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There's life left in VF5!

Discussion in 'General' started by Llanfair, Nov 29, 2009.

  1. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    You, Ultralewis? Manaknight,DFC, Darth.

    Must be more than that, surely
  2. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Me, DFC, UltraLewis, manaknight, Darth and Faded.

    Sorry, 2 hands.
  3. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    But hasn't that been going on since VF4 vanilla? Item only updates or non-balance updates have been implemented before. VF5 version D was merely an update to add more costumes. VF5R seems to be balanced enough right? At least more balanced than any other game currently being played. If AM2 only did one more major revision (like a Final Tuned) and then continued to only add items would you still not be satisfied with how VF is handled in the arcades in Japan regarding updates?

    And I would hardly say that 'fluff' appeals to hardcore gamers. The items usually appeal to casuals more than the hardcore. If Sega were to say "this move is going from -10 to -12" then the hardcore would certainly pay attention. But "El Blaze is getting a homing pigeon costume" is not something I would think is on the more hardcore player's radar.

    Metal Gear Online 2.0 does the same thing. Konami will release balance patches periodically, tweaking guns, or skills, or changing game rules. And then once a year add a major revision and add new maps, characters, modes, and skills. But for the most part they'll release monthly or quarterly updates for new costumes for your character. Those minor updates don't prevent major updates from occurring down the road so I don't see a problem with them. Save with VF.
  4. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    Darrius Cole HD
    Well I've just begun to play VF5 online. I've been on the VFDC board since VF4:Evo. There is no arcade scene in my town and I didn't have an Xbox 360 (I don't believe in the system and I absolutely HATE the 360 D-pad) so I have been away from the scene for the last couple of years. However, I just got an Xbox and a stick so I've begun to play VF5.

    Although I've been playing VF for years, Xbox live allows me to play against human competition for the first time. Thus I feel like I'm finally playing VF for the first time.

    By the way, if anyone here should happen to play me, I'm not going to quit if you beat me. However, I will save the match. So if you, beat me, and offer a rematch and it seems like its taking a long time for me to accept it; don't leave; I'll accept after I have saved the match.

    On the life still left in VF question.... VF will always have a small but very dedicated following. The fact is VF is just too cerebral for the common gamer. But, people who love VF simply can not find a substitute for it. Other games have gaping, game-breaking holes in them once you get to analytical levels. The thing is most people can not be that cerebral.
  5. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    No, Version D was not just to add more costumes and items. Even though gameplay changes were not made, they made significant changes to the game itself, adding two new modes, Knockout Trial + Open Battle, the latter of which is probably the best thing to happen to the VF scene in terms of keeping people playing.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">And I would hardly say that 'fluff' appeals to hardcore gamers. The items usually appeal to casuals more than the hardcore. If Sega were to say "this move is going from -10 to -12" then the hardcore would certainly pay attention. But "El Blaze is getting a homing pigeon costume" is not something I would think is on the more hardcore player's radar. </div></div>

    The fluff that they added to version D DOES NOT appeal to casuals. The major additions were battle stats accessible only by PC/keitai (who other than the hardcore is interested in that?) and team items, which can only be purchased if you are on a team, and which require so much god damn money that only the hardcore players who have accumulated the cash would get. Did I mention that there are only two team items available? One of which is ALREADY in the game (flag banner... which costs 1 million gold). The items added are not purchasable but only available via item capsules, and most of them are locked away in the large/medium item capsules. Shit, even though I have played the game for the past year and a half, I have only been able to unlock THREE large item capsules, and maybe six medium item capsules. I don't even know how any casual player would even manage to get those, short of just purchasing them via auction.
  6. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    You and I are the same.

    I too have a very difficult time playing VF5 when I have VF5R staring me right in the face. It's not that I don't like the game anymore, shit I still play it offline with HerkDawgIII. We actually stopped playing SFIV in favor of going back to VF5 as it just holds up better over time.

    Now I'm banging out T6BR with good competition and it's a lot of fun too. Yes I miss VF, yes I still play VF, I'm just not going to be playing it online that much anymore. Now if the next VF came out I'd be all over it again.
  7. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Yo , I have no recollection of leaving a mirror match w/ your Lau. I could have been working as there are times when I am at home, but also on duty and have to leave at random times. I am always down for Lau mirrior matches. Can't remember avoiding your Brad, though it is possible. Sometimes the shoo just overwhelms me and I move on. This was worse when Shin Akira was playing. He raised the ceiling on how hard to beat a spammer could be, imo. Then again, I don't know Brad well enough to even know what he was doing, minus DMPK which I recognize. [​IMG]

    It is way more fun to play vs characters you understand. It is not fun knowing that you are doing totally inappropriate shit because you don't get what's going on.

    I would also rather play against someone who who isn't at a huge disadvantage because my character is confusing to them. I think some people really like to take advantage of weird or hard to understand moves and base their character choice on that. Maybe I think too much.

    Anyway, I'll play your Brad. We fought recently with JE vs. BR and that was fun. I like to try and smack that annoying metrosexual around. [​IMG]
  8. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    That's your fault.

    I used to make it my business to tell people how to beat Sarah, how to beat me, and how to beat My Sarah. ESPECIALLY if they asked.

    There's plenty of other people that have done the same, Glory and Lucky come to mind with their characters, and me and Denkai would always talk about what we can do to both Sarah and Jacky whenever we would play too.
  9. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    I was trying to get back into VF5 a little while ago, but the online scene was almost dead. I could maybe get one good set a day with a decent player. I'd play offline, but it's just not nearly as fun as playing with a real person. That's why I picked Tekken 6 up a few days ago, and I intend to be playing it for at least the next couple of months. But honestly, it's hard to ignore that it's not as good of a game as VF5. I'd be back on the VF bandwagon in a second if there was a dependable way to get online competition. Maybe we should set up an online ladder, or regular online tournaments, or something that gives people an excuse to keep playing on a regular basis.
  10. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Honestly, for all you people that don't want to play vanilla 5 anymore please stop posting, because it just seems like an excuse and nobody wants to here your justification of falling off the VF5 Vanilla bandwagon. Go enjoy your games and wait for R, cool. For now, VF5 is here and I plan to keep playing, so lets get this thread back on track and find all the players that WANT TO PLAY!

    Not just vanilla 5..
    Just two more scoops please..
  11. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    Kaminari fully got to the point that I had thought about making long ago. Thanks for that.

    It's funny that, actually, my amount of hours playing VF has never ceased. I'm exactly playing as much VF as when it came out, if not more.

    So, anyone up for a match? (Got an interesting Goh here ... - decent connection to the States as well ...)
  12. Mista_tee

    Mista_tee Well-Known Member

    There is still life for Vf in me. Yes I am always playing T6 or batman right now, but like I said before send me an invite (and wait for me to reply.....Tony) and I will play. Although some of the people who complain about not having anyone to play are the same people who don't ask if anyone wants to play. Sitting in a player match lobby doesn't work anymore. Or maybe it’s just no one aside from T-fam and Noneother wants to play me. What ever....

    lanfair, talk to Johnson lets have a gathering
  13. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Whatever man, I don't know why alot of you guys seemingly act so fuckin bitter. I'll never understand that. If someone stops playing to do something else with their lives it's ok, but if someone ends up playing another fighter instead of VF people flip their personalities around.
  14. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    I play VF5, T6, SC4, and SF4 and a bunch of other fighters equally, so there's no bias in my eyes... I would like to have VF5R just like anyone else here, but I still rock out on VF5, and VF3 on my dreamcast... Actually my dreamcast died today, so I have to buy another one... I haven't been online in awhile because I'm in Bahrain til Friday, and the connections suck out here... So I've just been practicing my Lau, Feng, Noel, and Zasalamel (etc) strats/combos...
  15. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Did someone just call for a shakedown?!? What? We did have a semi regular competition called "The ShoutBox Shakedown" see mah out of date sig.

    Quite a few people participated too and it was fun. The problem is the elites didn't feel it was worth their time. Others who were average to poor players felt overwhelmed. Its cool though we still had between 6-8 people playing of
    a relatively competitive level. It just faltered like most other online endeavors competitively outside of shooters.

    Now that I'm about to get back on live I'm down to do it again.

    When we playin?
  16. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Worstplayer, I'm one of the average players that never took part of the shakedown cuz of the scheduled time. 8pm on Sunday night is Animation Domination night. VF is awesome and all but I can't play while The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad and now The Cleveland Show are on.
    Plus on Sundays is when I do most of my chores anyway so the whole day is pretty much full from the moment I get out of church. By the time that 7pm rolls around I'm just tired and I just want to sit down and watch shows.
    BUT if there's a sports event on Fox instead of my regular shows or it's a night of repeats which I don't want to watch again, I will gladly join you guys [​IMG]

    Happy Friend, I'm glad that my silly notion was wrong [​IMG] See you on the battlefield!
  17. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    My bad again, Mista Tee, I will try my best to not invite you to play when I'm hosting a public session since it seems that somebody else always joins right before you do. Please trust and believe that the next time I invite you it will be private and I will wait.
    I highly doubt that only me and None Other are the only two that want to play you. I'm sure that there are many other players here that want to play you... but maybe the're scared of your ass kicking skills [​IMG]
  18. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Some people just found it difficult cause of the time zone difference?
  19. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Wassup man!?!?!? I move to Cali soon, so I gotta get my internet n stuff setup... I'm still working on my JE, but LA, BR, AO, and LI need some attention though... My LI is okay for now, but I'm pretty sure I could use a few pointers... I'm down for some T6, SC4, and BB KOF98(heavy d! FTW) matches, too...
  20. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Hope it's gonna be SoCal!

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