Some higher rez shots of DOA3 from video

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Cause, Apr 13, 2001.

  1. Cause

    Cause Well-Known Member

  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Looking at those high res pics, DOA3 is much more than DOA2 with some fancy lighting effects. In fact you can see a BIG jump in quality of the visuals. The DOA3 (Alpha 2) high res pics look way better than the high res pics of VF4.

  3. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Very pretty, no doubt. Downright revolutionary over what we are seeing and going to see soon (with vf4) ? Nah...

    DoA 2 over DoA was more of a wow factor than this version over DoA2. Its as simple as that.

    some nice shots from DoA2 that made people cream in their panties when they first saw them:

    Still looks pretty good, huh?

    <font color=red>Jyunen hayaindayo!</font color=red>

    <font color=white>adam</font color=white><font color=red>YUKI</font color=red>

    Eliminate horizontal scroll bar...<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by ice-9 on 04/15/01 00:38 AM (server time).</FONT></P>
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Well look at TTT vs DOA2, I still thikn DOA2 looks better than TTT, 10,000 polygons or not. In the general forum, lots of gamers have expressed this sort of opinion too. Will DOA3 absolutely rock the pants off of DOA2, my guess is yeah it probably will rock the pants off of DOA2. DOA3 will look amazing even in retrospect to DOA2. I have a pretty strong feeling after seeing Aplha 2 stage development.

  5. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    For graphics hardware targeted at the mass-market, we wont experience huge jumps anymore (due to it having to be cost-effective) - deal with it. I'm still waiting to experience the jump i witnessed from vf2 --->vf3. I guess i'll be waiting for quite a while. I originally had counted on xbox to deliver this monumental jump, but my expectations were too high (even though it is a nice little improvement over current offerings). Nowadays, It is just not realistic to expect a revolutionary jump.

    <font color=red>Jyunen hayaindayo!</font color=red>

    <font color=white>adam</font color=white><font color=red>YUKI</font color=red>
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I'm still waiting to experience the jump i witnessed from vf2 --->vf3

    Um isnt that why I said im dissappointed at VF4...

    Lets wait and see DOA3 from DOA2...I thikn it will be a HUGE jump up from DOA2, close to Tekken 1 to Tekken 3...

    VF2 to VF3 was literally a few jumps in graphics generations, it took everyone almost 5 years to catch up and some havent even caught up yet!

  7. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Well, I think the jump from Tekken 1 to Tekken 3 was not that much (graphically I mean). It was evolutionary, but not at all revolutionary. Of course, my comparison was probably biased because of the revolutionary jumps between VF1 and VF2, then VF2 to VF3.

    Tekken 3 and TTT certainly look better than Tekken 1 (kinda like a DUH statement), but the jump even from Tekken 1 wasn't that great imo. Tekken 3 definitely was a small hop from Tekken 2 in my eyes.

    I think the landscapes look gorgeous in DoA3. But it feels like an evolutionary step. And not a big one really. Taking small steps to improve the graphics in terms of polygon count (and fortunately, clarity as well I guess--detail). But I guess we wish for revolutionary jumps that would completely alter the look of the characters themselves, not just have them look more polished, but more outstanding.

    Perhaps the reason I'm not extremely impressed with DoA3 is not because I think the game is a small hop over DoA2... But probably because, graphically, it looks like it's the same design scheme. Just a more polished version (while DoA2's scheme was very different from DoA1). I like the artistic style of DoA2, but I guess I was just really expecting a more complex style in DoA3. It could simply be that if they made the texture mapping style more intricate, I'd be all over it (though it's a simple matter). Point of this paragraph is, maybe I'm just not impressed because I know it's using more power, but the design makes it look TOO MUCH THE SAME OLD.

    VF2 just breathed a whole new life into everything from VF1, obviously. Backgrounds were more complicated, but the characters were now able to express feelings they couldn't before. The basic design was still in them, but the overall design was much more intricate (and I'm talking about artistic design when I say design here). Shun blowing up his beard while upside down, etc... VF3, that was also a big step because it wasn't the same old either, though it had a lot of what was there before. The characters finally had round proportions, detailed digits and animations. They were smoother. What blows me away about VF3 is the backgrounds as well. They didn't look anything like VF2. Slope plays a role in it, but when I see the arcade version of Aoi's stage, it blows me away looking at the bamboo thicket, fog, snow, stream. Most people's minds are clowded by the DC port of some stages, but the arcade version of the stages were and are just amazing imo. The characters in VF3 didn't have the exact same design as in VF2. It was much more improved. I'm glad that VF4's design is sort of moving in a new direction. Overall, I do personally like the look of VF4, it's more of a revolutionary jump than DoA3 is to DoA2. Everything we perceived graphically about what VF4 was to be, based on VF3 was altered when the pics and movies were released for VF4. Detail and personality on another level, lighting that was obvious, everything sticks out. Whereas with DoA3, I am blown away by the beach, but overall, it still looks too much like DoA2 to me. Of course, as pointed out before, we're looking at very early demos and most likely slapped together at last second demos.

    Put it this way:
    VF2 screams, "This is not VF1!" VF3 screams, "This ain't VF2!" DoA2 makes it a point, "This isn't Dead or Alive." VF4 even yells out, "This definitely is not VF3!" Enough so, that it could spark some small controversy and it has us wondering if the direction is good or bad. But DoA3 simply says, "This is the sequel to Dead or Alive 2."

    On a side note, I have nothing against DoA3, I'm just not shook up by what I've seen of it. It's improvements over DoA2 are subtle, which isn't a bad thing. But certainly, I cannot call it a revolutionary step.

  8. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Um isnt that why I said im dissappointed at VF4...

    I thought vf4 did look very nice, and i never contested that it wasn't that much of a jump. But DoA 3 also represents a similar jump. For some reason though, you aren't as critical of this jump as you were of vf4. With what we have seen so far (granted it wasn't the clearest of mpegs) - you should have been just as critical of DoA3, Andy - but you weren't for some reason. If DoA3 had been shown on PS2 or Naomi 2, i think you would have been as critical. But knowing your particular bias for computer graphics hardware, i am not surprised that you aren't as critical of what has been shown for XBox so far.

    <font color=red>Jyunen hayaindayo!</font color=red>

    <font color=white>adam</font color=white><font color=red>YUKI</font color=red>
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Not really adam, I dont thikn I would call it bias, though you seem to think that way. DC and N2 technology is heavily PC based. The PVR and PVR2 chips were intended for use in PC's. The X-Box technology is PC based, but it has all the advantages of a console. X-Box games should look way better than anything you see on the PC's for a while, Even fast PC's with a Geforce 3, since games have to be downward compatible.

    You like to use technical facts and figures, so for all intents and purposes, X-Box is way more powerful than a PS2 and slightly more powerful than an N2. This is why I think it can do a bigger jump from DOA2 to DOA3 then VF3 to VF4. Like I said the predicition im making is that the day DOA3 comes out it will look better than VF4. I already think the shots of the beach and the high res shots of the girl are better than the high res still shots of VF4.

    Lets wait for the final game to make the call.

  10. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I already think the shots of the beach and the high res shots of the girl are better than the high res still shots of VF4.

    Although I will ardently disagree about how the girl looks in comparison to VF4's characters, I will agree that the beach looks gorgeous...possibly better than anything we've seen so far from the VF4 mpegs.

    However, I think it needs to be said that there is a very real possibility the beach scene isn't an interactive (or perhaps even visible) part of the gameplay/stage. For all practical purposes the beach scene is a technology demo of what the Xbox can do so I don't think it would be right to compare it to N2's VF4 and extrapolate conclusions about the strength of hardware.

    Now if that beach is a stage and characters fight it out in the water with realtime splashing and stuff, I would be dead impressed.
  11. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    """VF2 screams, "This is not VF1!" VF3 screams, "This ain't VF2!" DoA2 makes it a point, "This isn't Dead or Alive." VF4 even yells out, "This definitely is not VF3!" Enough so, that it could spark some small controversy and it has us wondering if the direction is good or bad. But DoA3 simply says, "This is the sequel to Dead or Alive 2."""""

    Well put my friend~

    <font color=red>SummErs' 'enemy SPODED, enemy DOWN'

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