of localization. Quest and Training has quite a bit of text to translate, and it just takes time.

    Also, I think it's irresponsible to attribute the mem card feature going unchanged simply as Sega's lack of caring, or its irresponsibility or anything close to that (although you must all realize that not only are you, the people who participate in gatherings that would benefit from this feature most, a ridiculously small percentage of the people who will buy this game. Not only that, but that same percentage will buy the game whether the feature exists or not; all the more reason not to bother with the change).

    If it was such an easy change, trust me they'd do it.
  14. Event_Horizon

    Event_Horizon Well-Known Member

    Wouldn't that be easy to fix, I mean it was in VF 4. I don't know maybe with the other changes it isn't.
    Im totally into and love VF and this game looks awesome but I'm considering not buying it. First, it burns me if my friends and I can't track our stats against each other- especially when you can in the previous one. I know its an extra, but to have it then have it taken away is a different story.

    Second, I do not like the idea of updates very much. Like SF, had like 20 different titles before SF 3 came out. 1st, that kind of makes the series feel lost or diluted. 2nd, it made the actual sequel not as big a deal. Of course these are personal opinions, but I would really hate to see this happen to the series, I know it probably won't. I'm sure I won't be able to resist running out to the store the morning the game comes out and I want to support this over the inferior SC 2. But if there is VF 4 Evolution 2nd Strike next year....
  15. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Chill PKG
    [ QUOTE ]
    First, it burns me if my friends and I can't track our stats against each other- especially when you can in the previous one. I know its an extra, but to have it then have it taken away is a different story.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well you still can do that in Evo, you will just have to have all characters on one memory card. Then again tracking my stats has never been very intersting for me other than in a 'oh that's interesting' sort of way.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm sure I won't be able to resist running out to the store the morning the game comes out and I want to support this over the inferior SC 2. But if there is VF 4 Evolution 2nd Strike next year....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sega (and even more so AM2) have a reputation of not churning out unfinished sequels. I would put money down that VF Evo Ver. B will be the last incarnation of VF4. I think the next VF to come out will be VF5, and knowing AM2s track record that's a while off.

    Anyway it's interesting the complaints but it won't stop me from buying Evo. US has it even better with Evo being released at budget price, Aus will most likely never see that. Personally I play for the game rather than the trimmings but that's just me.
  16. Event_Horizon

    Event_Horizon Well-Known Member

    I know man, its about the gameplay and I'm not about extras at all. I was just saying that having that extra previously and then not having it sort of puts a bad taste in my mouth. I think I may have missed something too. Two people can load a file off the same card?
  17. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Yeah, player 1 & player 2 character data saves & loads on a single card. So far my crew has had no problems with being limited to 2 customized fighters per character...we still play dressup & track stats for each of our mains and secondaries, but there are only 5 regulars among us so bigger groups might experience difficulties...so far the memory card issue has been a non-issue. Where the save/load system shines over regular vf4 for the ps2 is when we play hotseat (loser rises), as the wait isn't nearly as long. Did I mention that evo is the shit? Evo is the shit.
  18. Event_Horizon

    Event_Horizon Well-Known Member

    That sounds a lot better ! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif I don't have many people to play with and no duplicate characters( why did they make a limit of 2 of same characte files!?). I'm a lot more hyped because I can just have a card for the vs mode. I would still rather have the VF 4 style( I can stand the extra loading) but this should get the job done I think. Thanks for the info, I missed that detail somewhere. Now my question is should I trade in VF 4 to get Evo- its one or the other for me.

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