1. Hey Guest, looking for Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown content? Rest assured that the game is identical to Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown so all current resources on here such as Command Lists with frame data, Combo Lists and the Wiki still apply. However, you can expect some VF5US specific changes to come soon!
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Virtua Fighter 6

Discussion in 'General' started by EvenPit, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Although UFC has the realism in the bag., Its realism is in context of the Ultimate Fighting Championship sport. In particular Mixed Martial Arts. In UFC there is no Sumo, no Shaolin Kung Fu, no Monkey Kung Fu, No Praying Mantis Kung Fu ,etc

    In UFC mixed martial arts , most of the fighters use a combination of martial arts fighting styles. In Virtua Fighter, each fighter is more or less dedicated to a single fighting style. And the game focuses on one unique fighting style against another:whistle:

    Virtua Fighter could stand out and distinguish itself by going back to its roots and the basics of depicting realistic martial arts styles, on realistic stages.

    For example although the offensive move animations for most of the fighting styles are quasi-realistic, many of the defensive move animations are barely realistic. Sega/RGG could definitely improve the animations of defensive moves, animations of blocks, and and animations of evades without changing game play mechanics or balance one bit. The impact animations(where a kick, punch, or throw) lands, could also be improved and made more quasi-realistic.

    The Virtua Fighter stages are stunning, and so adding more stages, alternate weather, and day-time, night time versions of the stages go along way for the beauty and attraction to the game.

    They could add a wing chun martial artist and a pak mei martial artist to the roster. Those styles alone bring excitement to the game.

    They could regain the original focus of the game which was finding out which martial arts style was the strongest in a tournament context(theme)

    Yea, they don't need to make a UFC game. All they need to do is just finish making the Virtua Fighter game they started out to make.

    Jean, Goh, Eileen, Brad,AOI, Taka, Pai, Vanessa, Jacky, Wolf, Jeffrey and Sarah have pretty legit offensive animations, Lau, Lion, Lei Fei, Kage, Shundi could use work, they have a few too many suspect animations.

    All the characters are due for a defensive animation over haul:cool:

    Virtua Fighter does not need meters, super moves, comeback mechanics, or other artificial means of stimulating offensive game play. But rather than adding more offensive or defensive options, RGG could just really drill down on the offensive and defensive options that are available and make the offensive and defensive animation that is already in the game look more devastating not by adding hit sparks, and explosive sounds, but by adding facial, body animations that reflect how ferocious an attack was or how slick some defensive choice was.

    getting hit by Jeffrey's knee, or Akira's SPOD should have a dramatically different animation than getting hit by Lei Fei-s 2P. For the most part this is not the case in current VF games. The contact drama or hit devastation animations should match
    how spectacular or vicious the offensive move is. The block animations should be appropriate for the severity or speed of the incoming attacks.

    Sega/RGG could do a great deal to both stay true to the Virtua Fighter concept and improve the excitement in the game.;)

    Unfortunately, I think they're going for a minimum investment in the game and hoping for a maximum money grab in the form of NFT's and DLC.:unsure::(:cry:

    gido and Solomon Rayland like this.
  2. Solomon Rayland

    Solomon Rayland Well-Known Member

    I had an idea to distinguish VF from a gameplay perspeective. This will be a long one, so bear with me. Some of my ideas include:
    • A more distinguished ground game compared to other fighting games. Most fighting games do not allow you to do anything when you are the ground, and the ones that do refuse to delve deeper than the basics. VF could really make itself unique by expanding upon this.
    • A move that scores a knockdown could be much riskier, and the player would have to sacrifice guaranteed damage when they go for it, but the reward should be massive if it pays off.
    • Throws should do less damage, but should almost always score a knockdown. You can guarantee a knockdown, but at the cost of any kind of meaningful damage.
    • Combos could be done by chaining basic attacks together Guilty Gear style (but made to look realistic).
    • Movement and defensive options could be expanded upon. More parries and evasive options could make the gameplay much more interesting.
    From a system perspective, the game is incredibly designed and refined, but it could be expanded upon to make it stand out.
    gido and masterpo like this.
  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    That's just it., Virtua fighter already stands out (always has). And the players that prefer extreme fantasy brawlers, floating mechanics, meters, level ups, arcade boosters, flying characters, hit sparks, fireballs, whirlwinds, color explosions, comeback mechanics, 25 hit combos, punches and kicks that sound like .50 caliber gun shots, arcade carnival environment stages, and whacky customizations have already spoken, and voted. The answer is NO! They don't want the grounded, realistic, authentic martial arts presentation, believable combat, stages and cerebral game play that Virtua Fighter has to offer.:whistle:

    @Solomon Rayland consider this: We will never get any significant number of Tekken, Street Fighter, Guilty Gear, King Of Fighters, Mortal Kombat, or Blaze Blue players as long as Virtua Fighter remain true to the original vision of Yu Suzuki its designer. We will never get these players:oops:

    On the other hand if RGG dramatically alters Virtua Fighter, by first making 50% of all character moves launchers, expanding the hit box by %3-%5, increasing the point shaving of combos by %10-%15. And then adding one meter at the start of the match and an additional meter in the last round (if the match is 2 to 2). Further allow comeback mechanics to reset the entire match if the losing playing can pull off a 15 hit combo with less than 5% life bar. In addition add 300 pixels in height to every combo. Further add 12 new colors and sizes of hit spark, hit flash, and contact indicator that morph between high resolution and ultra high resolution depending on the intensity of the combo, the distance from an inevitable wall splat and the amount of comeback meter remaining. To bring it all home give each player 1 invincibility cycle bar per round that last for 2 seconds. So that when used the player is invincible to all attacks & defenses of the other player and while invincible the player's characters has a bright florescent bubble shield that pulsates with and electric blue aura that emits alternating sine and square waves then people would flock to Virtua Fighter and we would have a bigger player base. But of course that game wouldn't be Virtua Fighter:cool:
  4. Solomon Rayland

    Solomon Rayland Well-Known Member

    I can see how many would dislike VF's presentation, but there are many who can enjoy both sides. I love both VF and Tekken, and I will play both when I am in the mood for them. Arya from TBS feels the same way, and there could be more out there who do as well.
    masterpo likes this.
  5. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    The problem is Sega wants to maximize profits. And Virtua Fighter as currently designed does not appeal to the majority of the Arcade FGC:oops:

    Therefore either Sega will abandon it, because there is not enough of an audience for authentic, realistic arcade martial arts, or it will distort, butcher, and disfigure Virtua Fighter beyond recognition until the Tekken and Street Fighter communities eventually approve of it :whistle:

    Mean while SIFU, UFC and the upcoming Chinese offerings will continue to attract all of the players that truly enjoy realistic, authentic, fun depiction of the martial arts in a video game context.:cautious:
  6. Solomon Rayland

    Solomon Rayland Well-Known Member

    I think that VF could end up more popular if it had better storytelling integrated into its gameplay. Even though Naughty Dog is an incredibly well known studio, the Last of Us mainly made itself known because of its story. VF could do the same...

    ...and keep its generally realistic tone and aesthetic in the process.
    gido, SSShinji and masterpo like this.
  7. gido

    gido Well-Known Member

    Absolutely. The VF anime was really good. They could've easily adapted its storyline and fleshed it out more in the fighting game series...but they opted not to..granted the budget just wasn't there and I can understand that. It's just that it seems a bit of a let down that they didn't focus more on the characters and solely on the gameplay where as in this day and age It's not ONLY about gameplay. Players just want to know more about their characters'..goals and don't want to read it through bunch of manuals or wiki pages. Sort of reminds me of how Final Fantasy XIII got its slack of storytelling from.

    Also I want to take back on wanting a Capoiera fighter and Snake Fist for the next game. I don't want repeated gimmick fighters for all 3D fighters (although that's not necessarily a bad thing, I feel like Virtua Fighter can have more of a unique character than Capoeira style or even Snake Fist.)

    The Wing Chun, Boxing, and TKD character are definitely the shoo-ins for the next VF and having a Russian and Middle Eastern character just seems right to have solely on national representation (doesnt matter what MA they have, they should just be represented)

    I mean just look how happy Rookang was when he noticed Azucena was Peruvian https://youtu.be/Ich3-K4NJSo?si=vj8MQ79XHyJRnnqM

    That must be a great feeling having your own nation's character in a fighting game. On top of that, she's a dope character too.

    Thirdly, what I noticed from alot of fighting game characters is that they don't necessarily focus on just one MA. Most characters take from other MAs and combined them which led to my idea of a mixed Judo/Karate type character. Yes I know that we have Goh as a dedicated Judoka, but he just doesn't fill that itch for me for a proper Judo like playstyle. I'd like a character who's gameplan to be solely on grab techniques and counter holds with the striking to be composed of karate like styled moves..I think that'd be a fun playstyle. Granted they can still give Goh a more ground oriented playstyle in the next game. Most current characters need to apply this for the next game as well. To make them play a bit more..distinctively.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2024
    Solomon Rayland likes this.
  8. SSfox

    SSfox Well-Known Member

  9. Lauchador

    Lauchador New Member

    What are your thoughts on the Evade button making a return in VF6? They could offer it as a choice for the player in the control settings, similar to what DOA5 did wherein it was possible to use either UP UP or UP+P+K+G in order to turn the sidestep into an evasion; personally, I'm too incompetent to lift my thumb and press UP with the proper timing in the heat of battle to use the "defensive move" in VF4 and 5, while in VF3 I use the tool extensively: I press the button, I move, no room for mistakes, whereas in US I often find myself wondering whether I got hit because I evaded at the wrong time/attack or because I was mistakenly executing a regular sidestep.

    I've seen it was already discussed in this forum by the time VF4 released, and one of the arguments in favour of the removal of E was that it respected the simple three button scheme. I can understand that when it comes to the arcade, but considering that a VF6 would mostly be played in home consoles/computers: 1) standard control pads already have more buttons than VF5 uses even when accounting for regular macros (P+K, etc.) and 2) players could be offered to keep using the three button layout in the pause menu. So I don't see any reasons why the current system should be kept as the single option, as it is rather difficult to execute consistently during combat — and even if you don't agree with that statement, you'll still probably agree it's easier to perform without specific training with a dedicated button.

    Again, I don't see any drawbacks from restoring the Evasion button; am I missing anything? As great as VF2 is, and it certainly is, it is the evasion command that made VF3 a complete fully total absolute 3D fighting game, and I get the impression it takes many newcomers a long while to realise it is a core foundation of the gameplay due to the slight skill requirement it takes to perform at will in the current system. But maybe it is just that me and my friends suck at virtua fighting.
  10. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Won’t hold my breath but ok….

    Sonic The Fighters and beanboy like this.
  11. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    As happy as I want to be about this new game, I want to see an official game play video before I believe it is true. These leaks are cool and all but I heard these leaks regarding a new VF game recently not too long ago but nothing came of them. They might have been part of the development of this game but there is no way to know for sure unless Sega people confirm this officially.
    beanboy likes this.
  12. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    I always liked the evade button. Personally, I wouldn't mind if the evade button returned. In VF3, you can do dodge punches and kicks, with it too.
  13. gido

    gido Well-Known Member

    I've kept tinkering my wishlist for the next Virtua Fighter game and I recently included features using some sort of evasion mechanic similar to King of Fighters roll mechanic. Now I'm not sure how the evade button was used in VF3 as I've never played that but maybe it would be a similarity to that as well.

    Among the series, Virtua Fighter would introduce a feature in gameplay where on certain stages, if not all, you were able to perform a unique wall attack that allows you to put yourself out of a corner. I feel as if that is Virtua Fighter's strong suit, making more environmental decison making, leading into more flashier, camera angled actions displayed. I would love if they kept that and added a dodge/roll mechanic for certain stages with no walls to avoid a potential ringout.

    Also to add more emphasis on ringouts, I'd like to see a feature where an attack is so impactful, it would break through the wall causing for an automatic ringout scenario. For the next round, the loser would be seen climbing back into the ring frustrated where the winner flexes. Similar to how Street Fighter V caused an unique knockout screen using the environment around them.
  14. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    Doesnt VF already have _both_ get out of corner-pressure wall moves, (either out of it, or pushing/felling the person in the way so to speak) aswell as attacking to break walls to ringout opponents?
  15. gido

    gido Well-Known Member

    I've pointed that out. I was only implementing a dodge roll mechanic out of a potential ringout where there are no walls. I'm not sure if VF has done anything in this scenario of avoiding corner pressure.

    The attack on breaking walls are also there but there is not real emphasis on ringouts that happen. They just popped back in on screen for the next round. I'd like the rounds to start off with more attention to detail so that rounds can have more of a kick to them.

    Also wanted to address the rumor of them may or may not including "meters"

    "This is a Virtua Fighter title that is developed to be a modern competitor to Street Fighter and Tekken with esports concepts and mechanics that are similar to current Street Fighter and other fighting games. It is a concept that evolved a lot."

    I hope there is no meters involve. Instead I believe this only meant to be for a certain subtle feature that was included in both SF and Tekken such as 'slow mo' moments. SF has drive impact counters where as Tekken has the slow downs on trades. Soul Calibur has Lethal Hits, MK has Krushing Blow Dead or Alive 6 has the slowed down impact blows on close ups etc. This would be a nice concept added into the presentation of VF's game mechanic so let's see what route they choose.
  16. Sonic The Fighters

    Sonic The Fighters Well-Known Member

    Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8 are so average (waste of money, boring, not fun, repetitiv, brain dead, dull).

    (recently) The only real good fighting game right now for gameplay is KOF XV.

    I really really hope that VF6 will not be influenced by SF6 and T8...
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2024
    Lauchador likes this.
  17. Dragonps

    Dragonps Well-Known Member

    Hi Po, I know I've been away a while (some personal stuff) but I see you're still harping on about audiences wanting a more realistic maybe even simulation style of martial arts in their games.

    May I ask this one question and I won't bring it up again. Can you name me one (just one) realistic martial arts movie that uses real styles and is grounded in reality that was a box office hit? Therein lies my answer on this whole thing.

    I'm sorry I know we're all here because we love VF, but there's no reason at all to talk smack about other fighting games that are actually rather good.

    SF6 has a cool art style and some really fun mechanics, nothing groundbreaking but fun all the same. It also has some really fun characters to play and a plethora of single player content.

    T8 is similar with insane presentation and character visuals.

    Nothing about them is boring or dull. I get we all have differing tastes but if you play either game for more than 10 seconds you can see how much fun they are. The systems aren't for everyone of course but they're fun all the same.

    What I'm taking from this is that Sega want to make sure this new title really pops, both visually and dynamically. VF has always been a gorgeous looking game and I see no reason why Sega wouldn't do the same.

    The wonderful thing about VF is that there are layers to everything. Layers upon layers of systems where a casual can just enjoy the basic stuff but a pro can enjoy it on a whole other level. I hope this is retained with a new title.
    gido and Shinobi like this.
  18. Sonic The Fighters

    Sonic The Fighters Well-Known Member

    SF6 and T8 gameplay are 100% average at best, almost nobody will play these fighting games for 5 years or more like they are amazing lol... :zzz:

    All these brain dead mechanics they added, the mash fest, the skip neutral, the less execution and the less timing needed, less hit confirm, less footsies ... make these games furiously boring and repetitive.
  19. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Everyone has their own tastes, but I agree with you. KOF XV looks like a real blast. And I like the Samsho game too.
  20. Sonic The Fighters

    Sonic The Fighters Well-Known Member

    Yes they are great, but the new VF better stays great too !

    I don't want it to be an average and boring fighting game, just like SC6, DOA6, T8...

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