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VF5 Playable Demo

Discussion in 'Console' started by Chanchai, Jun 8, 2007.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Femto mentioned to me that he played this a few weeks ago at a Gamestop (or was it a GameCrazy? can't remember).

    I played it today at Fry's. I wish/hope they put this demo on PS3's Online Store.

    During a slow hour, I saw two guys in their late 20s take turns playing the game and talking about how they liked playing VF2 and MK2 back in the day. Later I saw an old guy (late 40s) interested and played the demo for awhile. I had to point out where the start button was though (not like it's that obvious to a casual consumer with that big plastic thing that holds the PS3 controller to the Kiosk).

    Unfortunately, the Kiosk I played it on (the usual Sony PS3 Kiosk) had only one controller. Nice thing is it has a nice looking Bravia. Game runs on sharp mode btw.

    There are 4 playable characters on the Demo: Akira, Sarah, Eileen, El Blaze.

    Arcade Mode is available and I think there are 4 AI Opponents: Lei Fei, ??? (I forgot), Jacky (???), Jeffry. When you beat Jeffry, the demo is over and it says something along the lines of "Thanks for Playing, Buy the Full Version").

    VS. Mode is also available, but it's kind of hard to play that on a one-controller kiosk.

    However, perhaps the disappointing thing is that I got no sense of Quest Mode or Customization from this demo. And face it, for the general consumer, Quest Mode would probably be the draw.

    I don't really expect Sega of America to have a budget set aside for VF5 to put a promo video in the demo showing off the costumes and what not. But you know, after beating Jeffry, that would have been a cool way to promote the game.

    Anyways, there you have it, the VF5 Demo.

  2. tribaL

    tribaL Well-Known Member

    i have vf5 ^_^
  3. Arest

    Arest Active Member

    I hope they´ll release a demo on XBL marketplace soon..
  4. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    My cousin played the demo at Future Shop the other day...God, Sega better release this on the PS store ASAP.

    On the Japanese store they have a trailer (promotional trailer) showing Quest, customization (IIRC) and commentary. If they just translate that and focus more on quest and customization and stick the vid at the end of arcade mode (sort of like how the Motorstorm demo does it), they could get a lot of attention and interest for the game considering the PS store is...shall we say...lacking in some areas. >_>

    Sega...PLEASE release this demo online!!!! Marketplace + PS store would get so much attention for the game.

    I say we send Sega a barrage of emails. Yes? >.>

    Maybe they will release it online...How long after the Motorstorm demo came out in stores did the one on the PS store get released?

    MEANWHILE! What VFers here on VFDC could do is make some challenge cards and stick them somewhere visible near the PS3 kiosk with the VF5 demo (might be best to ask permission from the store manager first though >.<). Maybe someone here can make nice generic ones (i.e. they don't have any personal info on it, just the VFDC website + logo + short message and whatever), then we print those. Good idea? Would be a great/easy way to get some interest up for VF...Then maybe VFers could go into the Metro/Subway (whatever they call it in your country) and toss some cards around. =P
  5. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Like maybe a card like this (excuse my crappy Photoshop skills >.<):

  6. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    ^ that's pretty cool.

    It was GameStop btw.

    Played the demo when I was in AZ as well. Had a nice crowd "whoa"ing themselves watching my garbage El Blaze, but it was fun. People joined in on the game AFTER I left(wtf, there's two controllers) but whatever. Almost punched the kid who told his dad it was Tekken.
  7. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Almost? >_>

    You corrected him at least...right? <.<

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Poppa I like how you took my idea to the next level. It's not totally my idea. There was a guy back in the Street Fighter 2 ERA that did this. The reason that I put my internet nickname on the card is to show that there are actual players out there that play and are good at the game. I guess the challenge is kind of a primal instinct to some one else. Your idea for the card is more friendly and inviting + it has a picture to get the attention of customers or people who would be interested in the community. One thing that we could improve on is putting pictures of characters on the card for the game.
    I would also like to thank all the places that have the PS3 demo kiosks like: Wal-Mart, Game Stop, Best Buy, etc,. Without them it would be hard for Sega to promote the game to the people.
    I just wish they would let the fans of the game bring sticks into the store to show the people how the game is really played & how fun it is!!!
  9. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    That would be sweet. Hell, maybe even have it on the back of the card (to have room for everyone + the message or whatever; so the front of the card would be something like I had, while the back would be the characters). Like a mosaic of the faces of all the characters and their names. It would be a nice touch. Then have some sort of message in the foreground like..."Which Virtua Fighter are you?" or something like that.

    That kind of card would be more general (i.e. attracts the casual players as well as the more hardcore players) and I suppose it would be more friendly. Instead of "I want to challenge you to VF!!!" it's a "Want to play some VF?"...so yeah, sounds nicer I guess.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I would also like to thank all the places that have the PS3 demo kiosks like: Wal-Mart, Game Stop, Best Buy, etc,. Without them it would be hard for Sega to promote the game to the people.</div></div>

    For sure. I really believe that VF5 has the potential to reach Tekken-like popularity here in NA. VF5 is a lot more offencive oriented which always tends to attract new players. Plus the graphics are beautiful, customization is amazing and the two new characters are extremely fun to play at all levels of skill (casual to Japanese level). All these things can attract new players, so what it comes down to is how much advertisement the game gets.

    I.e. Getting people to actually know about this game and these awesome features.

    Sure, they see it on store shelves, but it's like background noise. Wal-mart/Future Shop/Best Buy/etc that have the demo up, they give customers a chance to actually experience the game. Now it's time for Sega to get that demo on the PS store and XBOX Live! Marketplace. Without advertisement like this, VF will never become popular outside of Japan. Then...nay, NOW it's up to the players to take the final steps to getting those new players to not only stop playing the demo and have them spend the cash to pick up the game, but also to stick to VF.

    I.e. Bring the players...

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I just wish they would let the fans of the game bring sticks into the store to show the people how the game is really played & how fun it is!!! </div></div>

    That would be awesome. I would probably spend most of my free time at those kiosks promoting the game. lol =P

    P.S. Is "Bring the players" VFDC's official motto? Well, it should be. =P lol
  10. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member


    Ya, I had nothing better to do. lol
  11. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    This is almost to good to be true you are putting forth alot of effort to make this happen!!! Combine the front with the back and it will be golden. If you ever do this send me a PM and let me know if your community grows.
  12. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Lol, well, I was never really thinking of going all out with this...but if I ever get enough cash on the side to invest in cards, I'll most definitely give it a shot (and if everything goes well, I should have that cash soon enough /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif ). Meanwhile, I'll just design cards (black and white versions, stuff like that) for fun (and to practise some simple photoshop stuff) and come up with some more ideas. If I do get the cash, I already know how I would go about distributing the cards. I would put a few in Metro doors and wherever else on the metro. I would, of course, try to get places like EB games and wherever they sell video games to take the cards. If they sell a copy of VF5, hopefully they'll dump a card in the bag. =P

    2000+ (practically the only arcade place left in Montreal) would be an extremely important place to distribute cards. Maybe some schools (Cegeps and Universities). Posters would probably be best for the schools.

    Also, for the cards, it would be pretty cool to have something like a...crap, don't know the right name, but something like a B-Day card, but regular card size, and it opens upwards instead of to the left (like a regular card). That way, when you open it, you can have personal information for your specific region.

    I.e. The (for example) montreal_vf@vfdc.com email in which people can contact the Montreal players directly. There they can ask questions and whatnot etc etc...

    I'm sure something like this would increase the VF scene in any region.

    Also, since I live in Montreal, I would probably need to make a french version of the card as well. So an English version on one side, and a french version on the other.
  13. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    $44.99 per 250 colour business cards.

    $19.99 per 250 black and white business cards.

    $14.99 for an 18x24 poster.

    Just some interesting prices I pulled from this Staples' PDF. The "Outdoor Banners and Badges" seems interesting...would be cool.

    Now, you know what would be cool, some advertisement graffiti! How much do you think that would cost? >.> XD
  14. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    We need to create a thread out of this and see if any one else would be interested in coming up with other ideas for challenge or online site promoting cards. The VF scene will only grow if players help get the word out on it.
  15. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    i finally got to play vf5... well the demo for that case. it felt like it should... mnn but i do miss choosing you endding pose and i wish i could've face dural in the demo.. but meh all well all i need is a ps3 and i already have the full game.
  16. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    i finally played the demo in my local mall tanforan. sorry but that demo was bullshit. you should at least be able to choose from 5 characters. one good thing did happen though. there was some people waiting at the demo machine to play. kids and adults. so i was watching the kids play el blaze.

    they said dont pick him he sucks. so i said well let me try him. so i showed off a little and before you know it people are asking me how to do some of his moves. so i start telling the kids and the adults that are waiting to play the demo how much fun you can have playing VF5. im not going into detail but i basically described to the people that were around my age how great the game plays.

    i told them it was like chess for fighting games. its a thinking mans fighting game where the better skilled fighter almost always wins. the kids that were watching of course were like wow howd you do that. the only problem like i said is the lack of fighters to choose from. for a racing game one track to play on makes sense for a demo. for a first person shooter one level of play is enough.

    for a fighting game demo only being able to only pick two or three characters isnt enough. especially when matches last less than a minute and to really experience VF5 you need to play with another person. horrible demo. great job advertising once again sega. its great to see some of you promoting VF. in fact you guys are doing a better job than sega but if its to be done on a large scale its up to sega.

    sorry but im starting to think sega doesnt give a shit about its VF fanbase outside of japan. the one thing that does make me happy is that VF went down in price and some of the stores that i went to sold out of the game. i love VF5 but from a marketing standpoint its failed outside of japan. hello sega once again no arcades outside of japan. online matchmaking wouldve solved this.

    well i hope sega is rich as fuck from all their arcade machines. sorry i had to vent. i love VF and i feel like sega only cares about its japanese fanbase. especially when i see how sega advertises such a great game in my opinion. once again sorry for the long post.
  17. tribaL

    tribaL Well-Known Member

    i only picked these sentences for a reason:

    1.) arcades are dead in the usa, hence why NO ONE is making/selling units to the united states anymore.

    2.) there is such a thing as "liability of foreigness". SoA doesn't exactly get to choose too many specifics in regards to marketing in the usa as most of those decisions are made in japan, however japanese marketing is very different from american marketing which makes it difficult for SoA to utilize the options they've been given.

    i mean, hell, if you were a parent company and you had an offshore branch you wouldn't exactly allow them to do whatever they wanted on your dime without having some/all input. they regulate what SoA does in, what they think, is the best interest of the company.
  18. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    youve brought up some good points. i guess i just wish there was more done to advertise VF5. console to console online matchmaking wouldve done wonders in my opinion. a way to meet other VF players from my PS3 or 360 wouldve kicked ass.

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