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VF5US 2.01 and VF5REVO 1.00 Game Update

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by akai, Jan 14, 2025.

By akai on Jan 14, 2025 at 2:56 AM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    VF5US 2.0 and VF5REVO Open Beta will be getting a bug fix/game balance update--2.01 and 1.00, respectively--on January 28, 2025. REVO 1.00 and VF5US 2.01 update notes are identical. Based on the official VF accounts, there should be more changes that is not listed yet.

    For your convenience here are VF5US 2.01 (EN) / REVO 1.00 (EN) Update Notes as of January 14, 2025

    Virtua Fighter 5 R.E.V.O. will be updated to Ver. 1.00 on 1/28. More balance adjustments and bug fixes will be implemented thanks to the feedback we received from Discord and fans around the world.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where the replay version was not being set correctly. As a result, the latest version of the replay will now play from the main menu.

    Training Mode
    • Fixed an issue where Akira is set as the CPU, and in "CPU Settings," "Reaction" is set to "Guard and Counterattack 4/Guard and Counterattack 5," and "Throw Direction" is set to ←, a normal throw was being executed.

    • Fixed an issue where Jean is set as the CPU, and "CPU Settings," "Reaction" is set to "Counter," it was resulting in a large counter.

    • Fixed the command for Vanessa's Takedown in the command list, which was showing the old input.

    Battle Balance Adjustments
    General adjustments
    ・Backdash Counter Stun Adjustment

    The total stun duration for backdash counter stuns, which occur when a middle kick-type move hits an opponent's backdash, has been reduced by 24 frames.

    ・Crouch Dash
    For Taka-Arashi's crouch dash, it has been adjusted to enter a crouching state on frame 4, similar to other characters. This allows him to avoid throws with a crouch dash in situations where he is at a disadvantage of up to 5 frames.

    Character changes
    • Byakko Soushouda ((after guard break) 246P)
      • The input window for Byakko Soushouda after a guard break has been eased, so it can now be performed even if there is a neutral input before the backward input
    • Hou'oushu (3P)
      • Changed the recovery on guard from -2 to -6 frames.
    • Joudan Keri'ate~Datotsu~Tachikaze (KPK)
      • Fixed an issue where under certain circumstances, the move did not hit repeatedly.
    • Tengu Otoshi (2_3P+K)
      • Changed to no longer cause a stagger on recovery counter hit.
    • Tengu Otoshi~Kaname'uchi (2_3P+KP)
      • Changed the recovery on hit from +2 to +5 frames.
    • Ryusen (3or9P+K)
      • Shortened the dodge property by 5 frames, making it effective up to frame 4. Fixed an issue where the dodge direction was reversed.
    • Kiri'e Otoshi (2684(or8624)P+G)
      • Changed the damage from 60 to 65.
    • Rising Back Spin Kick (46PPK)
      • Extended total recovery frames, making it more difficult to follow up.
    • Face Hit (2KPP)
      • Third hit no longer hits repeatedly against Taka-Arashi.
    • Ten Kao~Sawk Kun (6KP)
      • Changed the total recovery frames to make it easier for attacks from Slipping to be blocked when performed into Slipping.
    • Ducking (6P+K+G)
      • Fixed an issue where a special high attack would hit during the latter half of the move.
    • Slipping (2or8P+K+G)
      • Fixed an issue where a special high attack would hit during the latter half of the move.
    • Long Ducking (6P+K+G6)
      • Fixed an issue where a special high attack would hit during the latter half of the move.
    • Double Dtee Sawk Lang Combination (From Long Ducking PPP)
      • Changed the recovery on hit against Taka-Arashi from -6 to +4 frames.
    • Crush Knee Kick (From Long Ducking K+G)
      • Added dodge frames against low attacks.
    • Enkou Soutekitou (1P+KP)
      • Changed the effect on normal hit such that the total recovery is +4 frames.
    • Kokuryusatsu Ni~Tsukami (46P+KPP+G)
      • When throwing the opponent from behind, Kegon Otoshi ((opponent crouching) 2P+G) will now be performed.
    • Tsuchikumo (66P+G)
      • When throwing the opponent from behind, Kegon Otoshi ((opponent crouching) 2P+G) will now be performed.
    • Kumite Harai~Tsukami (4P+K+GP+G)
      • When throwing the opponent from behind, Kegon Otoshi ((opponent crouching) 2P+G) will now be performed.
    • Gohou Yuriori (deflect) (236P+K)
      • Fixed an issue where throws would not connect after a successful sabaki against certain characters.
    • Mukyu Yushu (41236P+G)
      • Changed the damage from 70 to 75.
    • Ryoutezuki (66P+K)
      • Changed the recovery on guard from -15 to -16 frames, and the recovery on side guard from -9 to -10 frames. Can now can be countered by throws on side guard.
    • Deku Daken (46P+K, then KPP during guard)
      • Expanded the hitbox, making it less likely for follow ups to miss
    • Head Butt (46P+G)
      • Fixed an issue where the 46P+G command couldn't be performed while crouching.
    • Only One Buster ((on opponent's right) 46or64P+G)
      • Fixed an issue where the 46P+G command couldn't be performed while crouching.
    • Only One Buster ((on opponent's left) 46or64P+G)
      • Fixed an issue where the 46P+G command couldn't be performed while crouching.
    • Splash Mountain (2_6P+G)
      • Changed the damage from 75 to 80. No longer able to do follow ups after the throw.
    • Tenshin Engekishou (P+K)
      • Expanded the hitbox, making the attack less likely to miss.
    • Touten Souchuhou (From Kyo Shiki P+K)
      • Changed the damage from 14 to 16, changed the recovery on side hit to +16 frames.
    • Tenshin Oushoushou (46P+K)
      • The effect on hit was changed so that the damage from follow ups would not be too high.
    • Sei'en Katou (2_4P+G)
      • Changed the recovery after throw break from -3 to -6 frames.
    • Heel Kick Moonsault (9KP+K+G)
      • Getting attacked during the recovery will result in a recovery counter hit.
    • Hide Side Kick (Deflect) (P+K)
      • The sabaki activation has been delayed by 5 frames, now starting from frame 8. The sabaki has been adjusted to only work against hand techniques, and no longer against foot techniques.
    • Kasen Gyou'in Hontentai (From Kasen Gyou'in K)
      • Expanded the hitbox of the second attack, making the attack less likely to miss.
    • Rengeki Tenshin Ousoushu (46P+G)
      • Removed the drink point reduction on throw break.
    • Yoko Harite (4P)
      • Removed the damage scaling on mid-air hit.
    • Honda Zutsuki (4PP+K)
      • Changed the damage scaling from 70% to 50% on mid-air hit. This is part of the damage adjustment along with 4P.
    • Sokubi Otoshi (41236P)
      • Changed the effect on hit, allowing for easier follow ups.
    • Aka'oni Midaremage (P+K)
      • Changed the recovery on guard from -10 to -8 frames. No longer vulnerable to counterattacks.
    • Shiko (opponent down) (4K+G)
      • Changed the damage from 28 to 24. Reduced the frame advantage on side guard.
    • Leopard Strike (Deflect) (From Defensive Style: 46P+K)
      • Shortened the total recovery frames, allowing for same follow ups on both a normal hit or a successful sabaki. Removed the special camera effect on successful sabaki.
    • Grand Spike (From Defensive Style: 2P+K)
      • Expanded the hitbox, making the attack less likely to miss.
    • Boomerang Hook (From Defensive Style: 3P+K)
      • Expanded the hitbox, making the attack less likely to miss.
    • Intrude Hook (From Defensive Style: (hold G) 2P)
      • Shortened the dodge property by 3 frames, making it effective up to frame 7.
    • Intercept Body Blow (From Defensive Style: (hold G) 8P)
      • Shortened the dodge property by 3 frames, making it effective up to frame 7.
    • Back Knuckle High~Switch Back Blow (From Defensive Style: 6PKP+K+G)
      • Changed to allow crouching while guarding from the side, instead of being put in a guard string.
    • Flag Back Knuckle~Intruder Step (From Offensive Style: 4PK6, etc.)
      • Fixed an issue where a special high attack would hit during the latter half of the move.
    • Stinger Strike (From Offensive Style: 41236P (can be charged))
      • Reduced the total recovery frames with max charge, allowing for easier follow ups on guard break.
    • Hunting Kick (From Offensive Style: 66KK)
      • Fixed an issue where the opponent's recovery from the Hunting Kick transition was faster than expected, allowing them to interrupt with a quick attack.
    • Intruder Step (From Offensive Style: 4PK6, etc.)
      • Fixed an issue where a special high attack would hit in the latter half of the move.
    • Quick Roll (From Intercept Position: 6(or4or2or8)P+K+G)
      • Modified it so that it can be executed without returning the directional input to neutral, making it more prioritized than Beck (From Intercept Position: P).
    • Sky High Shoulder Through (From Deadly Move P+G)
      • Change to the normal effect on hit against Taka-Arashi, allowing for easier follow ups.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2025
    00000000, NDIS, Chill and 7 others like this.


Discussion in 'Dojo' started by akai, Jan 14, 2025.

    1. Mister
      Glad to see also buffs in there *koff kofwolf koff koff* other than bug fixes and nerfs. Seems like SEGA is doing it properly this time. I'm glad they are listening and I hope this keeps going. I'm not 100% sure this is the definitive patch, but i'm willing to bet more patches are coming (and maybe also game adjustments?) in the future to keep the game fresh.
      Chanchai and VolcanoShed like this.
    2. ToyDingo
      What the fuck, why nerf Sarah P+K so hard?

      That move was finally relevant after 15 years and they just took it away, why?

    3. Combolammas
      It's still better than it used to be. It can still be used to beat all basic elbows from small disadvantage to turn the situation around. I'm guessing they took away dealing with kicks so that it doesn't outright make some stances irrelevant in the match-up.
      VolcanoShed likes this.
    4. akai
      VF5US 2.01 update in English is available and is exactly the same as REVO 1.00
      40i4 likes this.
    5. 40i4
      Anyone happy? :)

      souce: https://virtua-fighter.com/revo/en/update/

      Plus, a picture for better presentation
    6. akai
      I think it’s better for the perception of VF to have the pseudo-infinite removed. Gameplay balance wise, I have not played 2.0 enough to have a strong opinion on it!

      At least it will give all the immediate haters something to lower their pitchforks and torches…for now!
      svengeful, Chanchai and 40i4 like this.
    7. YOMI
      That string caused a big enough of a stir that no way Sega would've let it rock like that while still attemping for some new player retention.
      svengeful, Chanchai and 40i4 like this.
    8. 40i4
      Just to be clear, I also think that the eileen change is a good move.
      Chanchai likes this.
    9. J6Commander
      Did they fix Kage's TFT combo problem on Elbaze?
    10. Acid
      Some time somewhere, somebody died while playing Virtua Fighter. And I bet he was trying to get out of a stagger. It's an awful mechanic in an otherwise all time great series. Stagger is fine. Requiring the player to have a seizure on the arcade stick to escape it is unacceptable. It feels bad to do physically. It's a completely separate experience from how the rest of the game flows. Even winning a match is not worth it. I rather get comboed than do anything more than press kpgkpg...
    11. akai
      Kage not listed in patch update.
    12. Combolammas
      It's a Blaze problem, not a Kage problem. Blaze's old hitbox combined with his new weight makes all sorts of things just not work on him anymore.

      As for TFT, you can do 2_6K, P, 66P+K, dash KPK and barely lose out on some damage compared to what I think is the normal combo (2_6K, P, K+G, 46K+GK!K ?)
    13. Hobo-Jho
      Alright, Sega... fun's over. Give me Goh's headbutt back!
    14. LegendaryHero90
      aww lol... and i'm going to miss Aoi's 2_3P+K launching for full combo on minor counter hit. And what is up with the devs taking away Sarah's P+K deflect?! It was just starting to get fun.
    15. Chanchai
      I really like this patch! Happy for it! But worried about Taka bullying players at the higher levels hahaha. It's going to be really interesting and overall I am excited!
      40i4 likes this.
    16. sk0111
      It's nice to see that the changes in version 2.0 were not final, and SEGA continues to correct the balance.
      Chanchai and 40i4 like this.
    17. LuketheDuke11589
      So another is supposed to arrive for ultimate showdown tomorrow, right? When Revo releases? If someone gets around to it, could they let us know when the update hits. Also I hope Sega nerfs a move that Eileen and Aoi players can constantly spam where you're forced into that moving joystick icon situation. It's very irritating and difficult to get out of.
    18. SUGATA
      Before 2.01:
      Change to Back Dash Counter Hit
      The opponent can no longer recover from a Back Dash Counter Hit from a Side Kick during their back dash. So then the advantage gained by hitting a back dashing opponent with a side kick is a staggering (pun intended) +63.

      After 2.01:
      ・Backdash Counter Stun Adjustment
      The total stun duration for backdash counter stuns, which occur when a middle kick-type move hits an opponent's backdash, has been reduced by 24 frames.

      > So, QUESTION: How much is Total stun duration for backdash counter stuns, which occur when a middle kick-type move hits an opponent's backdash = ...............? 39 frames?
      Last edited: Jan 29, 2025
    19. J6Commander
      Thank you for the combo update! It is so weird he takes less TFT damage than Jeffery.

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