SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutouts

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by PhoenixDth, Apr 2, 2007.

  1. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">lol I feel like I am from seattle though hehe</div></div>

    Haha Yosuke, I was telling someone at the gathering that you now know how it feels like to be an American VFer. Even though you got to play 200 odd matches in Japan, you probably learned most of VF5 here in the U.S. Because players here are not exposed to a wide variety of styles and characters, bad habits and weaknesses develop. It takes a looong time before an American VFer learns how to deal with all the characters. I'm still learning...
  2. Renzo

    Renzo Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    Hi guys.

    How come everyone's so mad =[

    Hope to see you at Evo Yosuke and everyone else!

    Fun times~

    Post all the pics!
  3. Krafty Matt

    Krafty Matt Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    No one is mad, some of us just get our competitive nature get the best of us.
  4. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    complete aside but the above feature is possibly the greatest addition the VFDC forums has ever seen.

  5. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    who said it was mad, ice-9s just his goofy old lovable self

    ge: will do for next couple weeks/months, vfdc getting the better of me again - im not sure why i came back in the first place.
  6. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    Hmm as far as my accent goes I've had peeps tell me straight up "You are not American! You must be from Canada or some place" but I have no idea where it comes from since I grew up in south jersey. One dude from New Zealand over here said I sounded like I was from Fargo! haha

    As far as tricky Kage goes, what fouls me up is the evil back turned stuff as well as his new stance. I'll save some kage vids next time I'm at the arcade and someone does something fancy.
  7. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

  8. coup_de_grace

    coup_de_grace Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    WOOOO HOOOO FOR THE VIDS!! Dude, looks like you all had a blast!!!

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    oh I suck when I play with El.....

    I can not see lol

    it is as if someone else is playing instead of me. hehe
  10. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

  11. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    I trust you guys(since we met, you know I am not that kind of person who mekes sarcastic comment,right?)

    I don't know why....

    last year, you guys met Kazu as a NYC player, but met me as a japanese player. what the difference? both of us are japanese, but I don't mention that point.

    I have no idea why it happens.

    even though I am a little good player, almost quit it. besides, Kazu is also good. now I even don't train vf. I play it when I gather with some players like last march one(it had been almost 10 month not playing VF). Also, it may be too much pressure on me as a Japanese player. In my opinion, Japanese players are the people who play VF ''against a lot of kind of players''. I think Nam(el) is more Japanese player now.

    I used to be a Japanese player, but I dont think it would be no longer because of my surrounding. my environment is worse than willy's one(even though he does not play a lot).

    so....why dont you think me as 'a little good player?''

    this is just my curiousity.
  12. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    Hi Yosuke, it's been a while.

    Regarding your curiosity, you have been in the US for a long time now and most of us probably play VF5 more than you, I myself play everyday =). Despite this fact, the experience of US players against human competition is still miniscule compared to yours.

    Well that's my opinion anyways. Hope to see you around NYC again sometime soon, or wherever there is a gathering.
  13. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    WTF?!?!? do i suck that badly, yosuke? damn, dude... well, at least you're learning how to talk shit.... So, I have mixed feelings about your post.
  14. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    Maybe you're just trying to stir something. If not, Yosuke just mentioned that your VF5 environment is better than his. You have players around you. He does not.
  15. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    I think Kazu was also widely considered a Japanese player. Although I think if you (Yosuke) were to stay in the the U.S. for a few more years playing VF5 you might then be considered more of an American player for VF5.

    I consider Namflow a Japanese player.
  16. kaiyouske

    kaiyouske Active Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    Yosuke, I wouldn't worry too much about other people's comments. What's the difference between Japanese and American or even African players anyways? Players are players, it's simple as that. Often times people that post on forums might sound harsh and rude, but that might have not been their intention. It's just really hard to express something at times with just words on a forum post.

    I heard you are a pretty good player and I look forward to the day that I will get to play you at the same skill level that you are at(Which will probably be a long long time in the future...;p).

    I actually haven't posted on this forum in a while, but it's because I've been practicing my Sarah. I think my Sarah is passable now..and hopefully she will give some of you guys a run for her money. ;p I also hope that work won't be as busy so that I can actually make it to these gatherings more often....
  17. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    I gotta admit I was surprised when people considered me a Japanese player when I went back to the states. What exactly does that mean anyway? I'm an American and I grew up playing VF1, 2, 3, and 4 in the states. I played a lot of VF2 in the arcades back when it was popular. (There was actual comp in the arcades back then). Then when 3 came out I used to get my mom (lol) to drive Super and I a good 40 minutes to play VF3 in the Deptford Mall. The first time I really played VF4 was at University Pinball's March Madness tournament, coming in 3rd after Shang and Rodney. For VF4 I went to play peeps in NYC, Canada, and Flordia. I even managed to win TiT, which I believe the first North American VF4: Evo tourney. That was all before Japan.

    But then I move to Japan and play VF4: Evo, FT, and VF5 and all of a sudden I'm a Japanese player? I learned how to play VF in the states, I learned the move lists in the states, and overall I've played far more VF in America than I ever have (or ever will) here in Japan. So what exactly is it that turned me into a Japanese player? It is 1000s of matches, getting to 10th dan, registering a card on - what?

    By "He's a Japanese player" do you guys really mean "he's a good player"? Like Kazu and Yosuke are both really good players. Hell, I got 2nd place in both tourneys over the SoCal weekend so I guess I ain't that bad myself. (and quite consistant!) But saying "he's a Japanese player" almost seems like an excuse. "So and so is from Japan so that's why he does so well". "So and so is a Japanese player so it's ok that I lost to them since Japanese players are better than North American players so I can go to sleep knowing my VF e-peen is still intact." I don't know. But by calling us Japanese players, instead of good players who just happen to be Japanese or living in Japan, it's almost taking away from our game, our skill, our individuality, what we've managed to accomplish on our own. It's not that we're a good player, it's that we're a Japanese player.

    Let me assure you living in Japan, or playing VF in Japan, doesn't necessary make you a good player. There are plenty of Japanese players with low ranks and low win percentages. There are also some gaijin who come over here, play VF, and don't become infused with gameplaying awesomeness just by stepping into a Japanese arcade. You, and only you, can make yourself better at the game.

    I wonder if I came back and you guys wiped the floor with me if you'd still consider me a Japanese player. And I wonder if I had somehow managed to make it to the finals of KS4 if you'd guys would have watched thinking, "He's just another Japanese player" or if you'd be cheering me on as one of your own.
  18. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    I think the notion of Japanese player is more or less level of experience against a variety of styles, and overall higher level of competition.

    Being in the US kind of takes away that advantage.
  19. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    hey! I see what you mean.


    play it and you will be the same level as my Yotaku skill.

    ...oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 oh!!! my !!!!! gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    you can NOT read Japanese!!!!??what the F#$% !!!?? can you!? study Japanese first!!!!!!

    nice comment for me to support.
    I feel like visiting LA again this summar. NY is too far. I may visit another place but it depends on if I can win Evo final.

    I see. thanks for the your comment. hope to see you at evo final.

    as we played, I felt your basic playstyle is more like American's one.
    your third paragraph is what I might have felt. I think that playing vf with against a bunch of players in Japan does not mean they are Japanese players. but if they think I am a Japanese player,this means nam would be also considered as a Japanese player because of his better thoughts. I don't know where the line you think we are Japanese players.

    that is also why I am going to EVo north. I would like to get a bye, and play VF5 there as an American player. if I get a bye, I would be from not Japan, but at least from evo north.

    as Oioron said, my the experience against human competition might be superior, but the problem is that I already stopped playing. I can easily say I will never be stronger than I used to be. thats why I think maddy is stronger than I am.

    I don't accept YOTAKU though.
  20. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    Re: SoCal Q1 2007 - Results - Aftermath - Shoutout

    DUDE!!! that was awesome!!! you don't need japanese to play an ero game!!!!! you just need a mouse and your penis!!! In fact, "ore to issho ni asobo!!!"

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