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Virtua Fighter Psychology

Discussion in 'General' started by HokutoNoCat, Mar 11, 2008.

  1. HokutoNoCat

    HokutoNoCat Well-Known Member

    I remember back in the days when I was playing Tekken 3 ( /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif ) a dude has written a guide called "Tekken psychology".
    Even if the article was of course filled with stereotypes, it was fun enough to read.
    He made like 6 player category, from the masher to the master, with some description for each category: character they tend to pick, way of playing, etc... that's where I saw the first time terms like "turtle" or "pitbull".
    There were even a Trash talk article ^_^
    It would be fun to do the same thing for VF5 online !
  2. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    Ur Not Shidosha
  3. Stiff

    Stiff Well-Known Member

    David Sirlin wrote some pages on this in his book:


    Follow the pages from that and you'll read about:

    * The Turtles
    * The Attackers
    * The Obsessed
    * The Snakes
    * The One True Style
    * The Invincible and The Beast

    The whole thing is a really good read, I recommend it.
  4. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    That doesn't apply to VF because it isn't accessible.
  5. Naudin3D

    Naudin3D Well-Known Member

    Being A serious Tournament player in Tekken since Tag and having the luck to actually learn from JOP at his prime and learning from Justin Wong and his rival Sanford Kelly. Sirlin's veiws apply to any competative game. It's just a way having a competative mind-set. Justin and sanford both were only known to play 2-D fighting games. That changed when they first got into Tekken 5.0 the cheapest Tekken ever. VF isn't safe from the B.S factor either it just takes more time to learn a character. This why most players get turn off by VF. Pai is pretty simple to learn but even she takes more skill than half the roster in Tekken. People love the easy way out. Look at us lazy American's. If this were Japan the land were ppl have died from to much work we would have bigger VF tournaments. Now look at DOA an even simpler game. Perfect legend is Caken off the stupid game! Sorry I get pissed off when I think about how stupid the fighting game community can be. I ran away from Tekken DR to play a game that uses more brain power. I see cheap shit in VF but it's not as bad as the crap Iv'e witnessed. I also heard Qudans the best Devil Jin player in the world has carple tunnle from those damn Mishima's. I played them hardcore only to find my hands hurting. Sorry I'm beginning to rant.
  6. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    VF5 > Tekken Period.
    I like Tekken but its a 2-D game in a 3-D games body.
    Its the only game i could leave only and pick it up 5 years later and not miss a step. The same overpowering combos and launchers.
    As far as sitting up here praising Sanford Kelly and Justin Wong they came along in and Era where games was in fact Dumbed down. Im in NYC and i be where they dwell and the only two 3 game i'll say they have down pat somewhat is MVC2, CVS2 and SF3:TS.Those are 3 of the most unbalanced piece of Crapcom games to ever come out. As far as saying us Lazy Americans speak for yourself playboy. Unfortunately some of us are now fathers and in our 30's where gaming is just an expensive hobby. If i was 14 again when my mind was a sponge in a world where fighting games are dumb down i'll do everything else i see other players doing to just to get the same results. True Everygame has it faults but atleast in VF5 you stand a punchers chance in every round if you know he basicsand can apply them. Unlike Tekken where it Pop up - Juggle - Finish all damn day.
    Don't sleep though unlike Sanford and Justin i been up both of these series since the Beginning so im no rider.
    But it lighter regards You can be a serious Tournament player in Tekken or VF and still get your ass crack by a 26 year old father of 1 who just love to derail people like you hopes and talk about it on this same forum.
  7. Naudin3D

    Naudin3D Well-Known Member

    I must know you then. CTF right?
  8. Naudin3D

    Naudin3D Well-Known Member

    Hey I'm old like you too man and I still give these up and comming players a hard deal. When I used to play VF with the old VF crew I noticed how much older they were. I joked to my boy Red who rather play this than Tekken as well that VF is the retirement fighting game.LOL! I guess it is.
  9. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    Ur Not Shidosha
    i guess i entered early retirement then /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  10. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    To be honest with you i still bust ass just because the more things change the more they stay the same. True i can't spend the whole day practicing can sparring but i still get it in from time to time.Once VF5 Went online i knew its was going to be dumbed down so the newcomerx would stand a chance but this is the price you pay to stay at home.

    As far as VF being the retirement fighting game i cannot agree with you there lol!
  11. Naudin3D

    Naudin3D Well-Known Member

    Well I quit Tekken after I Fighting GM launched me to death taking 90% away with such ease. You ever seen that crap. So he comes to my house to play the crew in old school Tekken only to find himself nowhere me and Reds level. UUUHHHH cuz we play with skill. were the hell is skill at. It's easy to sit back and wait for a launcher. VF not gonna happen!
  12. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Im glad you understand that. VF5 is the only fighting game getting burn in my system right now until KOF98 ultimate comes out.
  13. Naudin3D

    Naudin3D Well-Known Member

    Random, KOF98 still strong! Me and Akmal are praying SC4 is balanced unlike SC3. What as travesty! My all time favorite fighting game.
  14. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    My fav is MvC2 followed by GG and SC. They aren't as balanced as VF but they are fun to play. That is why i play because of the fun because of the balance it is obvious that these games lack balance but if you woory about that then it will take away from fun elements of the game.
  15. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Unlike MvC2, CvS2 is not balanced on purpose. That way you have to mix and match your team and choose your groove carefully. The overall effect *is* balanced.
  16. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    You know Akmal? Thats My Bro from another Mother right there lol!
    He know how i get down. He's tight in SC i never got a session in with him though.

    You believe that shit if you want. No matter how you cut the fucking game is a pokefest.
  17. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    MVC2 is fun until you play someone that abuses the top tier characters on you and you cant even move. This is why I hate the game now
  18. AME2

    AME2 Active Member

    You guys are all wrong. The best fighter is World Heroes. Rasputian, the butt raping magician wizard, FTW.
  19. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I still remember the day I stopped playing MvC2 seriously when i was at the arcade and someone did some crazy psyloce combos that would kill a char once the first hit connected. After that I decided the game was some-a-bull shit
  20. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Magneto, Cable and Storm. In the arcades back in the days i would've Duff the shit outta the first person that use this team. I never seen a game that has so many traps,Gliches and infinites. Sad part is that can play the fucking game but in order to do this i had to result to the same bullshit tatics. With that being said MVC2 Gets no burn period. I don't respect a Good MVC2 player who can't play anything else that requires atleast 1 second of thought lol!

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