what is your favorite vidoe game?

Discussion in 'General' started by lydia, Nov 4, 2010.

  1. lydia

    lydia Member

  2. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Virtua Fighter 5.

    Welcome to the forums, Lydia.
  3. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    <span style="font-size: 20pt">Best game ever!!!!!</span>

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  4. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    BEST GAME EVER!!![/size]

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  5. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    shen megumi tensai persona 1. ps3. or was it 2?
    DOOOMSDAY warcraft ROC
    was tekken before i started VF

    -metal gear the one on ps1
  6. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    <object width="560" height="340"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/p6L6MhSgpgo"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/p6L6MhSgpgo" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="560" height="340"> </embed></object>

    You can't touch this.
  7. llMICll

    llMICll Well-Known Member

  8. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Look at all the philistines saying something other than VF. Madness.
  9. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    ...tough cookies.

    I suppose this?

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    ...funny, no games on the list older than 2005... although I do enjoy SSF4 and teh new pokemans, for example... Hard to say which one is "favourite", but those defnitely left a mark in my heart <3 . Playing Flashpoint and HW2 even now.

    Try them out, unless one is a new-gen kid (I guess they are new-gen adults now? [​IMG] ) and anything less then HD makes you throw up.

    ...on second thought, try them out regardless [​IMG] .
  10. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    VF4 Evolution
  11. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Roughly in order:
    1. Fallout (the first one. The second one was good, but the Bethesda ones suck big time)
    2. Myth The Fallen Lords/Myth 2 Soulblighter (best RTSes ever)
    3. Operation Flashpoint (Red Hammer/Resistance included; best FPS-ish/sim game ever devised)
    4. Deus Ex
    5. Hidden and Dangerous 2 (take the best parts of Operation Flashpoint, throw in Hitman, and put it in WW2: awesome)
    6. Worms World Party
    7. Ultima 6, 7, and 8 (yes, I liked Ultima 8)
    8. Arcanum
    9. VF4 Evo/Soul Calibur 2 (maybe it is just nostalgia)
    10. Mount And Blade (and mods)

    Special Mentions go to:
    Quest for Glory: So you want to be a Hero
    No One Lives Forever/NOLF2
    GTA 2
    Hitman 2
    Zeno Clash
  12. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    VF is the best game.

    I purchased SS for VF2, DC for VF3tb, PS2 for VF4/VF4evo, and PS3/Xbox360 for VF5.
  13. lydia

    lydia Member

    Seidon, thank you for your welcome. I total agree that Virtua Fighter 5 is a attractive game.
  14. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    In no particular order:

    1. Brave Fencer Musashi
    2. Phantasy Star Online
    3. Shining Force 1 or 2
    4. Jet Set Radio Future
    5. Virtua Fighter 4 Evo
    6. Sonic CD
    7. Shenmue II
    8. Streets of Rage
    9. EarthBound/Mother 2
    10. Last Blade 2
  15. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I done a top ten a while back on another site:

    10: Ninja Gaiden:BLACK (XBOX)

    One of the hardest games I have ever played, the feeling of completion after beating it on Master Ninja difficulty is incredible. If I were to have a list of Lifetime achivements in games then this would definitely be in there. if you like to experience rage then you should give it a try.


    9: Final Fantasy 6 (3) (SNES/PSX/GBA)

    Still, in my opinion, the best Final Fantasy game. I have beat it four or five times since I first played it. The gameplay is great, the characters are well developed and the story progresses very well. Oh, and Kefka is probably one of the best villains in any game I have ever played. Although, my favourite part of the game is definetly the music; Nobuo Uematsu never fails to impress me. Opera scene :'(


    8: Goldeneye 007 (N64)

    Easily the best James Bond game ever made. In hindsight I don't know how the hell anyone managed to play an FPS with the N64 controller but whenever I pick the game up again it feels so natural: No easy task. The single player is great, but the multiplayer absolutely blew me away at the time. It was the first real multiplayer game I can remember playing (excluding VS. modes) and, surprisingly, it has aged quite well. Not RAREWARE's best game though, that honor goes to Perfect Dark.


    7: Streets of Rage (Megadrive)

    A beat em' up that started fights in real life. "I don't care how much health you have, that apple is mine".
    This game still entertains me, my nephews had never played it before until a few weeks ago when I pretty much forced them to play it. After a few minutes of watching them play I was reminded of my brothers and myself playing it when we were younger. Accidentaly smacking each other with a pipe, knowing that sooner or later they're gonna get you back, punching big fat sailors in the face. Great fun, and a fantastic game. The soundtrack was also pretty pimp.


    6: Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 (PC)

    Where to begin? This is the first RTS I ever played and was ever any good at. For a while I was actually on top of the ladder online, something which I'm still proud of. The countries you could play as were, for the most part, fairly well balanced (Iraq rapes face). The units were varied and although the general strategy was to scout them and spam tanks (the same as every CnC game) there was a lot to be said for random gambles on crazy strategies. I enjoyed this game a lot more when I was new to it, when I was learning everything for the first time and coming across all sorts of crazy plans to win (Chrono defence). A brilliant game that a lot of RTS fans remember fondly. It really is a shame about Westwood studios and the direction Command and Conquer is going in nowadays (Command and Conquer 4... :-[). Once again, kickass soundtrack, best I've heard in an RTS. Grinder

    5: Super Metroid (SNES)

    I never actually had the chance to play this game until very recently and god damn did I miss out as a kid.
    From start to finish I was enthralled with this game, the pacing of the game, the puzzles you had to solve, the boss fights. Everything was great. It actually makes me think that Metroid Prime was a bit of a let down, and I enjoyed Metroid Prime. After seeing where it came from though, I can see why some people were dissapointed.
    It really is a pity that the era of the sidescrolling adventure has come almost entirely to a close, because I feel that there is so much more that could have been achieved. I'd settle for a great 2D side scroller than another half assed 3D adventure any day. Super Metroid is probably the best side scroller I have ever played. If you never got around to playing it or missed it entirely, I would definitely reccomend it.


    4: Phantasy Star Online (Dreamcast/Gamecube/Xbox/PC)

    This game is incredibly repetitive. it's the same from the moment you start playing it to the moment you finish playing it. The vast majority of weapons are just pallet swaps of each other, the menus are cluttered with numbers and the enemy AI is abysmal.

    So why the hell is it so damn addictive?

    I have put countless hours into this game, bought it twice and still play it today. I have no idea why. Maybe it's for the feeling I get when I see a red box, maybe it's for the need to finish what I started all those years ago, maybe it's to finally get my hands on that god damned J-Sword. When i first got this game I had never heard of it, I had no idea what to expect and at first it seemed like one of those games I would play for a week or two and then stick in the cupboard never to see the light of day again. But then I had some friends over to play and I've never looked back. Even though there is little to no variation in what happens when I play I can't seem to stop playing.

    My friend Jamie (Jamould in ESC) got this game just after me and is hooked in the same way I am. We would play at home and then every time we had a chance, he'd come over and we would see how much each other's characters had levelled and what cool new items we had. It became a complete obsession at one point.

    If you have never played PSO, download Blue Burst. Right now. Stop reading this, you can see my top 3 later.


    3: Seriously, stop reading, go get Blue Burst

    3: The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time(N64/Gamecube)

    I think this game would make 70% of gamers' top ten lists. It is still to this day the prime example of how to make an adventure game. There is nothing I can really say about this game that hasn't already been said. If you have never played Ocarina of Time you owe it to yourself as a gamer to play it. I think I have beat it upwards of twenty times now. Every now and then I get the urge to play it again and every time I'm addicted until the end. Majora's Mask is also worth getting, it is a great example of how a sequel should be made.

    From the moment Navi wakes you until the moment you have your epic showdown with Ganon you will be hooked. Oh, and fluff the Water Temple.


    2: Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2)

    I like the MGS series. I've played them all through to the end (except 2...I hit a "wall" of sorts in that game) and Snake eater absolutely blew me away. Number 2 left a sour taste in my mouth but my friend Jamie, who is really into t he series said I should try number 3. I trust his opinion so I tried it. At first, I felt it was just more of the same that was up until the "re-insertion" if you like. the moment you get that bandana is probably the best "seagrape got real" moment in any game I have ever played. I don't want to spoil too much for those of you who haven't had the pleasure of playing this game but the ending alone is worth all the hours spent getting there. All the awesome in between is just a great addition. The boss fights are incredible, the fight against 'The End' is probably my one of my favourite boss fights of all time. Also, this game has one of the best scores I have ever heard. Snake Eater
    And the ladder scene....damn.

    1: Virtua Fighter 5 (Xbox 360/PS3/Arcade)
  16. Jemun

    Jemun Well-Known Member

    My favorite vidoe game is killer7
  17. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Topic should be favorite game + arbitrary amount of other games.
  18. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    one of my faves of all time...

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  19. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    My list is nearly identical to Seidon but replace VF5 with VF4 and replace Medal gear and Metriod (since I never played those) with VF3 and Fighters Megamix. Other then that our list are exactly the same. I was also pretty high level in Red Alert 2 Yuri Revenge when I used to play.
  20. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    <object width="560" height="340"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/TdiHAx3jm6U"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/TdiHAx3jm6U" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="560" height="340"> </embed></object>

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    just a few.

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