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VF port for PSP?

Discussion in 'General' started by Jaytech, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member


    i kinda like the idea of a vf game being ported to psp. that'd be awesome, cuz i use to play with psp at work during breaks and play ps3 at home. so checking out stuff at work and continuing at home is pretty cool imo.

  2. FaisonI

    FaisonI Well-Known Member

    The hardcore VF'ers will say this will never work... and they are probally right, but I don't necessarily need hardcore VF on the PSP, just fun. Then again look at games like Tekken DR, GOW COO, FFVII Crisis Core, Syphon Filter Series, etc... Huge games that play and look (If you have not played GOW on the PSP then you are missing out) very good, now none of them are perfect, but to get this type of perofrmance out of this very young life of the PSP is awesome.

    I remember when Tekken 3 was at the arcade and gamers and so called experts said that Tekken 3 would never make the the port over to the PS and if it did it would be terrible. Tekken 3 not only made it, but turned out to be one of the best ports ever. FFVII CC looks incredible and I have never bought any game in the FF series, but I bought this one, because its great and I can play on the road.

    Looking at some of the great games out there I don't see why one of the VF games couldn't make over. IMO!!!
  3. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member

    graphics quality will decrease, of course. but its the gameplay that counts. look at tekken dr, it belongs to the best looking psp games so far and plays extremely well.

    and admit it, vf on the go would own all.
  4. katsudon37

    katsudon37 Well-Known Member

    That would be cool, but I think I'd get pretty pissed off with the controls (just think of doing diagonals with the PSP pad). Maybe the thumb stick thing would work...but I have a feeling I'll be missing stuff like 270 throws and I'll be jumping around all over the place by accidentally doing up forward instead of forward.

    Still, it would be cool.
  5. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member

  6. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

  7. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member

    i have'em and they are pretty good. i used super glue for the dpad to make it stick even better (i just can't remove it now anymore, which is pointless anyway imo). diagonals are no problem anymore.
  8. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    Yes, but it makes your machine look like shit. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    I could never play VF on the PSP pad after experiencing T5:DR, /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/db.gif just doesn't work.
  9. Dive2Blue

    Dive2Blue Well-Known Member

    Saving up for a PSP will probably be the reason for me to buy one if Virtua Fighter is going to be available for it. If Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection are in the PSP, I see why not add Virtua Fighter 5 to the PSP.[/size]
  10. LucidNightmare

    LucidNightmare Well-Known Member

    VF on the PSP could be interesting...

    At the very least, VF will get more exposure and players if anything.
  11. EightEyes

    EightEyes Member

    I'd love a VF on the PSP. Even a VF + VF2 "retro" compilation would be neat.

    Tekken on the PSP is a great conversion - I think it's the Tekken I like best in every aspect except the controls.
  12. FaisonI

    FaisonI Well-Known Member

    No the /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/db.gif does not work, but the analog stick /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/db.gif and in all other cases for Tekken V: DR works just fine. As I said before if Namco can get Tekken DR on the PSP, then surly the guys at Sega can come up with some version of VF on the PSP.

    INCIDENT Well-Known Member

    If anything, VF4: FT would've been possible.

    Something close to VF5, at least mechanics-wise, THAT would be something.
  14. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member

    looks weird, true.

    but with it attched diagonals are no problem.
  15. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    OMG! That's even worse! I'd rather play fighting games with the Nintendo Power Glove than with the PSP analog nubbin.
  16. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    Holy hell, can you imagine cd'ing and stepping on that d-pad?! No thanks, well I wouldn't mind VF2, the gameplay would work better. I think thats why T5 port was a success the movement in the game is so much more simplified.

    MASTER_PAIN Well-Known Member

    it would be great if u could connect psp to a fighting stick and put the psp inside the stick so that u would only see the display.
    problem solved!

    good luck understanding what i meant...
  18. Marginal

    Marginal Well-Known Member

    The PSP Slims have better d-pads on them.
  19. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member

    i say it again. with the extra buttons i posted diagonals are no prblem anymore.
  20. Marginal

    Marginal Well-Known Member

    The toppers are kinda irritating though. Especially since the ones I've had tend to keep coming off. (Even with superglue.)

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