Virtua Fighter x esports Announcement Breakdown

Discussion in 'News' started by MadeManG74, May 27, 2021.

By MadeManG74 on May 27, 2021 at 9:03 AM
  1. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Less than two hours ago, Sega livestreamed an announcement and in depth look at the upcoming Virtua Fighter x esports (Or Ultimate Showdown, as it's known outside Japan. The full stream lasted just over an hour and can be re-watched here;

    Here's a breakdown of the major points discussed;

    Virtua Fighter 1 Skins
    Low poly models for the cast will be made available as DLC for the game. Date doesn't seem to be confirmed yet.
    VF5US VF1 DLC2.jpg VF5US VF1 DLC1.jpg
    EDIT: Destructoid has some more information about the DLC, known as the 'Legendary Pack'

    Online Tournament, Room Match and Team Battle Mode Summer Update
    A summer update at a TBA date will feature an online tournament mode, complete with brackets, and improved Room Match functionality. Finally, a Team Battle mode has been hinted at! Details are scarce, but some footage could be seen in the live stream.
    The Room Matches also seem to feature the ability for spectators to send stickers to the screen to cheer or jeer the players fighting!

    Arcade Cabinet
    An arcade version, complete with cabinet has been revealed! It appears to be a head to head format and uses the character/data cards similar to Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown.

    Heaven and Hell Dream Match
    An exhibition featuring some of Virtua Fighter's top players may be going down soon! It will debut on June 1st on Famitsu/Dengeki Online's Youtube Channel

    eSports Circuit - 2021-2022

    An official eSports circtuit will extend from this year into 2022, as the top players battle out to be crowned the champion.
    More details to come, but it seems that players will have to apply and then be selected via lottery for the 'pre season' matches.

    Arcade Stick Prize
    Official 'exhibition matches' will be held, and the winner will walk away with this arcade stick prize! Details yet to come on this one;

    VF Camp
    VF Camp.jpg

    A website has been launched that Sega describes as being for building social circles, sharing information and building events and community! It sounds like this will be linked to the circuit and the exhibition matches.

    Virtua Fighter Merchandise
    Last edited: May 27, 2021
    Chanchai, Braveheart, SUGATA and 17 others like this.


Discussion in 'News' started by MadeManG74, May 27, 2021.

    1. SSfox

      If you have ps+ the game is free.
      Lazy_Punches and Zekiel like this.
    2. masterpo
      IMO VF has always been a masterpiece, adding a hit spark feature that can't be turned off, would be a blemish on an otherwise perfect record afaic:notworthy: I know there are players that like them, players who don't care one way or the other, and players that hate them. If the feature is something that can be turned on/off then everybody wins:cautious:
      MadeManG74 likes this.
    3. Sonic The Fighters
      Sonic The Fighters
      I just noticed that the red and blue were for the RGG studio and the AM2 studio...

      The red part of Yakuza, and the blue part of AM2. Because they worked together.

      This is lit !
      Tha_FeauchA and Braveheart like this.
    4. SSfox
      Who was the black mask Sarah player? Was he a dev or a VF veteran?
    5. cobratron
      Otorii Zara...smaller kanji above his name translated to developer and "strong player"
    6. masterpo
      And wat was that mask all about:confused:
    7. Attorney4Hire
      Kind of kinky if you ask me!
    8. b4k4
      VF DOOM
      What a negative asshole you sound like. I don't know what you are looking at but I am seeing VF stuff pop up everywhere and the overwhelming response has been positive especially among more casual players or players that have not played since recent titles. Not seeing how you can think it DOA already when there is hype everywhere atm. The only negative comments I am seeing are mostly from people like you on this site that expect Sega to give them everything they dreamed of because the series was dormant for so long. Why can't you guys be happy that the series is coming back and this is most likely a move to garner interest for an eventual VF6 release.
      WolfKing, Zekiel, Braveheart and 2 others like this.
    10. I.M. Amazon
      I.M. Amazon
      Say what you will but this goofball Legacy DLC is all I could ever ask for. Excited!

      ToyDingo, gido, Zekiel and 2 others like this.
    11. Mech
      I only wanted two things. The Victory screen going back to being both players being having selection choices, which they didn't do....

      And push to bind button config, which they didn't show.


      Bad netcode is a deal breaker for a lot of people.

      I think the hitsparks are an UI improvement to better follow the game because attack hit types are so important.
      Zekiel likes this.
    12. Morikage
      I wonder, do we know anything about customization items from Final Showdown making a comeback as well? I don't have anything against default costumes, but I really got attached to "my own creations".
      Cheribam_J likes this.
    13. segasonic
      this is awesome VF news!!
    14. def
      Any idea if there's any single player content besides Arcade and Training? Also is team battle like the one from VF3TB? Hopefully there will be new customizations items/costumes, even if it's DLC, I'll gladly buy it.
      Zekiel likes this.
    15. Technocrow
      If they didn't say anything about rollback at this point... it's safe to say it's not going to have it
      Zekiel likes this.
    16. smbhax
      Yes, it sounds like as "download-o contents":

      Braveheart and Morikage like this.
    17. Morikage
      Thanks a lot, I must've skipped this.
      smbhax likes this.
    18. smbhax
      They only show the VF1 thing as a full-game make-over--characters, stages, and UI--so probably not. Destructoid uses the term "skins" and their phrasing suggests you can do these on a per-character basis, but there's no evidence of that in the footage, and they get things like the arcade release date wrong, so I'm taking their phrasing of anything with a bit of salt.

      This "Legendary Pack" VF1 thing *could* be an entirely separate game-within-a-game mode, like Virtua Fighter 10th Anniversary was in VF4: Evolution on PS2, where you found it under "Special" in Evo's Options menu and it launched a separate game (10th Anniversary had been a separate, pre-order release bonus in Japan): selecting it launched you into a completely separate game where you fought using low-poly versions of the VF4:Evo cast, and their Evo move lists (except for evade stuff, mostly), in VF1-style stage graphics, UI, and music, and with VF1 mechanics such as no side stepping, and huge slow jumps:

      "Legendary Pack" could be a similar mode, only using the VF5US character roster (in low-poly form) and move sets instead of the VF4:Evo ones you got in 10th Anniversary.

      But, you could also unlock low-poly VF1-style characters and at least one stage separately to play in local VS mode in Evo, and you could mix and match those, so who knows. I don't think Evo let you mix in the 10th Anniversary VF1-style UI a-la-carte, though.

      One thing the Legendary Pack UI does better than the 10th Anniversary UI: 10th Anniversary had an obnoxious red flashing effect in the life bar each time the character took a hit--a 60 fps flash that wasn't in the 30 fps VF1 original, so why they added it just to gouge out eyeballs in 10th Anniversary, who knows. ; P Nice to see they didn't make that mistake in the Legendary Pack.
    19. SSfox
      I can't even play my usual games, i only have vf5us in my brain right now.

      I tried to play T7 to test the new balance update but the online is so trash, man i hope VF5US netcode will be solid, SEGA PLEASE
      Shinobi, smbhax, KrsJin and 4 others like this.
    20. SUGATA
      the most stupid words i heard last 10 years
      VF5FS was nearly a final tuning with almost ideal balance, so no need to balance more (the best is the enemy of the good).
      Changes? yes, but in new VF6. VF5FS is the end of all tunings and changes.
      Coroo, TexasLion, WolfKing and 3 others like this.

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