Write your local congressman for VF5r

Discussion in 'Console' started by samtheseed, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

    Or the next best thing, the editors from the game magazine you subscribe to:



    I've included the emails to the guys I'm writing to, and I hope that with enough requests they could inquire to Sega AM2 about a possible VF5r port, and (though highly unlikely) a featured article on it.


    I've included a link provided to me by Kidvid that shows we're succeeding in getting our voices heard... I think that writing to the editors would be pivotal in bringing VF5r overseas. I encourage you guys to share contact information from any of the editors of your magazine of choice or website. Thanks for your cooperation and hopefully we get some good news soon.
  2. Imperfecto

    Imperfecto Active Member

  3. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

    I wrote to them and invited them to visit our website.
  4. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    WTF people.

    There are TWO western games writers/editors/whatever but journalists since that pisses people here off who have a direct link to Sega AM2 top brass.

    Me and Zerochan.

    Apart from us no one cares too much since AM2 doesnt sell magazines over here so they are low on the to cover list.

    We asked em several times, give up already.
  5. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Can't hurt if anymore people ask, even if they don't care at least they know more than two people are interested.
  6. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I hope you both did something to draw attention to the SEGA (SoA) Facebook Page E3 event. I also hoped you asked if anyone noticed emails going here..
  7. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    Guys, 5R isn't going to happen. At least not within the next 12 months. Corporate budgets and planning are almost always done 1-2 years ahead. You will never see an announcement "hey, it's coming", then 3 months after, you've got a game. There are far too many cost factors involved.

    When Sega officially said "no plans" and every direct interview with Sega and AM2 said "no plans", it means that the earliest anyone will have any sort of promising news is around the latter part of 2010 or mid 2011. IF they decide to do so.

    The truth of it all is that a new VF console port is not viable. Based on one of the interviews with AM2, they claimed that the 5R graphics engine was basically a full overhaul. Even if you recycle the old graphics code, development for the new physics, characters, stages, costume elements, etc. will cost a good amount of money, without factoring distribution, licensing, promotion (an updated website at the very least for example), etc.

    When you tally up the potential cost (remember that development costs and licenses are different and separate for every console), and compare it to the sales of the last game, it simply doesn't make any sense.

    In Sega's eyes: Nobody really bought the first game, so who is going to buy what the public will perceive as just a revision/update of the first game, but costs just as much as a brand new game to port over? Especially in this economy?

    5R is Japan-only guys. We just have to accept it and move on.
  8. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 says hi!
  9. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    So, the biggest video game publication in North America has no contacts to SEGA/Sammy of Japan, than you and Zero Chan..........Riggggggghhhhtttt. You know other writers and industry insiders do give a damn besides both of you.

    Asking is one thing, but actually doing something about it, is what matters. What about doing a article gathering all the things the community has done on trying to get the game over here? Like the Facebook campaign, the E-mail campaign and the Twitter rampage we did with the help of the fighting game community. And that's a smack on the face the way you ended your post by saying "give it up already"? Now I know for certain you don't give damn about VF5R. Real Fans never quit. Let the GI campaign BEGIN!
  10. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

  11. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

    Truer words were never spoken. I mean really, does it hurt to ask? Ask yourself if you want to keep playing Virtua Fighter 5, and yea it's a great game but come on... 2 years running guys, it's time to change the record. I would love to play the new entry don't you?

    Superpanda might have a point in that over here, the game didn't sell well in the US. Alot of people who got the game were turned off by the difficulty of the game and no help from the online community. Not VFDC, mind you... but XBOX Live... I blame the brawlers who enjoyed kicking Bison's ass so hard, that the next Bison wannabe is going to feel it. No but seriously, you guys know what I mean... I've talked to my cousin about that, he plays online and beats down the scrubs hard and still talks smack. Who would wanna keep playing after an experience like that?! Everytime I found someone online who did not know how to play the game, i would send them a message of encouragement and even invite them to spar to show them some techniques. That's how you get people to enjoy the experience.Because ladies and germs,playing Virtua Fighter is an experience. And how about converting players over to VF5? Those buy 2 get 1 free deals at Gamestop... How many times did you buy VF5 for a friend or family? I know of at least 8 people who are into Virtua Fighter 5 because I got it for them. I may not be logged on here all the time making a thousand post but I've done my part for the VF community, how about you? So you say you want VF5r? Do something about it, whether it be writing your concerns via emails, or buying used copies of VF5 for a friend. If this is the best you guys got, then just give up on VF5r. REAL FANS NEVER QUIT.
  12. CRASHEM8000

    CRASHEM8000 Well-Known Member

    I quoted that ENTIRE THING! I've never read more truth than that statement right there. Hell, I got my best friend into FIGHTING GAMES with VF5, and he wants to play 5R very, very badly! I actually had gotten a few of my other friends into VF, as well, and I'm sure they'd want to play 5R, because seriously, if you like a game, and the company makes a revision/sequel, then you're gonna want it if you've TRULY liked the game. Besides, think about it: if Sega's gotten so much flak from not releasing 5R YET, then what's gonna happen to them if they don't release it at ALL? Judging from the feverish reaction from us, the community, I'd say Sega would be fucked WORLDWIDE XD But, that's just my opinion.
  13. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    I could understand you, being owned by the game companies as they are your only advertisers essentially, as a game journalist not wanting to burn your bridges. Pestering your contacts at AM2/Sega could make them sour and when they are promoting products and projects down the road outside of VF they might not be willing to talk to you because you bothered then incessantly over VF5R.

    But to suggest all of the VF fans stop asking Sega is asinine. Especially since the exclusive interview that Zero Chan, the other journalist you mention, scored with AM2 about VF5R contained the very idea of pestering AM2. And who said that idea? Oh yeah...an AM2/Sega employee. Sega has suggestion box and a Facebook wall for a reason.

    There is no sense in stopping asking. Ever. We know AM2 and Sega are full of shit when it comes to VF. "Online is not possible" and then "oh uh...VF5 for the 360 is going to be online". Nothing magical happened between the PS3 release and then. There was no technological breakthrough in netcode after the PS3 release of VF5 that made it possible on the 360. Sega needed to be pushed by MS to make the game online. And Sega needs to be pushed now to get VF on consoles and not have them be garbage ports that can't be updated and lack basic features or features from previous games in the series.

    Keep sending emails, keep posting on Facebook (occasionally), and write to the gaming media.

    And PS: Fuck Sega/AM2.
  14. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    No, the information for PS3 VF5 was well ahead of 3 months. Nothing of quality is developed in 3 months.

    ::EDIT:: Sega has basically put their fingers in their ears and said lalalala... I would be emailing MS/Sony instead, asking for a possible 5R "update". Both Sony and MS are into scoring exclusives at the moment (GTA exclusives for Xbox, Agent for PS3, etc.), and if they get a big enough demand for a game, I can't see them not having a sit down with Sega.
  15. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Sorry I like to exaggerate. Pretty sure it was released around 7 - 8 months after being announced... well under your typical development time for most games and well under the 1 - 2 year corporate shenanigans you mentioned in your earlier post.
  16. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    You're mixing dev time with corporate budgets. [​IMG] Corporate budgets are set long before dev work starts. If you really want to know where the budgets are allocated, you could buy shares in Sega and request a breakdown of their home console dvision budgets for 2010-2011, assuming that they break down the budgets by dev projects or dev houses, a clue or two would exist right there.

    Personally, I'd rather just wait for an official announcement, because even if a budget is allocated for dev work, a project can still be canceled mid-way through because the licensing, promotion, distribution, and expected ROI don't add up to good numbers.

    I'm not trying to be pessimistic. I'm just looking at this realistically. Vanilla 5 is what we're stuck with for the next 12 months at least.
  17. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I bought some of that up in my post but edited it out cause I felt it was irrelevant. How much we know about the business side of things (or pretend to know) doesn't change the fact we want R.
  18. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

    I suggest the idea that when we go to pick up VF5r, we also buy an extra copy for someone who doesnt know VF.
  19. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    I always buy doubles when it comes to fighting games. I could play my peeps on the PSN and 360.
  20. biggz316

    biggz316 Well-Known Member

    Lol. This is funny. I feel your pain shinobi. I would so loooooove to play R. I would pay double the price. Fuck it 3ple. But it ain't gonna happen.

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