The Final Showdown Community Effort!

Discussion in 'Console' started by Jide, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    sounds like you're a vs CPU player?
  2. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    shockingly enough i think sega should take a note from the teams who did street fighter 4 and tekken 6 with their marketing, make a youtube channel and link your twitter stats to your gamertag. i mean there's alot more stuff they can do. XD take a note from tekken dr on the psp. weekly/month events that pays you in ingame credits and whatnot. sega really just need to step it up.
    i mean tekken got tapout items, so why can't sega go to other sports company or hell other companies here and there to show ingame. XD lol other companys did it. hell sega did it a few times themself. i mean there's alot of things they can do to really push vf5:fs up there with some of these other fighters that had great sells.
  3. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    Well as far as helping is concerned, I will be helping new comers with the game. Offer them invites to gatherings as and when they appear. Lets share our knowledge and get VF the appreciation that it deserves across europe.

    Hell! If this gets ported, I will be investing in 2 arcade sticks and both 360 and PS3 copies. I`m gonna have a lot of tutoring to do. I should be freaking paid for this [​IMG]

    Got some cool friends on PS3, I will be twisting their arms to get this game. After all, lets face it. They owe it to themselves!
  4. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Get a Scottish scene.
  5. ultralewis

    ultralewis Well-Known Member

    Oh aye! Then link them to regions/community section forum on here.
  6. DaiAndOh

    DaiAndOh Well-Known Member

    I will, barring established regular NYC tournaments, add it to the tournament series I am running right now for GGAC and BBCS.

    Oh and tell everyone to buy it of course [​IMG].
  7. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    Here is a list of good VF players known to live in Minnesota (in no particular order):

    Me (Xzyx987X)
    You (Tha FeauchA)
    None Other
    Zym Dragon
    Air Jacky
    ETPharaoh (supposed to be good but I have no idea if he's still active.)
    Toxic Sloth (once again, may no longer be active)

    There may also be others that I'm not aware of, or wasn't able to find by searching. Seems like a pretty good start to me. If we can snag a few more good players when FS comes out, we might just have an honest to God scene on our hands.
  8. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Jhow77, and Air Jacky? Pff, them cats are scrubs. It's coo though, i'm hella down for some offline action. We'll have to figure out where we all live near one of these days.
  9. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    FS Launch Party at my house.. [​IMG]

    Booze, Hookers & VF5 Final Showdown!

    Edit: Actually forget the hookers...and the booze
  10. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    If you wanna do It i can bring booze. We could sort out the hookers as well.
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  11. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Assuming the game is coming out (I believe it will), I'll attend any gatherings I can, and for the console side of it, I'll get the rival list and customisations lists sorted. If some other folks want to help me with the other characters, let me know.
  12. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I can do Wolf, Akira, Blaze or Jacky's items as they will be the first characters I play through with.
  13. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    hahah it's like Christmas on this forum. Refreshing.
  14. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    count me in for helping with Eileen's stuff.
  15. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    When I set up for parties for fighting games I like to have a 1 t.v. to 3 people ratio. If you have alot of guests see if you can have some of your guests bring a set up or stuff towards the set up. Realistically its difficult to own alot of tvs and thats when u turn to the community. Plus I would need copies for both systems obviously.
  16. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Anyone thought about doing podcasts/interviews??? I mean SRK does it, Melty Bread does it, even Tekken players and Dustloop I believe have it. I'm just wondering if anyone has attempted starting it, or something. It would be kinda cool to get top players here on VFDC and elsewhere interviewed and just to have VF strat. combos, and other VF related talk pushed out to those that love the game, or those that aren't really heavy in the game but enjoy the scene and wanna learn more about it.
  17. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    You'd have to do more than that I think. I'm thinking about documenting the actual struggle to get FS released in this piece lol! My inspiration being the picture with the VF fans empty chair.

    I'm down to start something once I get my new setup. I'm actually batting around a VF inspired fan movie with some friends.

    A whole new level of nerd is coming your way. I'm sure I can get
    ahold of some NyC heads at the end of the day. Have final cut, will edit.
  18. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Anyone thought about doing podcasts/interviews??? I mean SRK does it, Melty Bread does it, even Tekken players and Dustloop I believe have it. I'm just wondering if anyone has attempted starting it, or something. It would be kinda cool to get top players here on VFDC and elsewhere interviewed and just to have VF strat. combos, and other VF related talk pushed out to those that love the game, or those that aren't really heavy in the game but enjoy the scene and wanna learn more about it. </div></div>
    If im not totally wrong, we had somethong like this. Leonard was doing some in the past with Krye and Mackfactor(?) on his site.
    But afaik there haven´t been any new ones for some time now.
  19. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    That would be dope!!! Shoot, just documenting the struggle of getting a newer VF period would be great... Put that joint on MSN and a bunch of other sites so it can inspire some people...

    Yeah I know it would take more, but I mean outside of VFDC and maybe SRK, who really talks about VF (positively and in a productive manner)??? Ok there's, but they're waiting for it just like we are, but there's not strat talk or anything like that...

    I mean if fucking Aris and MYK can start up some Tekken talk/other game bashing podcast, why can't we??? Those dudes got so much props and recognition for it, too, and Harada even listens to it...

    Granted its just a stepping stone, but the tourneys, and all the other possible events and podcast would eventually get people saying, "What's all the hype for?" Then they see, "Oh, its VF5FS... I just might go and get it!" Then they get it, and start getting active in chatting here (and elsewhere) about strats and things like that. They'll listen to the podcasts which might inform them of an event or something, or maybe even help them understand why Akira is an intimidating character to learn, and why most people pick Jacky or Lei-Fei over Akira (just saying that for the sake of argument although it might be true). They might even show up at a local tourney or 2, or even at a major VF event, which in turn will get others to notice and thus they are "infected" with the "VFitis".

    I mean people know about VF but they don't always "know" about VF. And players stop playing because the scene is so small. Those players also say "this is hard, blah blah blah", and don't really know all the shortcuts in certain moves, combos, etc... The scene can grow, but if there isn't much to see on the scene, no one will know about it. Maybe I'm overhyping myself, but so what...
  20. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    If im not totally wrong, we had somethong like this. Leonard was doing some in the past with Krye and Mackfactor(?) on his site.
    But afaik there haven´t been any new ones for some time now. </div></div>

    Yes, I've been to that site, and I really liked how things were explained, such as doing a TE from sideturned positions. I don't think people really knew about sites like that, and I think that should be changed. I remember when VF5 first came out and Srider made a few tutorial vids, those were great imo. I don't know how many views he got for those, but anyone that was new to VF should've looked at them at least 100 times or so... Myke had a vid also regarding wall combos (I'm not sure if he was the one that made it, or someone else, someone please confirm) and it was very informative. Things like that need heavy promotion.

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