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WNF 3.6 - VF5:FS Tournament

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jun 20, 2012.

By akai on Jun 20, 2012 at 1:37 PM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    [​IMG] The third week of WNFs with VF5FS will be happening tonight! In the last two tournaments, both DRE and LA Akira finished in the Top 3. Will there be new challengers showing up to take their spots!?

    WNFs are hosted at the Super Arcade in Walnut, California with the tourney to start ~ 9 PM PST. Casuals start at 7 PM PST. $5 to get in. $5 to enter tournament.

    For past summaries of the previous events, please check the Wednesday Night Fights - Weekly VF5FS Tournaments Summary Thread. For those that don't live in the Los Angeles area, the event will be streamed at the Level|Up Live Channel.

    Challonge Bracket with results / [​IMG] WNF 3.6 - VF5FS
    1. L A
    2. GoatCheese Blues
    3. Plague


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jun 20, 2012.

    1. akai

      Please check the Tournament and Events section [​IMG]. Not everything is given front page status. Lots of events are happening outside of SoCal. I just wished people post more in them to show that there are people attending them.

      We just need more people showing up to them, instead of users bashing other scenes. Too much self-entitlement from certain users...you just have to ignore them.

      Look forward to seeing the community grow.
    2. Aion
      Watching the archive, streaming issues were resolved. Looks like they decided to stream 5 hours of AE and couldn't spare 5 minutes to stream the VF5FS gf's? Or maybe there were other issues that stopped them from streaming the gf's?

      Also, it wasn't L_A's PS3; Potatohead was saying that his Capture Card was overheating.
    3. Plague
      I never thought to ask about putting Grand Finals on stream yesterday. Maybe someone else did. But don't blame Level|Up without knowledge. Next time I will think to ask. Last night was nuts in Super Arcade.
    4. Krafty Matt
      Krafty Matt

      Yes. That is exactly what I mean. A post in the forums/Events on the sidebar. Just anything to let the local community know that the players are around and want to play.
    5. Brisal73
      I just want to make myself perfectly clear.
      My attention was not to bash someone's community or scene. I even stated "you know who you are",in other words if you give what you can to the VF scene then that statement was not meant for you.

      It was meant for the people who complain about what we as a community(not just California or New York) are doing and they themselves are not doing anything at all.

      Ok now to the event last night.
      One word "AWESOME". I am not sure what got people to show up. If it was Twitter, Facebook, or VFDC. All I know is the place was packed.

      It wasn't just for SSF4AE, people were there for Virtua Fighter. To put it into perspective. The big Socal Events average 30 people, EVO's in the past were about 30 people. Last night we had 31 and for VF that is huge.

      It let's me know that what we are doing is working.
      Here is what Socal has done and maybe this can help other scenes achieve the same results:

      * VFDC Matching Making Thread: this should be mandatory as the
      majority of our players go here first.
      * Facebook Page: Started with a group but made it a Page so it
      would be graphically pleasing
      * Twitter Page: Constant and quick updates about the scene and
      what others are saying about VF
      * Google+ page: just to have, but will soon be updating.
      Especially when it comes to the Hangouts
      * Twitch page for local streaming
      * Podcast: this is for the VF Community overall, but it's also a
      nice way to plug where we are from and how they find us
      * Talking to people at the events. Letting them know how to find
      us and get updates on upcoming events
    6. Shag
      Looking at the past, for VF that is huge.

      May it get bigger and better. [​IMG]
    7. Plague
      40+ next week. Let's DO IT.
    8. wingchun_warrior
      u guys are lucky i wish i lived in caifonia but its to expensive to live there how do u guys do it

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