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VF Online Play Etiquette?

Discussion in 'General' started by Keoma, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. Keoma

    Keoma Well-Known Member

    Edit: The title should say "etiquette"!

    I just started playing VF online on Friday. I'm using Akira and I'm losing about 99% of the matches, lol. I was wondering, once you've played an lost to a person a bunch of times in a row, is it better to ask if they want to keep playing you? I'm just worrying that I'm boring them to death, since I'm more like a moving punching bag at this point.

    Any other unwritten rules a newbie should know?
  2. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    I won't worry about it so much. If the person does not want to play you anymore, he or she can just decline the match. Just don't take that as offensive either.
    Keoma likes this.
  3. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    I usually try 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 5 per person in ranked you'll feel when someone wants to keep fighting you.
    Keoma likes this.
  4. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Yeah, pretty much what Akai said. I always worry I'm being a bore when I find someone like Cha-mame3 or Rodnutz in ranked, 'cos I love playing against super strong players like that, but I rarely get more than one or two wins. I always thank them for the games, and after a while, I'll send them a message saying that, if they're losing interest, they can feel free to decline my challenges and I won't take offence or view it as 'dodging'. They rarely do though - the best players are usually the most gracious - they're in it to play the game and as long as you show enough understanding of the game's mechanics that you're playing 'properly' (meaning not just spamming at random or just having one 'gimmick' tactic, like El Blaze Rocket attacks from range over and over with no variation, for example), then they'll likely play 'till one of you has to leave.
    Keoma likes this.
  5. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    I fail to see how anybody would want to decline free wins.
    Keoma likes this.
  6. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    The only real online etiquette is to try your best to not be an asshat and don't D/C when losing. Other than that, have at it.

    Most strong players, if they are enjoying the match, will gladly except your challenge because once you get to a certain level, people stop challenging you. If they don't want to fight anymore, they'll just decline. Send a quick "gg" to them, and move on.
    Keoma likes this.
  7. mikewells

    mikewells Member

    yeah, I think just get stuck in, people will jump into other games after your match if they don't want to play anymore, with no hard feelings either way.
    Keoma likes this.
  8. soke

    soke Well-Known Member

    Yea I share the same sentiment with akai.

    We've played akira mirror matches quite a few times OP. I don't mind at all. If I was looking to play someone else at the time I'd simply decline. No harm done.
    Keoma likes this.
  9. Gear Wolfen

    Gear Wolfen Well-Known Member

    Gear Wolfen
    My problem is that most high ranked fighters wont play me becaus i was
    Raider rank
    Keoma likes this.
  10. Keoma

    Keoma Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the input, people!
  11. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    I also think these things sorts out themselves.

    For my own part, i'll try challenging various persons i find interesting, ranging from close to my rank to as far above as i am in the mood for.
    If a person declines two times in a row (though it's hard dechipering those PSN-network messages), then i'll just leave him be.

    When it comes to receiving challenges, i have taken a personal vow to never decline any challenge - though that is hazardous at times when i am at a sensitive spot (promotion/demotion) and a known-beater-of-me challenges me.
    But i still stubbornly accept
    - figuring that if i am sometime close to a promotion, beating someone i previously did not is a personally worth accomplishment.

    I also have a notebook, in which i scribble down new opponents name, and make marks when either i or them win, and some quick playstyle note - for further reference.
    I don't know if anyone else keeps personal scores like that? : )

    On another topic of "ettiquette", i have never thought that button-mashers, or people playing in odd styles as being illegal, if i met a repetive player that i couldn't beat, i also see that as a random game-challenge - and i believe everything has a way to be dealt with in VF.
    Neonomide, Keoma and Gear Wolfen like this.
  12. Gear Wolfen

    Gear Wolfen Well-Known Member

    Gear Wolfen
    You sir,are the most positive thinking player i have ever come across and i believe i need to take a page from your book. Froklm now on if someone mashes me out or spams me in just going to remid myself that t happened because i wasnt good enough to stop it.

    Ellis and Keoma like this.
  13. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    Just keep playing man, if they dont want to fight you anymore they WONT, and will leave. I know for sure I've gone lots of rounds of losing to the same guy maybe I'll stop myself at 20 and move on
    Ellis and Keoma like this.

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