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Sega needs to make a Virtua Fighter Collection

Discussion in 'Console' started by Fatghost, Dec 21, 2002.

  1. Fatghost

    Fatghost Member

    They've made a few Sonic collections, they've made Sega Ages, they have even got a few variations of a Phantasy Star collection in the works...

    Come on Sega! VF Collection! Give us Arcade perfect VF1 and VF2! Give us a version of Vf3 where we can have the VF3 backgrounds (VF3tb for DC only has the TB backgrounds)!
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    It'd be neat, but quite difficult, a ton of work for something that isn't that highly in demand I think.

    I'm sure the japanese would eat it up, I'd love to see a VF2 or 3 with the kind of detailed training mode seen in VF4, something that allows extensive testing.
  3. davidiii

    davidiii Member

    I know I'd buy it. I don't have a dreamcast (and even if I did I don't know if I could get the VF games). I would really like to give the first two a try, and I love the third one(it's at the local arcade so I've played that one).
  4. Valiance

    Valiance Well-Known Member

    You know what, something like this would sell ENORMOUS numbers I think. Any big VF fan will get it. Ugh an arcade perfect VF1/VF2 would kick butt. And yes I also dislike the TB backgrounds. VF3's normal backgrounds are so much better. I don't understand why in VF3tb-DC you can use the VF3 backgrounds in Versus, but not in Arcade.
  5. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    i'll be happy with just a perfect vf1 and 2. im quite happy with vf3, realistically vf3 is too "new" to make it a collection item, now vf1 and 2 i couls see that happening
  6. Fatghost

    Fatghost Member

    eh...I dunno about VF3 being "new" It came out in 1997, it's already 6 years old, newer games get grouped into collections all the time
  7. PPPK

    PPPK Active Member

    Absolutely. I'd kill for an arcade perfect VF1/VF2 (Shun's bridge!). You never know - it could happen. Apparently, they're doing PS2 versions of some older Sega titles - Phantasy Star, Space Harrier (cool) and - best of all - Virtua Racing. Spruced graphics too - although I'm looking forward to the flat shaded, Model1 polygons.....strange, given that we accept Naomi2.
  8. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    oh shit virtua racing!!?? where did you hear that? i gotta read the news on that. and yes i would totally prefer the flat polys.

    time bonus!!
  9. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

  10. Valiance

    Valiance Well-Known Member

    Heck yeah! Shun's bridge... omg, I still love that so much. Nothing like that even in VF3/VF4.
  11. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    You have a pretty good point, VF3's availabilty for the DC hurt.
    It might sell well for a PS platform.
  12. Proof

    Proof Well-Known Member

    they should just make virtua racing 2 = ]
  13. DonGato

    DonGato Member

    Wasn't the Saturn version of VF1 already arcade perfect? (I wish I had a Saturn).
  14. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    I doubt seriously Saturn's VF1 is arcade perfect. I booted it up the other day for the first time in a while and it looked pretty weak & not up to the standard of the arcade (as I remember) or the graphically surprising VF2 & Kids on Saturn. If you remember, VF1 was released for the 32X way back when...it's always been my suspicion that Saturn's VF1 was a porting of this game rather than a direct arcade to console conversion (which may have netted better results).

    Oh...and if anyone hears our feeble cries...sega...you toned down akira & encouraged the DLC like uk_guy suggested!...I'd buy a couple copies of a VF collection too.
  15. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    How could the Saturn version be a port of the 32X game when it was a Japanese launch game back in 1994, and VF 32X didn't come out until later 1995?

    The Japanese Saturn VF was hella buggy, I might add, prompting Sega to release VF Remix shortly afterwards. US version was better but still had numerous pop-up issues.
  16. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    not even close...it's also harder to do floats in the saturn version.
  17. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Are you sure? I (obviously) was under the impression that the Saturn vf1 came after the 32X vf1 and that the reason for vf remix was more the nice (yikes!) graphics of toshinden on the ps than anything else. As I recall, vf on 32X was basically the only decent game on the platform which, in the states anyway, predated the Saturn by six months or so. Anyway...in answer to your question...MAGIC! Magical Wizards!
  18. PPPK

    PPPK Active Member

    I'm with Zero-Chan on this one, Sanjuro. Saturn VF1 (with the disappearing polys during replays and Kage's reversed foot (not fixed for western release - boo) did predate 32X VF - which by all accounts, was a superior version (more options, palette swops (shades of VF4?)).
  19. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Dangit! I was just about to get this video game historian job and they'll surely read this and find out I'm a big phoney...Is that how you spell phony? Crap. Can't join the professional crossword solver's tour now. Hell, there's always amateur fetish porn. Where's my rabbit, give me my rabbit!
  20. PPPK

    PPPK Active Member


    Three words - "SEEK" - "PROFESSIONAL" -"HELP" :)

    L8rs Dude.....

    PPPK :)

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