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SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutouts

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by PhoenixDth, Apr 2, 2007.

  1. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    In order of events

    Fri: Team battle
    Winner - Team Comic Stealth
    L_A_Akira (SH), Shang(KA), Ladon(EL)

    Sat: Norco Sizzler Singles Tournament
    1st: Yosuke (JA)
    2nd: Namflow (EL)
    3rd: Ice-9 (KA)


    Sun: Buy.com Lan 2007
    1st: Denkai (JA)
    2nd: Namflow (EL)
    3rd: PhoenixDth (LE)


    some pictures here

    video finals - chooooke
  2. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    The MEGA PROPS POST (that people always feel daunted to post about)

    YOSUKE: Amazing play and funny guys as always. Thanks for showing me my mistakes. Good games, and i will work on -6.

    Namflow: Awesome of you to come out from SD via public transportation. Shouldnt of shown you my leifei during warmups /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif Keep the blaze love alive.

    Konjou_Akira: Awesome matches. 50 games all down to the wire even in the tournament. Hope you can break your tournament psyche barrier in the future.

    Shag: Goh Faithfuls always always always get respect. Show NY the killer OM KICK! and 33p POWER.

    Denkai84: Calmest guy in the tournament and the advantage most of us need to work on. A laugh a minute, especially the much talked about yosuke battle. Still get nightmares from Jacky Spacing.

    ice-9: now known as gay-9 or "3 move kage", pressed my fundamentals to the max. Tournament gave me a heart attack winning with a 33 frame move at the end from range.

    Srider: OM MAGIC! never got to play your eileen once lol. We'll get a sitdown session someday. And always props for your work on the scene.

    KTallGuy: Fundamentals! in effort to help your game - i'll point out some of your obvious mistakes. Over 2 character spaces away 95% of the time i expect a mid move. When you're at -(6-10) i expect a jab or evade, which means you eat a ton of counter hit damage and setups. Work on block and fuzzy. Till next time and the AC4 battlegrounds.

    Renzokuken: improving much quickly, and putting the choke pressure on srider in the tourney. Didnt want to face up vs eileen with 0 prior experience (maybe part of davids master plan). Keep it up your fundamentals are solid - you'll catch up in no time.

    Raoul: We meet again and thanks always for the arcadia translations. Ill see if i can grab a couple of socal guys for another road trip up to SF. Btw 2p,2p,3p.

    GENERAL: thanks to these guys coming out, with no peer pressure other than the love of vf. True scene members.

    Ladon: Shun and blaze magic, evade attacks still giving me nightmares. Seriously impressive on the yosuke win.

    Shang: We never gotten to play each other at 100% this weekend, so no words spoken . . . WATCH OUT FOR THAT . . . .

    KoD: Never gotten any matches against you but cool guy nonetheless. Maybe next time.

    Chanchai: fuzzy and dont finish strings - use the throws more, and your magic will become much stronger - OBJECTION!!

    Anyone else I did get to play or mention: sorry about that- too busy and obligations with much more priority that weekend. Also contrary to popular belief - sleep is very important, especially if you dont want to feel like shit going to work on monday.

    As always - great job running, hosting, erranding? , and keeping things smooth. Thanks to Talis for bulking up most of the housing and space to play again. Couldnt contribute much this year with other obligations. Hopefully there wont be the typical fallout in post tourney play. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif Thanks to Akiralove for making it out on saturday night, wish we could of grabbed more games.

    Stealth shoutout to Fuumin: watching his road to victory (1017) 3 times before heading out to the tourney helps.

    Also sorry to anyone i put into leifei dojo after battling me, i swear hes not cheap!!

    mega post semi done - i think i got everyone.
    list of socal players if anyone wants to copy my formatting.

    HowBoutSum (Catherine)
    Jack (SC akira)
    Lion-2P (David Lau)

  3. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Much fun (and korean bbq) was had by all. Congrats to Denkai for the win!

    Thanks go out to:

    ...and anyone else I might be forgetting right now.

    Let's do this again tomorrow! Ready, GO!!
  4. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
  5. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    ya its incomplete but i think, you can fill out the rest with the above information, thanks for finding this.
  6. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout


    YOSUKE: Fantastic gameplay, and a great, great person. Thanks for everything, for beating my ass 15 in a row the night before we left, for the advice, and for the laughs. You rock sir! And I will keep training! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Namflow: Thanks SO much for coming out, it was a real honor and pleasure to have met you! Vulcan had told me stories of your Shun when I met him last summer, so you became a kind of legend after that. Though I was sad to see you turn to Blaze, after I played him, I could understand why! Hope you're enjoying yourself out there, once again, it was a real treat to be able to play against you and talk with you!

    Konjou_Akira: It was really cool to meet you man. I don't think you were playing at your full power, and with a bit more time with VF5 I'm sure the name "Konjou" will be more widely feared. Your love of the scene is palpable, I'm glad I could spend as much time with you and the NYC crew as I did.

    Shag: Thanks for everything, especially the Zombie /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif Seriously man, I had a blast hanging out with you and talking with you as we did. You had a much stronger Goh than I thought, even without using as many VF5 moves. I knew we'd get along because of our shared aesthetics, but I couldn't have imagined you'd be as cool as you really were. Thanks a bunch man, looking forward to seeing you again.

    Denkai84: Check your PM /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    ice-9: Good games man! It's too bad we couldn't hang out much, it was a real bummer. But considering that I "won the set" back at Plague's the day before the tournament, I consider us at somewhat similar power levels. I'm really looking forward to playing you again!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Srider: The first serious Eileen I'd ever played before, MAN that was tough. Evade-backdash for the win, I'll definitely be incorporating it into my game more. Thanks for the El Blaze advice too! I wish I could have played you more, but there's always next time, yes? You were so mellow, that was really awesome to see.

    KTallGuy: It was so great to see a Vanessa player. Good luck, I really want to see your gameplay get 10 times stronger by the next time we meet! Good luck man, I can't remember NOT seeing you smile, it really added to the (already awesome) atmosphere. And thanks for reminding me of some of the basics! lol

    Raoul: Yay, Shun! Keep translating stuff and making me stronger, plz XD just kidding! Only 3 Shun players out there, I think there was some sort of a bond out there, lol. Take care man, it was great to see that your passion for the character extended so far beyond the boards!


    Shang: You're such a creepy guy on the boards, it was amazing to see just how cool you really were... OH NO, DID I BLOW UR DISGUISE??/ TEAM COMIC STEALTH 4EVR!!

    KoD: Your sig makes so much sense now, haha! It was great that I wasn't the only new guy to come out. ;D

    Chanchai: I think we played a little on day 1 and that was about it, but it was still very cool to talk to you at Plague's and at Chipotle. Best of luck to you man!


    Big thanks to everyone who made it, and who gave rides, and for every little detail. All of you welcomed us so well, it was an incredible experience, I REALLY appreciate it all!

    PhoenixDth: "You have to show one stance, and attack from a different one." Truly awe-inspiring Lei-Fei game, through and through. Thanks a lot for the compliments and for this post... lol ;D

    Plague: I think everything's been said /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif You rock hard, man.

    Matt_K: Next time, I will present the Brad Show /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif I loved your announcing and shit at the tourney, you really made it that much more fun.

    L_A_Akira: Thanks for driving out every single day, it was really great spending so much time with you. I was really flattered to see that you were using some of my Shun tactics in the singles tourney! Best of luck to you man, TEAM COMIC STEALTH 4EVR!!

    SiLLyWiLLy: Your Aoi got noticeably better every single day, keep it up man. I can't even remember the number of times you cracked me up, thanks so much for showing up and making the event that much better!

    akiralove: awesome games man, I think you had the best Akira there, it was really amazing to play and watch.

    Catherine: I never got to play you or talk with you much, but thank you so much for everything! It was a real pleasure, the entire experience, so much, much thanks /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    GoatCheeseBlues: Thanks for all the support and everything! I wish we could have talked more. Seeing Sarah's strings and all the great Flamingo moves was really impressed, I really want to get the Sarah players here up to where you are /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Everyone was SUPER, SUPER cool, thank you all SO much! I feel bad for everyone who didn't go /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  7. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    What an awesome weekend! So exhausted after working a full day on 36 hours without sleep . . .definitely worth it.

    My sincere thanks to

    Shag: playing matches & chatting with me as soon as I showed up. may seem like a little thing, but it immediately made me feel welcome & got the weekend off on the right foot.

    Konjou: Your performance at the buy.com tourney was inspiring, seriously. fighting 2 !@#$'in lei-feis in a row, with no break and all that trash talking, is no bullshit man. hanging at the airport on the way back, I could tell you were a like-minded guy - don't ever stop playing games.

    Denkai: what can I say, the couple of matches I had against you were the most fun of them all, and the yosuke battle was classic hilarity. You've got the true spirit of vf - you're winning cause you're having a blast, not lowpunching FTW.

    straight-9 & srider: for the tournament beatings, providing a vegetarian alternative to barbeque, and for yelling at me to attack ken_i's !@#$'in leifei during the team tourney.

    Chanchai: KGS, codyk, I promise I'm a better go player than vf player . . .

    phoenixDth & calijared: for getting me to and from the buy.com tourney, seeing those finals in person was an event not to be missed.

    KTallguy: wish I'd gotten a chance to play against your vanessa more, maybe next time.

    SiLLyWiLLy: you're too serious and quiet, you need to lighten up a little bit ;b Thanks for the laughs!

    GoatCheeseBlues: Thanks for the time you took to show me sarah stuff + play with combos

    Yosuke: for letting me overhear the secret tactics on the way back from the singles tourney.

    Ladon: TEAM TOURNAMENT PWNED!!!1! I knew you had it in you. Great attitude, always a pleasure to lose to your blaze.

    Plague & catherine: such a well run event, with 20 stinky VFer's filling up your house at all hours of the day and night? Must be true love of the game. Thanks again for everything.

    To everyone (& anyone i missed): ya'll are really lucky to have your respective scenes, don't take the people around you for granted.
    If you're ever in austin, mi casa es su casa.
  8. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Awesome weekend! I haven't had so much fun in a long time. It was especially great to be able to hang out with my Norcal peeps -- Ktallguy, Raoul, Renzo, and Srider -- thanks for the good times guys.

    Overall, I was relatively happy with my play. My overall results:
    - 2nd in the team tournament (with Srider and Raoul)
    - 3rd in the singles tournament
    - 4th in the buy.com tournament

    I think if I played a fourth tournament on a consecutive fourth day I would get 5th place. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Seriously though 3 tournaments in 3 days is some stressful shiat. If I could do it over again I would definitely skip one of the tournaments and conserve some of the mental energy.

    Extended results of the tournaments (in alphabetical order where applicable):

    Team tournament:
    1st - LA Akira, Ladon, Shang
    2nd - ice-9, Raoul, Srider
    3rd - Ktallguy, Renzo, Yosuke
    4th (tied) - Denkai, Rodney, Shag
    4th (tied) - Joey/Ken-i, PhoenixDth, SC Akira

    Singles tournament:
    1st - Yosuke
    2nd - Namflow
    3rd - ice-9
    4th - Shang
    5th (tied) - LA Akira, Ladon

    Buy.com tournamnet:
    1st - Denkai
    2nd - Namflow
    3rd - PhoenixDth
    4th - ice-9
    5th (tied) - Chanchai, Rodney

    Individual player shout outs (my apologies I didn't get everyone):


    Yosuke: Loved playing with you, and I wish I played you more! Every time I do I feel like I play on another level. I went 3-2 against your Pai and 2-4 against your Jacky with Kage, but every time I won I felt I was lucky. I know I can learn so much from you, but sadly we did not hang out much. IMO you are clearly the strongest player there over the weekend.

    Namflow: Your El Blaze is awesome! You really opened my eyes as to what can be done with the guy. You gave me a real spanking in the singles tournament, but hopefully I've improved enough from our night of matches at LA Akira's to give you a more even challenge.

    New York

    Konjou Akira: Hey man it was great seeing you again. It's been way too long since we last played. You were probably a little frustrated by Kages over the weekend (west coast and east coast /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif ), but shrug it off man because you are too good of a player!!

    Denkai: Awesome, awesome run through the buy.com tournament. The final match against Namflow was unbelievable. You are the Rise of the Youth, and perhaps also the final proof that you can play with a pad. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif The Kage mind fack you pulled out...shiat, it worked!

    Shag: It was great to play you again and your deadly Goh! I was glad not to have to play you in any of the tournaments.


    PhoenixDth: Ouch, my loss to you in the buy.com tournament for 3rd place really hurt. You have showed beyond a doubt that I need to learn how to play Lei Fei -- I didn't even know he had a sabaki from /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif > stance! Anyway, you got me back for my victory over your Lei Fei in the team tournament, but I'd rather have the buy.com win and $100. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif Right now your Lei Fei and my Kage are pretty even as indicated by our mini-series in the final night (though I won the final deciding match, yay!), but hopefully once I learn Lei Fei's moves I can tip the balance more in my favor.

    LA Akira: Thanks for housing us! We were very last minute in asking you to host us, and you were very gracious to do so, so please do not feel bad that we did not get much sleep due to cold weather; how nature behaves is hardly your fault. Thank you sooo much for taking us to Yabu earlier for dinner. The food was sublime, and the drinks...we probably had too much but it made us very happy haha! (Incidentally, Norcal and Namflow didn't play well the next day at the buy.com tournament. Cause and effect? Socal conspiracy? Nawww. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif )

    El_Brisal: Thank you so, so much for opening up your place to us over the majority of the weekend. It was great hanging out with you, and the Norcal crew is heavily in your debt. If you ever do have the opportunity to be in the Bay area, you must let us know so we can take care of you.

    Talis and Katherine: Thank you so much for hosting the majority of the gathering! The singles tournament was FLAWLESS. Very well run, very well organized. It was probably the best managed tournament I have ever attended, and you certainly put the buy.com tournament to shame. Kudos to the both of you, Matt, and Chuck!

    Joey: Argh, can't believe I messed up that R.O. combo in the team tournament! You got your win from me at a key time; it was great playing your Lau.

    SC Akira: You caused my team a lot of stress in the team tournament! Good Akira, please keep playing.

    GoatBlueCheese: I love your Sarah and Brad man! I'm glad you're playing both characters; your flash needs to balance out some of the Kageyness out there. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Willy: You still make me laugh dude. But if you can't stand Aoi, you should switch to another character! Anyway if I can win with Jeffry so can you with Aoi.

    Ken-i: Keep up your Lei Fei play! It was great (and sweat inducing) to face you in the team and buy.com tournaments.

    Lion 2P: Great meeting with you dude, wish I played you more.

    Jeremy: You play unbelievably well for someone who just started playing VF -- please keep playing!


    Ladon: You got me at the team tournament, but I got you back at the singles tournament. I agree that we are of similar level, but in the mini-series we had the score was 3-2 to me though I did say the 5th match would decide it. Boy did I regret saying that! I hope you would consider adopting El Blaze as your main; once Namflow goes back to Japan the U.S. would be lacking one.

    Shang: I fucking hate you! Fuck fuck fuck! Mother bukfutter! Haha, it was great meeting and playing you again. I thought our matches in the team and singles tournament were pretty exciting. Welcome to the Kage clan! You can sheath your pen knife now. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    Chanchai: Hats off to a great performance in the buy.com tournament! I'm glad I played with you a little bit at LA Akira's place the night before; prior knowledge about your play helped a lot in our tourney match. Thanks so much for showing me what can be done with Lion's parry.

    KOD: It was great hanging out with you guys at the Korean restaurant!
  9. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    lol ice, hopefully next time i wont eating a slice of denkai kage cheese, any socal players want to learn kage?
  10. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

  11. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    I want to say thank you to Plague and Catherine's great hospitality this past weekend. It's amazing the details they went to to make people feel comfortable at their home; from the notes placed around the house to the full frig of sodas, to the extra toilet paper in the bathroom. You two are the pillar of the vf community in the US today. Thank you.
    Other than that, I honestly enjoy playing with EVERYONE there, it really opened my eyes on the different styles that vf5 has to offer. It was a great experience. Thank you to everyone who put up with the kage bullshit! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  12. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout


    Seriously fun times. I never expect anything less from SoCal. I came down expecting to be a bit better than last year, and in some respects I was, but not really to my satisfaction quite yet. I was surprised to do decently well in the Team Tournament (Yosuke's coaching helped SO much), but the Singles and Buy.com tournament didn't really pan out for me :p. I need to study frames and look at specific match ups more, as well as work on reflexes and fundamentals. I'll show you guys next time we meet /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    But my dissatisfaction in the way I played didn't stop me from enjoying great company and having an awesome time!


    Yosuke: 相変わらず強すぎてますねww チームトーナメントで一緒に戦うことがメッチャ楽しかったYOSUKEの相談を乗って、なかなかいい結果を出しました!色々ありがとう!。僕はまだまだ未熟者だけど、今度もよろしく。

    Namflow: Awesome to meet you (I think it was the first time), and talk about Japan. I hope I get a chance to visit you. Oh and OMG at your El Blaze, I need to figure out that counter hit dodge attack run stuff!


    Konjou_Akira: As always, a lot of fun to play your Akira. Very difficult to break down your defense, but I'll show you next time!

    Shag: Your Goh was so difficult for me to hit! Awesome defense as usual from NY. Thanks for playing me a bit that last night, it was fun.

    Denkai84: Man, I sat down to play you not expecting much (oh, a pad player) and got raped. And then you won the crown. Great meeting you, I can't wait to play you again.


    Ladon: Thanks for the encouraging words about Vanessa. She has so much stuff that implementing all of it is really difficult, and every time I find a new move to exploit, I forget to exploit all her other moves! Your El Blaze was, of course, tons of fun to play. I hope I get to play you again soon.

    Shang: I hadn't seen you in forever! Your Kage is still cheap! But hey, teach me to escape back, right? Block LOW at the end of the round, right? :p

    KoD: Thanks for coming all the way from Austin! Can't wait to play you again!

    ChanChai: I really appreciated the advice you gave me, and even though Vanessa is strong against Lion, I just keep choking when I fight him!! Awesome use of Lions new stances and moves, it's fun to watch! Thanks again and I hope to see you in Norcal sometime!


    L_A_Akira: I really appreciate the great hospitality, amazing food (god that izakaiya was awesome), and the conversation we had. I also enjoyed facing you in the tournament, even though I choked (again...). Keep in touch!

    EL_Brisal73: Awesome times at your place. VF and Virtua Tennis, what more can you ask for! Sorry I couldn't fix the sound on your computer, hopefully you'll find a solution! Great matches too! Thanks for the hospitality!

    SiLLyWiLLy: Hey man, great to see you! I'll miss you.......and your crazy Aoi. But seriously man, if you want to, you can stick with Aoi, but she is a lot of work :p Awesome fun times /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Come up and visit sometime!

    GoatCheeseBlues: Yo! So much fun playing your Flashy Sarah! Good to see that you got some tactics from an unnamed source :p I still can't believe I beat you in the Team Tournament like that! Keep in touch and we need to get that Korean dessert thing again next time!

    PhoenixDth: Hey, as always, fun times. I HATE your lei fei, but I know that if I try, I can overcome. Must...study...frames.... See you online in AC4!

    Catherine & Talis: As always, amazing and gracious hosts. And the tournament was so EFFICIENTLY run! Totally sweet! Thanks for putting in all that effort and supplying food and drinks and of course, great matches. I can't wait to visit you guys again, and you're always welcome up here!

    Ken__I: You switched to Lei Fei, which both shocked and scared me! But we got some fun matches in eh? Next time, let's play some 3s too!

    Jack (SC akira): Strong and Silent. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Lots of fun playing your Akira! Hope to see you next time!

    Lion-2P: I can't believe you beat me ! Damn Lion (shaking fist)! I'll get you next time. But as always, fun times !

    Joey: I didn't get to play your Lau, but I hope I get a chance next time. Strong and entertaining play, as always.

    Jeremy: It was good chatting with you, keep up the practice!

    ONLY other Vanessa player: Man, I'm sorry I forgot your name/tag, but keep practicing Vanessa and let me know if I can give you any tips. VANE POWA!

    Anyone else I forgot: Please forgive me, I'm at work and rushing to type this during my Lunch Break. :p
  13. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    Hey! Have some pictures! First-ever publication of photos from my house! After all the stories, here's some visual proof that things actually happen!

    These are from March 29th...

    The infamous stone room. Complete with 4 set-ups and lots of VFers - including Shang (blue shirt, seated).

    Denkai84 and Renzokuken

    The living room - complete with the 5th set-up, wireless access, laptops, DS's, sodas, black books, artwork, and bedding. Ladon and ice-9 are battling it out.

    Yosuke, Lion-2p (David Lau), L_A_Akira, ice-9, Ladon.

    Denkai84, Srider, Shag ("You're effening taking my picture again?!"), Chanchai

    KTallGuy and EL_Brisal73

    "Damn, this book fucking ROCKS!" Notice he is wearing Akira's VF5 bracelets.

    PhoenixDth, seated next to a picture of Catherine and I on our wedding day.

    SiLLyWiLLy and YOSUKE watch VF5 on a laptop while people play VF5 all over the house. This must've been a VF5 event, yes?

    They say "YES! This is definitely a VF5 event."

    Shag, GoatCheeseBlues, KTallGuy (obviously saying "That NEVER works when I try it on him!"), and Raoul (obviously saying "Yah, You know? I'm seeing that, too.)
  14. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    that is hot
  15. firstpressing

    firstpressing Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    That would be me. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif

    Yeah, I'll keep in touch for tips on getting my Vanessa game to a higher level.

    Props to Talis and Catherine for a very well run tournament.

    Good times and fights meeting all you guys (NY, Japan, NorCal, local and everyone else) this past weekend.
  16. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    Hey C. Samspon, keep playing and improving!
  17. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

  18. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    Lol, Man that announcer is annoying the second time around. Fun matches though. Thanks too Talis and Catherine for housing all of us. Also, a speical thanks to shang if not for me being so pissed off at his kage I wouldnt have used him to defeat ice-9 and konjou
  19. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    i converted the video so you guys can download it, enjoy

    buy.com finals
  20. Substandard

    Substandard Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    Thank you, good sir.

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