XBL Good Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    GGs Dr.Familia and AssassinCP for the matches on sunday.
    GGs to Shinybrentford, VFHayato, shadomaster, social and wasted wish, vmoney, STL TM for joining the room. Making alot of mistakes forcing high risk moves against very good players. Those low attacks, throws and patient defense really shutdown my offense and frame traps.
  2. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I was never able to just throw you as often as I did today but I am not complaining about the result I thought you would be more aggressive against me and bait out the 3P+K so you can punish it. I can't complain though. You really need to fix that mic of your serious I had to disable my mic when I heard that annoying sound it was making so I could focus on the fight.
  3. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    Sorry about all that noise coming from my mic, wanted to chat with everyone in the room but its causing all sort of static noise so i unplugged it.Only use for it now is the surround sound and eavesdropping conversations lol
  4. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    ggs last night. Got in not one but TWO great rooms. The first was (and here i'm just gonna quote vfnumbers): "GGs to Shinybrentford, VFHayato, shadomaster, [vfnumbers] and wasted wish, vmoney, STL TM for joining the room. I think undreamed was in the room for a bit, and i know there are others we are missing. The room was great, the chat was great...STL Tim was funny as hell commentating in british accent. Then Shineybrentford took over the reins with outlandish vf vanilla announcing. PLAYER ONE WITH THE THROW! TECH ROLL. etc.

    Then after the gym i got in a room with tfam, dark third eye, and masared. I was surpised tfam and 3rd eye snagged a couple offa masared, and i almost did as well. Altho, who knows how hard he was playing. Then after masared left we just had some nice solid (not great) matches but had a blast chatting away.
  5. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    Love vfdc? Never enough action going on here for you? Wish there was more vf related discussion to read? Wish no more my friends.

    Read, enjoy, participate in my blog. Mostly i am chronicling my struggles and journey to regaining my former form and hopefully reaching higher levels of skill than ever i did before.
    It can be found right here on VFDC!!!!

  6. Airegin

    Airegin Well-Known Member

    Big GGs to lots of people tonight: Tricky, Gastinell, EvenPit, G1 tin tin, and phanatik to name a few. Thanks for all the great practice!
    phanatik, G1 TinTin and Tricky like this.
  7. sekaijin

    sekaijin Well-Known Member

    ggs gastinell, evenpit, and pretty much everyone else i've played lately
  8. Kanoppio

    Kanoppio Well-Known Member

    GGs yesterday to gastinell (thank you for trying to play even with lag) and to Maxou (you're always growing with your Taka and now I really need to know how to kill him x__x )
  9. Andramelech

    Andramelech Well-Known Member

    Graduated to getting my ass kicked. Now that I'm a hunter/gatherer I'm finally getting the more experienced players to fight me. I wish more people played player matches though. Thanks for the ggs
  10. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Hi there dude, I think I already have you on my FL? Just send a text or voice message for like half an hour on Player Match, if you see me (and want to play vs the Asian girls :p) You'll find some of the other guys in here ready and willing too, at various times of the day. Some people on there right now clearly want to place high on the leaderboards by generally playing quite serious and focused every match with their main, but maybe a bit later down the line, rank won't be so much of a goal, and the more laid back approach of the other two settings could see more action.

    XsminceX <-- this guy often seems to be in Player, with a sick Blaze, think he is a UK player like myself.
    Gonna be jumping on again soon, after a little break away. Pai rush-n-attack full throttle!! :mad: :D
  11. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    GGs this afternoon 2 MotorCity! very fun matches man
  12. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I am always up for some player and rooms and I rarely play ranked for too long because I hate playing ranked but most people play in it so I have play it sometimes. I would love to have some Pai matches with a good player regardless it would be great. If you are up for it when I am on look me up I play on XBL quite a bit too.

    I look forward to meeting you and seeing what you got see you online
  13. Akatsuki.Shark

    Akatsuki.Shark New Member

    ggs to evenpit
  14. Andramelech

    Andramelech Well-Known Member

    I have seen you on. Yeah, I'm still learning, but would be happy to start a room or something. See you on..
  15. Andramelech

    Andramelech Well-Known Member

    Yeah I always see Even Pit. Even though I never win, he makes it interesting, and doesn't spam the hell out of me..
  16. Andramelech

    Andramelech Well-Known Member

    Okay, if I find a good Pai player, I'll let you know.. but I'd be willing to learn..
  17. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    GGS tonight to NoneOther, G1, Andramelech, & lando owell.
    Oh & DAMNIM600D that was hilarious how you won i should have saved that replay.
  18. mitsuruga

    mitsuruga Well-Known Member

    ggs to vfnumbers + xsmincex
  19. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    rare entity
    bus orez

    GGs guys. that was strange, like using a completely different character. Hopefully i can incorporate all those weird moves into my regular offense now. Especially thanks to RE. Bus, your constant no mercy wolf rushdown made it really hard to stay dedicated to using 90% moves i never use only, but i resisted the urge to go into my standard offense. Gotta learn how to use all her moves. :D
  20. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Try gotsu87 - has some interesting damage opportunities with her maybe you can emulate. Tore my clumsy Eileen apart, that's for sure.

    GGs earlier today to Kaleendah, Johnny berserk and HaubstheHobbit. Gonna pop back on in a bit with Aoi I think, missing those defence and counter options already playing as miss magic monkey juice!

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