VF5 on Xbox 360

Discussion in 'Console' started by Myke, Jun 27, 2007.

  1. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    That's comical.
  2. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    Please no more bitching.....

    you guys knew you were taking a risk when you bouhgt the ps3 so just stop the complaining...

    This will help the community grow and the online just might be better than you guys think.....ggpo
  3. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    slightly off topic.. but do you guys recognize anyone from gamespot's forums?

    link to gamespot news

    this link talks about xbox 360's vf game. Does anyone post on this forum? If so, tell everyone to get on vfdc. We could use more exposure to this site.
  4. k4polo

    k4polo Well-Known Member

    also with he rrod problems i keeping my ps3 version on hands. Stuff happens with 360 :(.
  5. GreatDeceiver

    GreatDeceiver Well-Known Member

    Excuse the aside, but I don't get it why people think Microsoft is some kind of brave, heroic underdog of the industry, who can do no wrong.

    Their box has upwards of (now more or less statistically proven) 30% failure rate. This alone is so absurd that it makes me wonder if I'm living in a parallel dimension where this is considered acceptable.

    They charge for their online service, yet plaster the screen with unwelcome, unasked-for ads (McDonald's marathon? come on).

    Regardless of charging for said online service, they have no dedicated servers for any of the games - unlike Sony, which has rock-solid servers for games such as Resistance and will for Warhawk, if the Beta was any indication. Whoever doesn't realize this is a huge issue, hasn't played online games long enough to understand the concept of ludicrous host advantage.

    Also, regardless of the fee, they don't include something as basic as a web browser in the package.

    Their wireless controler doesn't come with a rechargeable battery - buying batteries every week fucking sucks, but sure, I can get the 40$ charge pack.

    Media sharing capabilities have since been surprassed on the PS3 through DLNA - which is an open standard, unlike Microsoft's bullshit WMP push.

    Indeed, the only functionalities that Microsoft offers for live are peripheral to the gameplay itself - being able to invite buddies for games, that sort of thing. Such amenities honestly pale in comparison to the crap that is the P2P model that they enforce, but people don't seem to realize, or care.

    All in all, I think that PS3 bashing has become a silly internet meme that propagates through inertia alone.

    More on the matter at hand though, I own both consoles so any update to the game on any one of them is great. It's very unfortunate, however, that I spent a wad of dough on two VSHGs, only to have them become pretty much unusable 6 months down the line.

    But then again, I would imagine the one to blame for that is Microsoft, who I understand requires every peripheral to have a digitally signed driver (by them, of course) in order to work. This means no standard usb keyboard, no standard mice, no standard anything.

    Personally, I think Microsoft's strategy is very stifling, and it's very odd that people feel comfortable with it. I certainly don't.
  6. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    go to IGN.com and look up VF5 on 360 then click on blog. one of the editors has played an unfinished version of VF5 on 360. teh mike i think is his name.

    anyway he said so far the 360 version looks noticeably better and its not even finished yet. its not drastically better but he says its noticeably better. he even says the game looks lighter and brighter. i guess the graphics will be improved.
  7. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    Did Epics $9 million budget include the cost of developing Unreal 3?




    At least provide a solid argument if you're going to tell someone they're full of shit.
  8. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    Crimes against humanity, I'm sorry but sega's always been screwing their fanbase ever since the sega cd/32X days. Why, why do we keep supporting them, hoping that someday it would change for the better. This for me is the last straw. IF THEY DO NOT RELEASE AN UPDATE, I'M SORRY BUT I'M GOING TO HAVE TO CALL IT QUITS. SEGA HAS FUCKED ME OVER FOR THE LAST TIME. I'm happy for 360 owners, but how can sega leave the rest us out to dry. TRULY FUCKED UP!
  9. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    like brisal said...wait for the ver C patch coming to ps3...

    its not...finished..yet...not ..yet


    btw, for those who are complaining about the stick for the xbox, if the stick is the same one used in doa4 then its all good, konjou akira (rodney) has one and he LOVES that stick so it cant be that bad of a stick. let me remind you all that in VF3 we were all playing using this stick [​IMG] and noone was complaining as hardcore as everyone seems to be doing. sure its not the VSHG but so what! youll play just fine with that stick. or are you telling me that the doa4 stick is worse than the agetec stick?? highly doubt it...
  10. fathamburger

    fathamburger Member

    For one now I'm really looking forward to this. Frankly like most people I'm underwhelmed by Tekken 6 and would have only played it because of the online play. In fact it seems they are just pulling out the rejected character concepts in for new characters starting with DR, seems they're at an end for ideas and are trying to milk a dead cow one last time. Namco really needs to start over and give us a true next gen fighting game. Tekken's gradually turned into a jugglefest and moved away from realistic martial arts which is why I play 3D fighters in the first place. VF5 will be my "Tekken 6" /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    I don't think there will be a better opportunity for VF to finally take the fighting game crown in the US. Long overdue I say.
  11. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    OK forget that then.
    Does the entire industry consist of weak ass faggot developers who shouldnt be in this industry to begin with?
    Early on people said yeah sure multiplatform games look better on the 360 because the 360 was the lead platform.
    Now however there is a bunch of upcoming games where the lead platform was the PS3 and the 360 versions STILL look better(Sega Rally is one of em BTW)so you want to stick yer hand in the sand and blame it on the devs go ahead.
    reality however is that this is Sony´s fault.
  12. caliagent3

    caliagent3 Member

    With all that said, MS gave us VF5 on live. Sony loses by default.
  13. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    Not disputing that the 360 is an easier platform to develop for, but it is also a natural progression for any PC developer.

    Because videogames are a creative medium the argument is unwinable. Both machines are capable of great software because consoles aren't designed to solve a black and white problem.
  14. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Oh I'm not saying that the PS3 is the second coming of christ. Hell the difference in RAM from one to the other really hurts, also the way that Sony has built their packages is dubious. They all cost inappropriately high amounts of memory. Which only compounds the fact that they have less.

    However, and this is the point I want to make, if you can get your game online on one console, there isn't much of a reason to not be able to make online with the other.
  15. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    How is it a natural progressin for PC developers when Japanese devs without any PC background get good results from it, how is it a natural PC progression when the system is nothing like PC`s?

    Its got a Tri-core(you dont find uneven cores in the PC world) powerPC processor(You dont find PPC in PC`s) working in tandem with a semi integrated videocard with shared memory.

    A configuration and style you do not find in the PC world with a dev enviroment that is radically different as well.
  16. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    That is simply not true, the infrastructure package with MS is streamlined with great libraries available and great support from MS.
    With Sony its a free for all so devs have their work cut out for them.
  17. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    Because the libraries and development software were created by the company that is responsible for the same tools on the PC.
  18. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Urm, like no.
    Its not a subset of DirectX 10 or 9x or whatever.
    You want excellent performance on the 360, you do what you do with all consoles.
    Code to the metal with the tools you have.
    On PC you dont do that since you have a full OS to content with, on the 360 the full OS is 32mb and works as a few background processes.
    Entirely different then working on a PC.
  19. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Believe what you want Fishie. I'm not going to try to convince you. I have developed games for PC, PS2, PS3, x-box, and 360. I have also worked on games that have ported from PS2 to xbox, xbox to PS2, xbox to PC, Pc to Xbox, 360 to PC and finally 360 to PS3. And from my experience, Garbage is correct. However, you're entitled to your own opinion.
  20. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Okies, its not what I have been told by several devs but hey you might be right.

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