VF5FS/US/REVO Online Rank Titles

Discussion in 'Console' started by akai, Jun 9, 2012.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    omameSurvival Rank of Destroyer
    three red dots
    Brown back ground same as assassin.

    So it looks like


    At the moment we have only 10 players in the Assassin, Shatterer, Destroyer Ranks on the PSN . Whoa....

    #of PSN Players 47489
  2. SegaManAU

    SegaManAU Member

    Thanks for clearing that up.

    I got to hunter, and had around 10 fights all with people under me and my promotion bar didn't move at all.

    Finally just beat someone higher than me and it moved around 25%. Also fought a level 10 Dan and it didn't move.

    It's pretty frustrating as now I'm knocking back fights because I want to fight people higher than me but they are never around when I'm on.
  3. Tocuh

    Tocuh Well-Known Member

    I don't know if someone else can see it but you can check your # of wins/losses at Ranked Match -> Custom Match on the right side. like in this pic:
  4. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    I know that feeling. I just spend like 1 and a half hour to get one rank up...then loose it again and get it back. Stressfull...
  5. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    Yo, Sashaz its not about your win/loss ratio dude, just get online have fun meeting and chatting with other players. Room matches, and player matches don't show your win/losses for that very reason. Its all about just having fun with the game.

    The only time your games played ratio comes up at all is in ranked matches. If you don't want to be judged "skip ranked mode!" [​IMG] Its overrated.

    There's so much alley fighting going on in rank mode right now, til its not a very nice place to be anyway [​IMG] If you really want enjoyable matches, play in the rooms or player matches, or offline with friends, family, etc.

    In ranked mode, at the moment all you'll find are a lot of barbarians, hoodlums, skanks, assassins, VF Thugs, riff raff , shatterers, mercs, destroyers, punks, hunters, raiders, etc. Nohtin but bad news [​IMG]

    Much better to mess with ranked mode after the dust has settled. [​IMG]

    I'm glad ranked mode forces the better players up and out of the KYU and Dan ranks. I know one cat who is an expert player and he plays games with his login name just so he can stay at the lower ranks and terrorize noobs. AFAIC
    that some sick shit.
  6. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    WE now have a
    Ranked at Vanquisher
    Background Silver
    Number of Red Dots 2


    Ranked at Avenger
    Background Silver
    Number of Red Dots 1

    We only have two fighters in those ranks

    and only 18 fighters in the Assassin, Shatterer, and Destoryer Ranks.

    # of players on the PSN 52,509
  7. Ry4n4t0r

    Ry4n4t0r Member

    It's official
    Ranked at Conqueror
    Background Silver
    Number of Red Dots 3
  8. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Content Manager Pai Bronze Supporter

    Thanks for the updates. First post updated.
  9. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Ok so how are these people getting such high ranks? Aside from the fact that they have to be really good to win consistently, they also have to win against people in their same rank tier.

    For instance, I'm a Defender now. If I win/loss against someone in my tier, my bar will gain/loss alot of points. Yet, if I win/lose against someone out of my tier (a Hunter for example), it will barely move. And of course you get/lose nothing from opponents below Hunter.

    Yet, when I get on to play, there are almost never any opponents above the Raider rank. I'll see maybe one other Defender or Sentinel in about 2 or 3 hours worth of play time.

    Where are all these Assassins and Veterans and whatnot that people are playing against?
  10. End

    End Active Member

    Beauty sleeping [​IMG]

    I have a question about leveling up - if I win against higher level opponent (lets say, Defender), do I gain more points than for beating the same "tier" opponent (Raider, in this case)? The same about losing - If I lose to said Defender, do I lose the same amount of XP, like when losing to Raider ?

    Kind of noobish question, I know, but I just wanna get this straight.
  11. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    my only bet is that they're either:

    A. playing high-ranked opponents worldwide, or
    B. playing at night (for us, for them they're in a different time zone so maybe afternoon?), when other higher-ranked players are possibly playing.

    those are my only theories. players like Rodnutz and VFNumbers are up there already (although i don't think VFNumbers is at Assassin yet, but he sure plays like it). we should ask them. :p
  12. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    i beat a Warrior once and didn't notice much of a change in my bar. on the same token, i got crushed by an Assassin and didn't lose much, if anything.
  13. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    In my opinion they are most likely players not in the USA at this point. I was lucky to shoot past everyone and grab Assassin rank in just a few days because at the time when I started playing on PSN there were tons of US Hunters, Raiders, Barbarians, Defenders, Sentinels and Guardians present. I am just guessing here, but it seems A LOT of people were demoted by myself and any other player now carrying a Warrior, Veteran or Berserker rank.

    Even I can no longer find people of the right rank to advance. I found one other, but he just slaughters me with no grease. [​IMG]
  14. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Yes you do gain more points for beating someone of higher rank as opposed to someone of the same rank. The difference may not be much the higher up in rank you go, but it's definitely more. The same goes the other way around if you lose.

    When I started playing as 10th Kyu I only challenged Hunter rank or better and I became a Hunter rank or Raider (I can't remember) in under 80 games. It might have even been under 70.
  15. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    If you look at the leader board on PSN you will see (at least as of last night) There are only 18 ppl in the assassin, shatterer and destroyer ranks. This is the world wide list for the PSN. So you have divide that 18 ppl up into time zones. They're not going to be on 24 hours a day (then again...)

    Then some ppl (like my self) know what they're in for. The higher your rank, the less ppl want to play you. Those 18 ppl in brown ranks, and the few ppl in the silver ranks are kind of lonely up their at the top. There's way to much pressure to keep those ranks. Once you're that visible. So in a way if you're a Avenger, or Shatterer, it takes you a lot longer to find a match in ranked than if you're a barbarian or hunter. So I pick the first rank that I like, and that still has a lot of players and I stay there, until everybody moves on. Right now the 10 Dan through Barabarian is a good placce to be. KYU's will challenge you and Destroyers will challenge you. Higher than Barbarian, the food chain gets a lot smaller fast.

    I noticed once I passed Hunter, a whole lot cats that would play me at Hunter disconnected from me a higher ranks, or stopped picking me from the list. So the very high ranks have got to be even lonlier. Its a two-edged sword, you want to rank up, show that you got skillz, but as soon as you do, the number of ppl who are willing to play you drops proportionately to your rank. Also I've noticed as you get into the higher ranks the nastier the fighting, there's so much alley ball goin
    on in the higher ranks, when I get challenged, I usually pass, unless I know the player. Talkin about cut-throat [​IMG]

    I almost wish that you could represented as any ranked that you've already been promoted past. I would probably pick 5th Dan and just stay there. Its not that I want to play lower ranked ppl, first, I've been totally victimized by KYU's, Dans, Hunters,etc. So in one sense I know your screen rank may be totally disconnected from your real set of skills. I would pick 5th Dan, because there's simply more ppl to play in the KYU and Dan ranks(at the moment) and they are less afraid to play if you have a less intimidating rank. And the lower ranks like to play dress up[/size] a lot more than the higher ranks. And at least 1/3 of the fun is looking at the cool customizations ppl come up with.

    Maybe its not been everyone else's experience, but the in my experience the higher your rank the less ppl want to play you. Sure there's alway that one or two brave Hunter or Dan or even
    KYU that want to see what feels like to go toe-to-toe with higher ranks, but they are few and far a part.

    That's why I'm glad rooms don't immediately show your rank. If someone wants to know your rank, they'll have to find you on the leader boards and if you're not in the top 20, that's a pain in the ass to do, so most ppl will stop looking.

    I'll be glad when the majority of PSN players switch from ranked mode to player mode, that way no one will be intimidated by anyone else, we can all have fun, nobody worrying about ranking up, or battle points, or win/lose ratios.
  16. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    I think it is pretty wack to back out against players. The one exception is jcblack who I like to challenge and then back out of the fight just to get a tiny measure of revenge.

    I also try not to stalk any player I can beat to rank up, but I like it if they keep challenging me. I like the ranked battles, but I don't want to excessively contribute to demoralizing the newer players.

    I also like playing the PSN version a lot b/c I can use my Virtu Stick HG. I hate my SF stick because I get failed up evade when I release down direction.
  17. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I think its the same as in vanilla, you get the most points by winning a person of the same rank. The closer to your rank the opponents rank is, the more points you get.
  18. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Happy, don't get me wrong, I don't mean that I challenge, and then backout. I mean someone else challenges me that I have no interest in fighting so I cancel the match. There are usually only two occasions when I do that.

    1) You're way above my rank, like 10th Dan challenging a 10th KYU, or

    2) I've played the player b4, and could tell that he's more interesting in ranking up than anything else. Like several other players I'm only in ranked mode right now because that's where the players are.

    Regardless to how ranking online is done, I don't know if it will ever be a true indicator of skill. For example there are very very very good players that think online play is a joke. I know at least one of those players that got on PSN played a few matches in ranked, and then stopped. Now if you look him up on the leaderboards, it will show that he's a KYU. [​IMG] If he ever gets back on is the player he faces going to be surprised. On the other hand a couple of days ago I played a Barbarian, I thought I was in for a nice little match, but it was worse than a Spaming session. He was using Shun Di like he was Eddy Gordo in Tekken. I've never seen anything like it. Mash city. My guess is the dude got to Barbarian, first by just playing enough matches to get to Hunter, If you just play enough matches you'll eventually get there. But I'm thinking just pure luck and the element of surprise has gotten him where he is now.

    I can't count how many times I've played a spammin, button mashin Shun Di,
    but nothing like this guy. I lost to him because I was in shock most of the time. I can't ever remember losing because of how badly my opponent was abusing a character.

    But i guess there is a first time for everything. My main point he probably shocked his way up to Barbarian and therefore what does it mean. And the guy that I know is a VF master, chooses 8th KYU as his title of choice. I'm am starting to question the value of the current ranking system
  19. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Don't you sort of contradict yourself? You say that ranking doesn't indicate much, but you have no interest in fighting someone of a higher rank. I joined your match a few times last night and you backed out each time, even though I don't think we have ever fought. What are you worried might happen?
  20. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Is your rank a lot higher than mine? That may be why I cancelled out. But chances are I was trying to get my revenge back on a specific person. A certain player robbed me, I will not mention his name, but stalked him until I got em. If your rank is not that much higher than mine, and we've never played that would be what happened to you., I was look very specifically for somebody else.

    btw what is your rank, I think I'm only raider, maybe barbarian,. You don't challenge ppl who are much lower than you do you? just curious.

    Now as for what do I think would happen if we played.

    I think I would lose spectacularly [​IMG]

    If I lose will that help you move up another notch, if so,
    I'll be happy to oblige

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