Shota: High Jump Uramawari...

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Chanchai, Jan 10, 2001.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Hey Shota,

    I was watching some more old matches from August. Just stuck out in my mind... A match between you (Lau) and Kruza (Aoi), or at least I am pretty sure it was you.... Anyways, I'll refer to the Lau as "you" because I'm pretty sure it was you. Don't think I saw as many people using Lau's TA attacks (more like taunting the opponent with them; ie. P,b+P, P, b+P, P, b+P, u+K+G, etc...).

    Anyways, seemed like on some rounds, you were tormenting him with upknife strings and uramawari. One uramawari I noticed was that you did a high jump over him (from pretty close to him) as he did a rising attack... Anyways, I assume that was intentional? (Doubt that people do high jumps on accident) Got anymore tricks or uramawari up your sleeve that hasn't been mentioned before?

    Also, did you do Lion' funky uramawari that you described on VFDC at NYG2 at all (I think in regards to Omaha or NYG1)?

  2. clopin

    clopin Well-Known Member

    against a reverse/inashi-heavy playing style, TA attacks are a perfect yomi counter. most notably for me, when playing aoi, i fear using inashi and reversals against lau and lion if they use TA attacks wisely. just think of the consequence on a wrong guess against these characters! it makes even thinking about yomi reversal (as opposed to on reaction) suicidal. against these opponents, the risk/reward factor goes way up.

    // clopin
    join #vfhome on the EFnet IRC network
  3. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    Don't think I saw as many people using Lau's TA attacks (more like taunting the opponent with them; ie. P,b+P, P, b+P, P, b+P, u+K+G, etc...).

    Depending on the opponent character, Lau's P, b+P can be an ULTIMATE weapon.

    This sequence of move is not a TA-move in a true sense, as the first P can be reversed. What Clopin says is completely right and legitimate; but I as a player usually do not worry too much about my move reversed (or not). It's 40 some points of damage, after all.

    One uramawari I noticed was that you did a high jump over him (from pretty close to him) as he did a rising attack... Anyways, I assume that was intentional?

    Yes, it was intentional. It's actually a guessing game between Ura and small pounce (u+P). If the opponent gets up in such way (i.e. sideroll) to avoid the small pounce, Ura works. To avoid Ura, you have to eat the small pounce.

    (Doubt that people do high jumps on accident)

    Don't know about that Chanchai. I personally do many high- & small-jumps by accidents. Again my command input sucks.

    Also, did you do Lion' funky uramawari that you described on VFDC at NYG2 at all (I think in regards to Omaha or NYG1)?

    Which one are you talking about? As you yourself may know, many of Lion's Ura are funky. I have a hard time remembering them all.
  4. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Whoops, I confused it... I meant the uramawari that you commented on here:

    Anyways, while we have VF3tb related stuff and I have a need to get some rather basic questions answered for myself:
    -I keep missing Aoi's ground throw following the FC-throw. I'm a maneuvering a wrong way when I do it? Special timing? Am I just misunderstanding it and maybe it's actually not guaranteed?
    -Despite how much I use Shun and even did my research... I must've overlooked somewhere regarding df P (not the ground hit) as a continue to a float combo after the launcher (chouwan, etc...). I'm asking exactly how you do this without getting the ground hit instead. It's probably the main thing missing from my Shun besides maybe uramawari/okizeme tactics (or at least a good knowledge of them).

    !!!Wow, now here's something to add to my Lion repertoire... Can you emphasize the TA tactics with Lion? Clopin, you mentioned that Lion can be devastating (well, something like that anyways) in this regard. Are you referring to his TA Kick combos? Or are you referring to another sort of game with Lion? As with most players who have ever been devout, I do the TA Kick combos/games... But I'm hoping you were referring to another sort of tactic that I am probably unaware of... Double punches/low kick/up-swipe/regular kick? I guess I never gave Lion's TA abilities much thought, which surprises me given that he actually has some fun options such as avoiding mid attacks, further screwing around with the axis (ie. f P E, special dodges), etc... Did I just answer my own concern?

    Anyways, those are what's on my mind right now. Yeah, I do use the TA Lau stuff sometimes, just wasn't sure how seriously effective they were against opponents seasoned against them, but Lau's u K G is just wicked. As are the many games you can play with TA punch or P, b P.

    So far, my Lau for the last two or three months has consisted of the following (and this is close to being in order):
    -elbow/elbow-palm/sidekick/lowkick games
    -TA games (Mostly P, b P into many other options)
    -Baiting for heelkick and f, d K
    -Baiting for throw
    -Not many combos (I have issues with combos in general, but of course I do them)
    -Hop Kicks

    Just thought I'd share/images/icons/smile.gif


    P.S. My apologies of being unable to handle the stress and airline issues of the Winter Season... It was quite an uneventful Winter for me (but there were fun moments like Portland Gathering and some tourneys).

    In addition, I still really do want to meet up...
  5. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I'd like to thank those that answered my questions directly (though privately). I know they were very basic questions, but I was curious and for some reason must have overlooked whatever coverage they had.

    -Aoi's Ground Throw: No idea why I'm missing it as I usually just do the ground throw after the FC throw. I'm probably doing it too late? Well anyways, I was told you just have to do it literally after FC throw. Swear that's what I've been doing, but alright, probably didn't do it fast enough.

    -Shun's df+P following Chouwan, thanks for the tip. Simply hold down D/F after the chouwan so it doesn't input as a ground hit.

    At least my Shun feels even more complete. Especially with the combo potential that opens up. In any case, I was satisfied with how far my Shun has matured, but this just adds that small but vital area I was wondering about (I'm very confident in my Shun).

    Again, to those that answered, THANKS!

  6. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Chanchai --- what are your issues with combos?
  7. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I don't have any issues with combos, or as you directly asked me (for clarity sake), "I don't have a beef with combos."

    Where did you get that idea?!

    It's one thing where I say I'm not that good at doing combos beyond a certain level. It would be entirely another thing if I said I didn't like combos. In all honestly, I like combos, they reward a combination of practice and execution. I do feel there's a point where it gets overboard, but I don't feel that way in most fighting games I play.

    Again, where did you get that idea?!

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