VF in Belgium and The Netherlands

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Ogi, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. buMf00d

    buMf00d Well-Known Member

    I'm not 100% sure if I can make it /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif

    I just talked to my boss and I'll have to work from 8-5 tomorrow which means saturday is a no-go for me. On Sunday I have to work from 8-2 meaning i won't be able to get to harderwijk until it's at least 5. If another meeting comes up at some other time I'd be more than happy to join in on that one but with Christmas coming up my work is really busy and there's not much I can do about it /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  2. akebueno

    akebueno Well-Known Member

    on the tft screen...my mistake its a d-sub and dvi-d instead of a vga. hope you guys read it in time...
  3. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    nevermind, just spoke to you on the phone
  4. buMf00d

    buMf00d Well-Known Member

    well day 1 of christmas madness at work finished -_-

    i worked from 8 till 6.30 and it was just too damn busy. I'm so tired right now that i even have trouble typing this. I really want to make it next time around but I'll have to pass up on the meet today and tomorrow /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  5. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Kinda bummed I had to be the first one to leave (well the second one after dennis) but that was fun guys. And thanks for the hospitality Ake.
  6. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    hey guys, what a nice meeting.
    it was so cool we had such a turn up and so many tvs to play on, great stuff!

    i liked that we did more tournaments, the last one was maybe a bit too much as everyone was so dead (only reason sofiane could win, no other explaination possible :p) playing casual is great, but being able to really focus is great.

    thanks ake for hosting! your mum said she didn't have any problem with our noiseyness, but to be honest i didn't believe her.

    yrvin: nice playing man, i saw a lot of wolf and not so much lau, but it's always cool to see wolf in action. you felt less stable as previous times, maybe it was the 360 sticks, maybe it was just that i was looking at the wrong moments.

    ake: you too played a lot less stable than your last meeting, but still high quality stuff! was surprised at your eileen lightweightcombos very damaging, very scary. you should put some more time into her i think, but don't forget about shun. it was sooooo hard in our jeff vs shun matches to win from you in that open river stage, i couldn't pressure, but was scared to be attacked also because of all those superannoying lows and cancels and mixes he has, great job, hard to see when you throw too. i did find it surpising that when we played a small walled stage after the win ratio totally changed around, did you win 7 of 10 in the open stage, i would win 7 of 10 in the closed. next time a will play more defensive against you and see what happens.

    sofiane: next time we should play more, wanted to play more blaze against you, but it just didn't happen. i hope your akira levels up again cause i missed him this meeting. you have a great game going with him but it felt like your adaptablility was very low this weekend with him, you should use more simple pressure tactics vs ppl your normal game doesn't work against. punishment still doesn't happen fully, evade P+K is also tracking, use more lows against aoi so you can keep pressure going (low hitthrow?).
    too bad i didn't see those things, but still some enjoyable matches from you and leifei.

    fuulani: you're getting better all the time dude. you should really let go of the game you have going now though, what i mean with that is that you use a limited movelist of eileen, some mixes and stuff work out great, but there are times you get yourself into problems because you stay within the moves you are using. try to test the opponant out: spam some strngs, throw in punishable stuff, cancel from the worst situations possible to see what happens and how the opponant reacts, if it works on them and they don't react, you know it's stuff you can use again against him. but great stuff though, there where a lot of exciting matches you played in the tournaments!

    spoon: your aoi has gotten a lot better, sometimes you would really pressure the opponant when the time was right and your spacing was a lot better: less whiffs, more whiff punishes, you mixed your throws a lot better too, that was nice to see. i saw you use more different moves at the beginning of the meeting but you went back to your standard moveset later on, you should really work on those moves, it would add so much to your game. also i would like to say that you should look out for all the 2ps you are using, sometimes it works out niceley, but i saw that at times you would get kicked around so much just for using them. it would save you a lot of damage by evading more if you are pressured or using your sabakis. great progress though.

    voritgar: you played great this weekend, very stable. your execution errors have left the building but i saw you sometimes give up if you got beat up a bit but forgetting to techroll or forgetting you dashback or apply pressure etc. your pressuregame has gotten so much better over the last meetings, it's hard to get in between it and it's probabaly your strongestpoint of your game, but really start mixing those throws and lows in to keep people guessing.
    speaking for myself, i'm just waiting for you to finish pressuring or seeing a hole in it and attacking back, i don't feel pressured in my mind that i am constantly having to look for solutions to get out of this situation. i think i've said this 1000s of times now to you and you're probabaly sick of it, but it would make your game pressurewise and damagewise maybe even twice as good, so it's really something i want to see next time dude!!
  7. buMf00d

    buMf00d Well-Known Member

    Hell week finally finished -_- I feel so bad not having been able to make it to the meet :<. I wanted to be there so bad if only to learn the basics of the game a bit more but now I've got 2 days off to practice the game a lot and finally decide on what character I want to use. If there is another meeting in the nearby future I would love to come /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  8. akebueno

    akebueno Well-Known Member

    Yo peeps, well to start off i liked to thank everyone for their attendance! Especially Vortigar, Spoon and Fulaani for bringing their consoles and NGKrush who travelled over three hours (damn!) to play with us. The meeting was a blast!

    Well NGKrush covered most of the comments, so i just like to add some and of course the tournament results!

    The first was a knockout tournament:
    Vort > Sof Yrv < NGK
    Vort < NGK

    Final = Ake < NGK

    Ful < Ake
    Den < Ful Ake > Spo

    A lot of players used their alternative characters in this one which was fun to see. I think i have seen every single characters save for lion this meeting.

    2nd tour:
    1st: Spo
    2nd: Ngk
    3rd: Yrv
    4th: Ake
    5th: Vor
    6th: Ful
    7th: Sof
    8th: Den

    Spoon was on fire as was NGKrush with 5 and 6 wins respectively. Thus it came down to the last match up between the two which ended with a thriller in favour of Spoon (2-1).

    3rd tour:
    1st: Sof
    2nd: NGK
    3rd: Yrv
    4th: Vor
    5th: Ake
    6th: Spo

    Sof returned to form with winning all matches. Also this was the only time we played the tour on the 360 version which meant that i had to play stick for the first time because of the inferior 360 controller.

    It has been awhile since we last played. So it was difficult to judge your progress. But it is without question that you played very well in the tour with stylish play, planting your foot in everyones face with 66k. Congrats btw! It was surprising that you didn’t take a win in the 3rd tour. Maybe it was the fatique kicking in, but i didn’t see much of the focused play in earlier matches such as revesals. Also saw you fiddling with other characters, which is going to be your secundary?

    I saw that you already have a good game going on with el blaze. Especially those stomach crumples into low throw. (damn, another one? I’m looking at you wolf!) Too bad i played your jeff more than your el blaze. I thought in our jeffry vs shun matches you already toned down your offensive manners. Whereas in previous matches i would catch you in a sabaki a lot more. And yeah, in the small walled stage it was more difficult for me to move around and drink up, whereas you had more ease with your pressuring.

    Unlike ngk i think you were stable as always, but i also have the feeling there could be more for you. I have seen this a couple of times in the previous meetings too, that you play very well and completely dominating your opponent to get ahead by 2-0 and then to continue to lose in the end by 2-3. I haven’t quite figured that one out yet.

    There was alot of improvement in your game. It seemed you knew when to go into ducking instead of spamming it. You had a lot of peeps attacking at the wrong time although i think i had you figured in the last couple of matches we played. In the 2nd tour i thought you had taken care of your tournament anciety because you played like in the casual matches. Just control your emotions and you’ll be fine.

    Nice to meet you man. I was very surprised when you said that this was your first vf and had been playing only since recently. Great variation in cancels! just need to upgrade your defense!

    Dude, we have to stop forgetting to play eachother! Only bad things can come from it /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Your akira was owned this meeting, wtf? Lei fei and jacky were solid, but don’t forget about akira!

    Nice to see you could make it! For a first timer i think you did well. The attack, block, throw game is solid. Just dont forget about the other basics such as techrolling and punishing. Also look to the move list some more as you were dishing out only a select number of moves which became predictable.

    A cool weekend with
    - up and downs in consistency,
    - improvements in defense (throw escapes),
    - missed punishing opportunities (brads 66k comes to mind, but also the low sweeps)
    - hellafalotta fun
  9. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

  10. Sofiane

    Sofiane Well-Known Member

    First of all, many,many thx to Akebueno for hosting and helping me get home. Thx mate!!!

    Hmm, this weekend was a lot of fun, finally got to play the game on the 360 and I kinda like the changes for both Akira as Jacky.
    I hadn't had the chance to practice much since the meeting before, and it really showed when I played Akira. First I played some matches on the 360 against Fuulani, who played quite well for someone with not so much experience. After that we immediately started the first tournament so I hadn't had the chance to play some matches on my own stick (360 stick was ok but I had trouble with some things, like the knee which I can get quite consistently on my own stick). Because of this I decided to play Jacky instead. Got to play against Vortigar and lost 3-2 against his Brad, which is quite annoying to play against most of the time :).

    After that we played another tournament and I still didn't got the chance to play some casuals to warm up proper. But I thought , fuck it, I'm going to play Akira anyway. Lost a lot again, but so be it. Props for both NGKrush and Spoon for winning these 2 tournaments.

    After the 2 tournaments, I could finally played some casuals, and this time I could get used to my stick again. Played a first to 10 against Spoon and won 10-6, so I got my revenge in a way.

    The next day after playing some casuals, we did a 3rd tournament and I decided to play a toptier in the name of Lei Fei. This time it was a lot easier to handle some people, because they didn't really know what to do against him, and his mixups are too much sometimes. So I defeated everyone with him and won the 3rd tournament. Actually I've kinda cheated myself out on this one, cuz I was not using one of my mains. Oke, enough rambling on about this stuff, time to dissect the players at the meeting:

    Akebueno: Of course, I had to start with the host. Very nice play with Shun and Eileen, I was cheering for you in the first tournament, cuz you played very well at that time and made it into the finals. Keep it up and try to improve Shun even more. Again many thx for hosting and bringing me to home after I missed the last bus.

    Mikeleroi: Solid Wolf, as always, and even Lau was having a good run this weekend. Try to improve these 2 and win the next tournament, as you have one of the best defense in NL.

    NGKrush: HOTDOG!!!! your Blaze was on fire, just like your apartment was last week! Lol, jokes aside, you were really beasting with the little guy this time and you were playing a bit more defensive this time, which I liked. Good job on winning that first tournament.

    Spoon: The surprise of the weekend. Last meeting I didn't had the impression that you improved, but this weekend it was the other way around. Solid play especiialy during the 2nd tournament which you won. Always a tough time against you when I'm playing Akira. On sunday I think your energy was gone as you played a lot worse than on Saturday, but what the hell you already won a tournament, so fuck that.

    Fuulani: The other surprise of the weekend. Solid play with Eileen, I never knew the bitch can be as annoying as Pai. Keep it up and you will improve a lot in no time. Also nice display of Kage's shoryuken, hopefully you will play him as 2nd and keep him at the same level as your Eileen.

    Vortigar: I think I had the most trouble against you Brad this weekend. Most of the time I tried something, I was getting interrupted in one way or another, and it was frustrating the shit outta me. Solid play, and just like other said, try to keep your cool at times. I know, I had the same pissed off attitude this weekend, but it was more because of myself than because of the other one's character.

    Ake's friend: Good to hear you had a fun time. Try to play some more against Ake and develop that Lau better, at times you really played well and almost made other guys run for their money.

    I want to hold a meeting somewhere in the 2nd week of January to keep people's interest in the game up.

    Greetz, Sofiane
  11. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Great weekend in no small part due to the location itself, thx Ake.

    Mikeleroi: Weird matches, put you aside without much trouble first and then got utterly destroyed later... I was surprised to see you wheel out Lau, but you've got some tricky stuff with him too. I don't know much about Wolf, but your Lau's repertoire can still be expanded quite a bit (tiger stance setups for one), I'd hate to be at the receiving end of that after you've played some more matches with him.

    Sofiane: Saw your Tekken matches online, if you'd've been playing 'not crap' as you call it, you could've won that tournament. I was really saddened to see Akira go in favour of Lei and Jacky. The latter of which I haven't faced. Deadly Lei you got there, stick with him if you feel like it, to hell with the rest of us. Brad need more games, meetings good...

    NGKrush: Getting whipped through character matching thrice did make me a bit sour, but that's my problem. Both your Blaze and Jeff were on fire at different occasions. The ring out bit was doubly annoying for me because I wasn't actually going for the ring out, but just wanted a little edge to chip away that last little bit of life you had left. I always back off when I reach the edge of the ring against you so I thought I'd go with it for one time... Bad decision. I want a walled stage next time dagnabbit! (I almost never get those against you) And I really need to hammer those low throw escapes in.

    Spoon: The only thing I can do is hammer home my game and try to keep it unpredictable. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't, and its always harrowing to see it come to dust. The Aoi vs Goh bit was absolutely insane, I stood no chance whatsoever. Great stuff.

    Akebueno: Thanks for hosting. Like Mike it was weird to see you switch character, certainly after the massive success you had with Shun last time around. I still think he's the more powerful force in your arsenal but Eileen had me stumped a number of times as well.

    Fulaani: When I first started playing opponents 'in the flesh' I was up against Tekken players who had recently converted to VF and I still got my ass handed to me even with a couple of years in VF4E. To be able to walk in and stand a fighting chance against people who've been playing on the couch for close to a year now is no mean feat. I'm impressed.

    Dennis: Came from VF2? That explains a few things. A lot of pretty basic stuff is lacking and you have no idea what three quarters of the movelists of the characters are but given a little room you put on a good display of mixups. All you need is some more time with the game to get a feel for the changes.

    As for myself:
    In retrospect I see a lot of things that I was doing right at the last meeting and totally forgot about this time around (Phasing Turn Shovel Hook remained unused for one). I did manage to hit sway back at exactly the right time a few times, which surprised me as well actually. If I manage to incorporate all of it at once I really should be able to actually win a tournament. It was really good to hear people say that they think of me as one of the most annoying opponents. And I really need to find a working alternative character to mess around with in the sleepy hours.

    Yes, I have been whining about characters, but that's more about my inability to deal with them correctly whilst I do know what to do. I really do get emotional, it goes on to the point where I get a knot in my stomach and even a headache sometimes, I just need to get my act together and shut up at times like those. I've been in couselling for it, but it was nothing that required therapy or anything, I just need to work it out for myself. The English term is that I need life-experience, shit, writing that when you're 24 makes you feel like 12. I think I was also tired and not thinking too straight.
  12. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    nice writing vort,
    the thing with meetings is that sleepyness does effect your results many times on the last day, but i feel it's always good to push yourself on ther last day. all the bigger tournaments i've been to i've had to experience myself playing worse because of bad sleep the night before, so it's good practise to get use to it(if we ever get the chance to enter a bigger tournament for vf in europe).

    i had the problem you had too at the beginning, i would not know what to do and fall back into a simple game, but i have now learned to just put it aside when playing, just saying to myself: ok twan, reset, what situation are you in now? and keep going, only afterthe match will i give myself time to think about what went wrong.

    had some nice games vs bumfood online, he's a new player, it's noticable, but he picked up things pretty quickly, i hope you can make it to the next meeting dude, i think you'll pick up a lot of stuff there.

    also wanted to say i had some great games vs our old friend knee, he played a badass akira and his ractiontimes where of the hook, even for online. great escaping throws, fuzzyguarding, evades. we had a nice constant connection (a little lag, but because of it being constant you could play into it) so i hope we can play some games again before i leave for haarlem and my non-internet excistance /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  13. buMf00d

    buMf00d Well-Known Member

    I've gotten a little better NGKrush, i played around with some easy combos in free training getting the timing down and the commands and I've stopped elbowing every single time I get someone down on the ground at least :p

    I'm doing less and less useless moves so that's a good thing /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  14. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Thanks for being the host this time around Ake, plenty of space and comfy sitting.
    I'll keep this short, not much I can add after all these essay's.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">After the 2 tournaments, I could finally played some casuals, and this time I could get used to my stick again. Played a first to 10 against Spoon and won 10-6, so I got my revenge in a way. </div></div> I wasn't aware we were playing first to 10 lol
    Always love playing against your akira though. The fake trashtalk was also good fun. That blasted Lei-fei of yours, I shall take my revenge. I swear it on Kage's beard.

    Leatherpants: Your wolf made micemeat out of me. Couldn't break through your defense at all and you punished me for great damage. An other great trashtalker :p

    Kroetje: Not much has to be said here, Fire etc. Good stuff
    You just seemed kinda grumpy at times (or perhaps just 100% serious), but perhaps that's just my imagination.

    Ake: First some Eileen fun and then some Shun action. We kinda missed each other for some meetings so it was hard for me to gauge in what way you improved or played differently. I found it hard to play against your backdashing&drinking ways. A lethal tactic.

    Vortigar: Many lols were had, well at your expense but lol's nevertheless. :p Aside from that, I didn't found your Brad to be all that annoying. I hated your vanessa with a burning passion though, so i'm kinda glad you swapped chars /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
    Just stay cool, keep practicing and you'll easily be a contender for a first place in a tourney.
    Again thanks for the ride, had fun talking about baldurs gate on the road back /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Altaïr: Good stuff, the only one to defeat me on my championship road. Damn that monkey triple kick!

    Spoon: Awesome dude, totally champion and such! Many love and hugs.
  15. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    word, let this be known.

    (lol let the altair thing go though, in real life the group he belongs to: the hashashin, we´re an enemy to my own people, and also to the christians.)
  16. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    yeah, i'd hate you for naming me after a ubisoft character...

    @spoon: i think it was a combination of me being very tired during the whole meeting (school on saturday takes all my energy for the whole weekend), trying to be focussed and being even more tired from not sleeping well.. also, many times i don't understand your humor(i don't think i ever will as we've known eachother for so long now, haha)
  17. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    why the hell do you have school on sat?

    btw sofiane if you host a meet i´m there as long as it´s in the weekend.
  18. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Bah, I just like Altaïr better as a nickname than Fulaani =P
    I didn't meant it in a way that would imply you being part of or in any way associated with the hashashin. (Yes, I did said "Assassin on the move" but that's because you were sneaking around at 7o clock =P and assassin =/= hashashin) Once i've picked a nick for someone its kinda hard for me to let go. If you really mind then i'll try my best to drop it.

    @Krush: You've been tired the last 3 times that I saw you. You really ought to get some more rest before you attent to meetings /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif As for my humour, it kinda became a mix of internet, anime, 4chan and shit (one could argue that the last 2 are the same thing). I already accepted the fact that you'll never reach the level of coolness required to understand it though, no worries there =P
  19. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    yep, been so busy with everything, mostly tired at any moment i sit still. i go to private school, so thats why my lessons are on saturday.

    hey nice games online fuulani:
    *you should really get your close combat game together, dashing back makes it very easy to predict and defend against your attacks, eileens speel is in strings and they are all close. the stuff you're doing up close is working great. backdashing isn't bad, but you go all the way to the other side of the screen, if you just backdash a little (so that the opponants moves will whiff) you can keep pressure on if you predict/see what they are going to do, or punish their whiffed attacking attemps.
    *you've stopped attack as much after block which is great, very good evading and using succesfull evades, it keeps me on my toes on what to do when it's my turn to attack.
    *the flowcharts you have are working great, but don't forget to mix them up more if things get blocked/escaped.

    looking forward to the meeting sofiane
  20. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    lol oh wow private school huh.

    yea the backdashing is a stupid thing I do. Ive been getting owned so much lately online I get scared and just run away, literally. I just need to get inthere and keep on the presure. I tested out this new tactic tricky was doing on me yesterday and it worked like a charm on you 2 or 3 times, that felt really good.

    and yea looking forward to the meet aswell. I spoke to Jundori and Bumfood and they seem to be interested, especially bumfood. I assume it´ll be on the weekend? WHere do you live sofiane?

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