Someone Tell Sega before it's too late.

Discussion in 'General' started by powerincarnate, Oct 19, 2006.

  1. foda500

    foda500 Member

    HOT DOG is the best line ever really
  2. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    "I've got the advantage. You've got nothing."


    Ties for first with...

    "Presenting the BRRAAD Show."

  3. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    My fave is

    My BODY is an unSTOPable

  4. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    My fave?
    The fact they re-used VF1's dural ground impact sound for Aoi's stage... Where it doesn't fit really, since you get a metal sounding impact on wooden beams.
    Only noticed it yesterday, in a match without music.

    Least fave:
    The sound Lion's punch impacts make. They sound extremely weird to me for some reason. Especially that uppercut of his (P+K?), as if he's punching with tiny waterballoons strapped to his fingers. *spsh *spsh...

    Other than that, I'll have to go with Shag on El Blaze's line.
  5. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    How about "I'm twice the man I used to be!"-Lion? Or in Evo where he would yell "Why am I so great?!"
    Come on, Sega. Just cause he's gay doesn't mean he has to be a dork. Lee from Tekken is gay and he's cool.
  6. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    What about Sarah's "I'm your fisherman's feet"! /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif People say it's actually "I'm no pushover, sweetie", but that is bullshit!
  7. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member


  8. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    As Lee in his wannabe-sexy voice would say: "Cum ohn".
  9. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    I love what they did with Jacky. he sounds super kick ass in my opinion, even with his "Yeah!"s

    The thing that pisses me off though is how they changed voice actors for some characters, but couldn't be bothered to get rid of some of the old sounds. I hate Vanessa's smarmy new voice, and while her new moves have this one, her moves from VF4 (and its incarnations) have the cool sounding voice. wtf, anyone?

    Shun has the same issue too, and I'm guessing that's kinda the case with Jacky's "YEAH!"s and so on. Thank you Sega for demonstrating your laziness! I always admired Japanese companies for the pride they take in their voice-actors... you're an insult to your own country! (ok, maybe that's a bit far...)

    But at least for most of the characters, I can picture myself listening to the openings and picking my character's opening and closing statements, as they are pretty neat, I think. In Evo I never even considered doing it, because all the openings and closings are so lame.

    oh, and tonyfamilia: Lee is twice the man you used to be! /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  10. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ladon said:
    The thing that pisses me off though is how they changed voice actors for some characters, but couldn't be bothered to get rid of some of the old sounds.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm with you on that. I thought they should've recorded all new sounds - even if the voice actor didn't change. The production values are different and it makes the old sounds obvious and jarring.
  11. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    I agree with Sudden Death that bad voice acting is VF. Back when Brad and Goh were first introduced people said they looked like Tekken rejects. I saw El Blaze and Eileen and immediately thought they fit right in with the rest of the original characters. El Blaze's voice was one of the things that nailed the VF feel for him IMO.

    Yet his size is a bit weird I think! The first time I saw him against Jeffrey I seriously thought there was something wrong (early version or something), because it was a giant versus a dwarf! "Heavy weights are nothing to meeeee" my ass, he'd be sqwashed in mere seconds.... if he didn't have all those fancy kicks and turns :p.

    If I was to go back into gaming (& VF) I would definetely pick him up because he just looks so damn fun to play!

    Speaking of announcers, I didn't like the one they're using since Evo, which I guess is the same. The VF3/VF4 one was much more stronger and firm.
  12. kabetan

    kabetan Member

    Since I'm used to it (and the good Japanese voice acting balances it out), I like the crappy voice acting. My signature gives away whose voice acting I love the most (El Blaze's emphasis ON the wrong WORD is indeed awesome) I used to like Lion's the best though. he's so freaking annoying.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Lion said:
    "I'm twice the man I used to be!"

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Twice zero is still zero ... I love the English VF quotes <3
  13. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    I agree with what you said Ladon, except for that "Lee is twice the man I used to be" statement, ha!, more like he's twice the WOMAN I used to be, lol... hey, wait a minute...
  14. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Bu_Jessoom said:Speaking of announcers, I didn't like the one they're using since Evo, which I guess is the same. The VF3/VF4 one was much more stronger and firm.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm 100% with you on that. I loved the VF3/VF4 announcer. When I play Evo/FT, I tone out the new voice and imagine the old announcer. KAY---OH!

    Since we're griping, I'll comment on what Ladon brought up about mixing old and new voices. I'm O.K. if they mix it up I guess but I think they messed up with Lei-Fei. All of his speech except his successful dodge was changed. The new voice is great but why couldn't they just add one more to complete it. I hear Lei-Fei dodge now and I twitch.
  15. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Bu_Jessoom said:

    I agree with Sudden Death that bad voice acting is VF. Back when Brad and Goh were first introduced people said they looked like Tekken rejects. I saw El Blaze and Eileen and immediately thought they fit right in with the rest of the original characters. El Blaze's voice was one of the things that nailed the VF feel for him IMO.

    Yet his size is a bit weird I think! The first time I saw him against Jeffrey I seriously thought there was something wrong (early version or something), because it was a giant versus a dwarf! "Heavy weights are nothing to meeeee" my ass, he'd be sqwashed in mere seconds.... if he didn't have all those fancy kicks and turns :p.

    If I was to go back into gaming (& VF) I would definetely pick him up because he just looks so damn fun to play!

    Speaking of announcers, I didn't like the one they're using since Evo, which I guess is the same. The VF3/VF4 one was much more stronger and firm.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So VF has to have bad voice acting? Thats ridiculous. There is nothing saying sega can't spend a few thousand bucks and get some good voice actors for the characters and have people with personality. Its like saying just because one family has a history of cancer it would be right if someone didn't die from it.
  16. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    No it doesn't, just saying that it's become characteristic of the game and it's actually funny! Notice that the characters who have bad voice acting are those who are always acting cocky/arrogant or trash talking (Lion, Jackey, Blaze, etc) and it's hillarious at times! I will go as far as saying that El Blaze would have lost some of his charm if he didn't continuously berate his opponents like that with that hillarious voice!
  17. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    The problem with that is that in the struggle to attract new blood and more people to VF a lot of potential VF players get turned off by the excessive cheese. Not all people who play other fighters stay away from VF because it's too hard. A lot of my friends, who by the way are very skilled in other fighters such as SF series, SC, Tekken, DOA, etc.; they stay away from VF because of the annoying voices , lack of eye candy (I'm not talking about graphics), corny win/loss poses , etc.
    The driving force behind games like MK, DOA, SC, SF, and Tekken is the presentation.
    If VF looked and sounded like SC, it would be making a killing in US sales. On the other hand, if SC played as good as VF it would sell more as well. But if VF already has the gameplay, let's just add the ingredients that have made games with crappy gameplay, like DOA, sell so well.
    Enough with the simple, more traditional look. Real VF fans are not going to leave the series because Sega puts in some bikini costumes, a few bouncing boobies, a little more flash, etc. Real VF fans have stuck through bad voice acting and lame intros/outros for years. Real VF fans are here for the gameplay. They dont care if VF has a story line, revealing clothing, cool poses/sound effects/voices but there are masses of gamers out there (buying games like MK) that do$$$. After the eye candy grabs their attention and lures them in, the gameplay will make them stay. More money for VF, more money for Sega, more money for advertising, more fans. Come on, Sega, you cant lose.

    Bottom line: Sega needs to give VF a facelift that wont affect the gameplay we all love but will attract a wider audience.

    P.S. Bad voice acting is overrated, how about a change of pace? What ever happened to innovative ideas, new ideas, trying something different? They say if it aint broke dont fix it but if you compare VF sales with other fighters I think it's safe to say that the old approach is not working.
  18. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    I agree with Tony.

    Hey, Tony, did you check out some of my ideas in my first post (along with the link I gave)?

    Pretty much...all of my ideas are just presentation and extra modes and stuff because, really, that's all VF needs.

    VF has the frame down, now it's time to dress it up. Make it look and sound slick and give it a ton of options.
  19. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    What ever happened to innovative ideas, new ideas, trying something different?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And Tekken 5 and Soul Calibur 3 are different from their predecessors in a meaningful way?

    VF5 has plenty plenty more flash than VF4. There is boobage, cool costumes, more flashy moves, etc. The voice acting is cheesy but it's much better than previous installments.

    Not only that, but VF5 does do many new things to improve 3d fighters in general (although there are still many kinks to iron out).
  20. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    I read your post on that thread and I agree that your ideas would help the look of VF's interface.
    My ideas are less cosmetic though, I really dont pay too much attention to the the start up screen, option menu, etc.
    When I pop in a game like SC, Tekken, DOA or MK I usually sit back and wait to be awed by an awesome intro movie (preferably CG) that's going to make me want to show it others and get me hyped up to play the game. If the intro movie is good enough (such as in Tekken 5) after I've seen it enough times I will skip it but every once in a while I will sit there and watch it again (it's that good!). SC3's intro movie was good, but not enough to make me want to watch it over and over (maybe because my main character doesnt do much in it).

    I think that the character design in VF, when compared with other fighters, is a little boring (except for Goh). Goh's scars, pale skin, piercings and style make him unique among his cliche VF buddies. He's original and that's why Goh stands out so much from the rest of the cast. Sega doenst need to change the gameplay to give some style to those same old boring characters who BTW all seem to say the same thing ("Come on!", "Let's go").

    Graphics: love 'em; gameplay: cant get enough; visuals and audio: needs work.

    Just compare Kazuya to Akira, which one looks and sounds more 'kick ass'? Kazuya, but when you compare movelists it's easy to see that Akira has the advantage.
    Astaroth and Jeffry, Astaroth looks and sounds meaner and badder but without his ax we all know that Jeffry's fighting style would put him under the ground.
    Not all of these other games characters stand out but they all have more than just one cool-looking character.

    Bottom line: when I explained the game mechanics of VF to some friends of mine who had never played it, they were very intrigued and couldnt wait to play it and see THE 3-D fighting game that all other 3-D fighting games get their moves from.
    They loved the gameplay but as one of my friends said "Dude the gameplay is awesome, but if I have to sit through another "Yeaaaaah" from Jacky I'm gonna snap." They loved the gameplay but the extra cheese drove them away. "I've got legs of lightning!", "Why am I so great?!". Come on, Sega! Who talks like this?!

    Sega should get a team of individuals from different parts of the US and ask for feedback from us, the US gamers on the English phrases in the game. I bet that feedback would open up their eyes to just how annoying and lame most of the English-speaking characters in the game look and sound.

    I cant comment on the Japanese-speaking characters (although I will say that the voices sound really good) because I dont know what they're saying since they refuse to put subtitles. While I'm at it, I agree with whoever said that Chinese characters should speak Chinese and French speak French, etc., just please, for the love of money, put subtitles this time.

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