WHY??? I DO NOT understand!!!!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by focusflute, Jul 21, 2008.

  1. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    I am wondering how many of you have converted your friends into playing VF. Or hosted a get together at your house.

    I hosted two get togethers last year b4 I moved and the first one was a minor success but the second one was AWESOME!

    I think this game could be bigger if we just:

    1. got our friends to play it (and actually help them not just beat the **** out of them over and over or start off by saying something dumb like "here's how u do an ETEG"). If ur friends like the "flashy" games, show them the ridiculous costumes and level of customization. VF:R has tons of flash btw.

    2. Host a local get together. If u r brave, hold a tournament.

    I am going to start hosting some get togethers here in Dallas/Ft. Worth soon when my band gets back from touring in September. I should have done more in the past but my dumb former job really got in the way. Thankfully that's over...
  2. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    I've converted 5 of my classmates by hopping on to VFDC in classtime.
  3. LucidNightmare

    LucidNightmare Well-Known Member

    I've tried, multiple times...and, to no avail...

    What we do is, we set up the PS3, start up VF5...Play a few fights, before you start getting that feeling that everyone around you is bored watching...One guy even fell asleep watching...>_<

    Then I start asking people how they like the game, just for good measure...typical replies include:

    "It's too slow"
    "It's so stiff"
    "It's boring..."

    Note, they are button mashing, so of course they'll feel this way. lol

    Even after they've seen how fluidly I fight when playing, they still don't care to put the time into it...

    So, next, I start up T5DR, and of course, everyone's a pro now...Going at the game hard, everyone's smiling, laughing, etc...Tekken's ease of mashing, along with the simplified blocking, provides what many VF'ers call-"Instant Gratification"...

    Which translates to quick and simple fun really...Which in essence, are what video games are supposed to be...VF's "aura" or "vibe", simply says: "This is for hardcore fighting game enthusiasts only"...All the stuff about throw escapes, frames and what not, make the game look like a college course...Rather than a game. lol

    Regular people, or "casuals", don't have the patience for these types of games...Most just want a quick fix, and then get on with their "busy" lives...So, games that provide that fix, are what they play...and in the fighting game genre, games like Tekken, DOA and even Soul Calibur feed that need...

    Still, even those games aren't being played as much as before by "casuals", now that a new type of fighter has gotten it's wings...Smash Bros.

    Smash Bros. is the penultimate fighting game for "casual" players: easy to get into, fun gameplay, recognizable characters, 4-player support(This alone makes a fighting game more enjoyable among "casuals"), etc...

    In the end, the sad truth is...When you have games like the aforementioned(excluding VF), why would any "casual" want to get into VF? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  4. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    Because it really is stiff and bland. It took me a long time to look past the lack of flash and personality and appreciate its system when I first bought VF4:E.

    And even then, I couldn't get into it until I was into the competitive Tekken 5 scene.

    Screw the whole "it's too deep" excuse. This game would only become too deep if there are variables to win which are unnecessary. If casuals are forced to look past its blandness to appreciate its system, what's the fucking point?

    Casuals don't just look for quick fixes.
  5. PompousKristina

    PompousKristina Well-Known Member

    You sir, should be punished for badmouthing Virtua Fighter. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif
  6. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    I'm badmouthing VF's blandness, not it's depth.
  7. Shady424

    Shady424 Member

    Well, I think VF5 had "flash". I got a few of my friends into it. Even though they suck they really enjoy the game. Give em people like Sarah, Jacky, Lei-Fei, Lion, Brad, Rey Mysterio or Lau and you can have a few partys with casual gamers.

    One of my casual friends wanted to learn Wolf, he went to the dojo and was intimidated. I think if VF5R comes to consoles it needs to be more beginner friendly. With tutorials, in-game tips, etc. That's the problem with VF5, I didn't know where to begin or what to do until I came here. It took months for me to get a grasp at the game. Those commands are very demanding and it's almost like they expected top players to only play the game.
  8. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    Then comes the question "how much flash compared to the other 3D beat-em-ups?"

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">One of my casual friends wanted to learn Wolf, he went to the dojo and was intimidated. I think if VF5R comes to consoles it needs to be more beginner friendly. With tutorials, in-game tips, etc. That's the problem with VF5, I didn't know where to begin or what to do until I came here. It took months for me to get a grasp at the game. Those commands are very demanding and it's almost like they expected top players to only play the game. </div></div>Tutorials were in VF4:Evolution. I can't remember the reasons for taking it out of VF5. It would've come very handy.
  9. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    This is a very good point, even for less casual players. I've gotten a couple really serious ST players (like, top 32 at Evo), to appreciate VF and start playing the game. But, every single one of them has told me that just learning a single character in VF felt like more effort than learning how to play as the entire cast the ST.
  10. V_MIRZA

    V_MIRZA Member

    So many good points. Read this and my mind exploded
  11. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    I kinda felt that way to when i purchased and played SFIV. I also thought that would be a very fun thing about SFIV if i decided to get good at it, and that is u can seemingly have many mains. Well, at least subs that are true full fledged characters you use. Now, i know some people do on VF5 and that really isn't the point. The point is what it takes to get there. I could see myself being legitimately good with 4 or 5 or 6 SFIV characters at once.

    On the other hand, for me, part of the appeal of VF5 is the level of master for each character and the game as a whole. And just as vf5 makes it difficult to seriously main multiple characters, it doesn't really allow me enough time to seriously play a 2nd fighter. And i think this is where vf5 may just be a more niche game than other fighters, with no real answer as to how to solve it (other than in depth tutorial that are character specific which only alleviates, but doesn't solve the problem). So i do think part of what holds vf5 back is also what makes the game great. And i hope they don't ever change that, but if they did, i would be disappointed but have to understand.
  12. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    I think fam is right...
    soon VF will just become a shallow shitfest cause thats what makes money...

    One day though maybe the cost to make games will be cheaper, and so small companies will be making the games that appeal to the hardcore-but small-audiences

    but that day could be in like 50 years or more considering the cost probably won't go down any time soon, (Of course i have limited knowledge of what it costs to make a game)

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