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SNAKE PIT VF5FS Tournament on PSN Idea

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by SNAKE BOSS, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    Is this sarcasm?
  2. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member


    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    For over a month now I have not dc and people r still talking shit like you are. If you want to give a chance then do it dont say it for nothing because you lie. I did not mess with anyone or say anything about anyone in a bad way but all those bad things that they and who ever else say is all on them.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    I am still one of the best and top vf players in the world on psn because not only for my rank which I beat many tough players to get and earned it but more then a rank is that win lose or draw I go out there and do it and not complain on this site like most do.
  5. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    This is exactly why people dislike you and have no respect for you. You claim to be one of the best, but on what basis? 'Not only for your rank' - meaning you believe your thoroughly ill-gotten rank does hold some merit (which it certainly does not), and that 'win lose or draw you go out there and do it', meaning what? You play the game? Simply being a playing the game does not make you a 'top player in the world on psn'.

    You haven't beaten anyone good in a legitimate fashion as far as I am aware. No one has attested to you beating them (fairly or otherwise), so all you're doing here is puffing out your chest claiming to be the best because of your fraud rank.

    People are not going to accept or respect you when you keep spouting this nonsense.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Thats your opinion it does not mean its right so remember that. Also no one is going to come here and post that they lost to me. Do you consider Doomslayer rank a high rank because I beat people in that rank which you did not see but it happened and also you know shidosha and you can ask him because I beat him too and he is an offline tournament player so there you go. I am not saying they did not beat me too cause they did but I also beat them and that means something no bragging here.
  7. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Snakeboss here some advice. If you were a puller then nobody is going to respect ever again. Just ask Darthminion. What I suggest you do is shut your mouth and play the game. The only way players are going to respect you now is by winning fair and square. Until you start doing that this is going to remain a Troll Snakeboss thread.

    Rule of thumb nobody cares what a online warrior thinks.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    I play and win fairly and you are only trolling your own selfs.
  9. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member


    People post losses all the time. People post with respect and gratitude towards other players, thanking for the games and complementing them on their wins.

    Count how many times each person appears in that thread.
    Count how many times your name appears in that thread.

    Now do the same for the Bad Games thread.

    Seeing a trend? Your a dick and no one likes you.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    You opinion again which is wrong again and you can now shut ur damn mouth Genzen. People might post they lost to others but not me because you all will be like really u lost to BBS.
  11. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    Please name those tough players

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    You think I remember their names well I dont but you can check those names on psn.
  13. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
    Naw, pretty sure no one liking you is fact.

    Edit: New sig! :D
  14. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    2.I'm shocked you can't name names... what a suprise.... NOT
    3.How in the hell i can check those names
    4.Thanks for proving again how much of a fraud you are
    6.SNAKE BOSS!!!!
    Zekiel and R_Panda like this.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    You r the fraud if you dont want to believe me then shut up and thats why you dodge me on psn rank. Goodbye now.
  16. Darksoul173

    Darksoul173 Well-Known Member

    I want to believe you i truly do
    But how do you except me to do it if you cant even name a few names?
    Keep up the fraudness

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Keep thinking that, fraud u r.
  18. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Darksoul173 likes this.
  19. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    BeeGee VFDC

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    I am not a cheater or anything like that, what I did before is done, no one is perfect and I better my ways as should you. Also wrestling can become very real when you get power bombed on the side walk.

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