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                           Virtua Fighter 4 version B/C^
               __ __ __    __         ___   __ __    ___         ____
              __ /  /  /  /  / |  /  /     /  /  /  /     /|  /   /
             __ /  /  /  /  /  | /  /--   /  /  /  /--   / | /   /
            __ /  /  /  /__/   |/  /___  /  /  /  /___  /  |/   /
                    __  ___        ___  ____   ___  __ __
                   __  /  / /__/  /  /   /    /    /  /  /
                  __   |     /    |     /    /--  /  /  /
                 __ |__/    /  |__/    /    /___ /  /  /


^sidenote: I wrote this FAQ for both versions of the game, why?  most of the
 VF4's in the US arcades right now is the version B type, but the one released
 onto the PS2 is the version C type.  I tried to point out differences between
 the 2 whenever possible, but if I don't catch them all, I'm only human

written by ReCharredSigh

e-mail me at peesigh@hotmail.com
(and title all your messages as "VF4 Movement System FAQ comments", else i will
 ignore them; it's also come to my attention that some of you guy's emails that i
 send back to you get bounced, and that i have no way of telling you this, so from
 now onward if you give me an email and don't get one back by 3 weeks(i usually
 reply before then), that means that your email got bounced back to me; try sending
 your email again using a different address)

version 1.1

May 18, 2002

Copyright 2002 ReCharredSigh

First of all, lemme sum the legal mumbo jumbo regarding this FAQ in the simplest 
terms, please don't be like those snobby lawyers that twist every word to their
own benefit, it's really degrading of you:

1. I am not responsible for harm to you due to something in this FAQ, whether it 
was in the computer sense(i.e. your computer crashed while you tried to save this 
FAQ) or in the arcade playing sense(lost/won and got beat up due to some technique 
in this FAQ).

2. This FAQ is free.  Plain and simple.  That means trying to make money off of
this FAQ is wrong, and that this FAQ can't be included in any publications in any
way for money profit.  You can find it free at the websites I listed.

3. For you people who do write free publications(most likely on the web) and want
to use this FAQ for aid in some way, give me credit if you want to use anything
from this FAQ, you don't need to quote me on everything, just give me credit at
the beginning/end of your work, and I will have no beefs against you.  If you want
to post this FAQ on your website, please e-mail me first asking permission, else I
will be pissed off.

4. And lastly, if you don't want to obey the above, please just ignore this FAQ, 
and read some other.

5. What characters Sega has created, is of their entire copyright.  I have in no
effort tried to take one of their works as my own.

6. You can find this FAQ at the following sites:
Gamefaqs.com, http://www.gameadvice.com, http://www.neoseeker.com

If you didn't find it there, chances are it isn't in the latest version.


   A.Putting it together
   B.But wait, there's more

 |0  00  C   C R   R E     D   D  I   T  SSS  S|
 |0 0 0  C     RRRR  EEE   D   D  I   T    SS  |
 |00  0  C   C R   R E     D   D  I   T  S  SSS|
 | 000 o  CCC  R   R EEEEE DDDD  III  T   SSSS |

 Sega (www.sega.com)
 -Yu Suzuki, you have always made the best 3D fighting games that I have seen.
 Keep it up; you're doing a good job making VF more popular around the US, maybe
 if you keep it up, we'll find VFers abundant in US arcades someday.

 -For being such a great site for VFers.  I got a LOT of stuff from this site.
 All of you deserve a huge thanks for helping me make this FAQ happen.  Here
 goes the list of people on the site to thank(sorry if I forgot some names):

   GLC:for writing the revision B movelist which explained how to do some
       of the movements covered in this FAQ, as well as some of the properties
       of the FAQ
   Myke:last, but not least, for the site, and the article on evading.  one of
        his posts explaining how CD cancelling worked was used to write
        this FAQ, and other explained the ECD option select

 -Another good VF website to check out.  I got how to walk in 8 directions from
 this site.

 -For providing a place to put this FAQ.

 Silent J(silent_j_@hotmail.com)
 -My online game chatting buddy.  I wrote this FAQ for people who are still
 hooked on VF like him.

 -For the air I breathe, the ability to live and everything I've got.  Oh yeah, and
 putting up with all those losers in the world like me.


 | 11   III NN    N TTT RRRR   OOO  |
 |  1    I  NNN   N  T  R   R O   O |
 |  1    I  N NN  N  T  RRRR  O   O |
 |  1    I  N   NNN  T  R   R O   O |
 | 111o III N    NN  T  R   R  OOO  |


 "'There is no combat without movement'"  -Ender Wiggin, from the book Ender's Game

 And with that stupid analogy we open up this FAQ.  At first I was going to call
 it the ShinZ step FAQ because of what was currently being discussed at VF.com,
 but CreeD pointed out to me that that wasn't an official term of the name, and
 no one's actually come up with an official name yet, so I decided to stick with
 VF4 Movement System FAQ as a name instead.

 Anyways, like the quote suggests, VF4 is a game where simply put, attacking isn't
 the only aspect of the game you need to take into account; movement is always a
 necessary part of the game to take into place.  Movement can often not only
 serve as a way to get where you're going, but it can confuse the opponent and
 wow the crowd.  And if you don't believe me, go watch TTT tourney videos or VF3
 tourney videos of the phenomenon called Korean Stepping.  Now granted, Korean
 Stepping got toned massively down in VF4, but to say that no movement's possible
 is incorrect, because if you've ever watched ShinZ in tourney videos, he often
 is seen smoothly moving around the ring(I'll list some clips later).

 The purpose of this whole FAQ is to discuss the possible ways to move around in
 VF4, and then to talk about some ways to combine the movements to provide some
 smooth movements so that you can hopefully confuse the opponent much like
 ShinZ himself.  The FAQ is NOT designed to talk about beating stupid CPU opponents,
 or what items you get, or even how to use any character in specific.  It is
 designed to teach you the ways of movement around the ring, so that those of
 you who still aren't used to the VF4 way of moving around will maybe get an idea.

 Before I begin, I'd like to say that I am in no way an expert of VF4 stepping.
 Just because I can talk about VF4's movement doesn't mean I can do it; thus there
 is a chance that what I write down will be wrong; VF.com'ers, if you see any
 mistakes, please let me know!


 |  222   MM MM  OOO  V      V EEEEE  SSSS |  
 | 2  22  M M M O   O VV    VV E     SS   S| 
 |   22   M M M O   O  VV  VV  EEEEE   SS  |
 |  22    M M M O   O   VVVV   E     S   SS|
 | 22222o M M M  OOO     VV    EEEEE  SSSS |


 Here's a quick legend to help orient you with what means what

 f: Tap the joystick towards the opponent once
 b: Tap the joystick away from the opponent once
 d: Tap the joystick towards yourself once
 u: Tap the joystick away from yourself once
 G: Tap the button that is labeled "Guard" once
 P: Tap the button that is labeled "Punch" once
 K: Tap the button that is labeled "Kick" once
 +: And(i.e. for+P means "tap forward and punch together")
 []: Items in brackets can be "charged," or held down to increase damage
 F: Tap and hold the joystick towards the opponent briefly
 B: Tap and hold the joystick away from the opponent briefly
 D: Tap and hold the joystick towards yourself briefly
 U: Tap and hold the joystick away from yourself briefly
 N: Let the joystick go into the neutral position
 /: diagonal direction(i.e. up/for means tap the diagonal up-forward)
 HCB: half-circle back(f,d/f,d,d/b,b)
 HCF: half-circle forward(b,d/b,d,d/f,f)
 QCB: quarter-circle back(d,d/b,b)
 QCF: quarter-circle forward(d,d/f,f)
  H: attack can only hit standing people, and must be blocked^ high
  M: attack can hit both standing and crouching people, and must be blocked^ high
  L: attack can hit both standing and crouching people, and must be blocked^ low
 sL: attack can hit both standing and crouching people, and may be blocked^ at any
  G: attack can only hit a person knocked down and on the ground
 Ht: denotes a high throw
 St: denotes a side throw
 Bt: denotes a back throw
 Ct: denotes a catch throw
 Lt: denotes a low throw
 Gt: denotes a ground throw
  *: note the description
 FS: move requires to stand first(if you are crouching, you can just do a dash
     to immediately stand)
 FC: move requires a crouch first(this is NOT the same as D, as there are numerous
     ways to crouch)
 O: no effect on opponent

 Note in the above legend,
 ^ means that it only pertains to strikes.  throws and reversals can't be blocked.
   reversals with a certain hit level can only reverse attacks at that hit level.

 With that, let's begin by talking about the universal ways of moving around.
 I will not talk about crouch walking or walking because simply put, you are NEVER
 going to see anyone doing these things.

 Dash: f,f
 The dash is probably one of the most common movements in VF, and its purpose
 probably extends further than simply moving forward; when done from a crouching
 position, it immediately gets you back into a standing position.  If you want
 to do a "FS" move from a crouch, you simply need to dash/back before doing the
 move and it'll come out.  For instance, suppose you want to follow Akira's low
 punch with his low backfist; do d+P,f,f,d/f+P+K.  The f,f stands Akira and then
 enables him to do his low backfist.  In addition, the dash can be cancelled by

 Backdash: b,b
 Same as the forward dash, except moves you backward.  They improved the backdash
 compared to VF3, as now the speed and distance you backdash is now more comparable
 with VF2's backdash.  Much like the forward dash, it can be used to instantly
 stand yourself from a crouch, as well it can be cancelled by anything.

 Run: f,F
 This can only be done from a distance away; it is essentially a long dash in
 all cases; you can use it to stand or you can cancel it into anything you want.
 You can no longer run away from your opponent if you have your back turned; only

 Crouch dash(CD): d/f,N,D/F
 CDing remains a fairly important movement in VF4, much more now since the evade
 got toned down massively.  In addition, the crouch dash got beefed now, because
 it is now not necessary to hold the 2nd d/f command to get the CD to come out.
 The CD can now be done from a crouching position as well.  CDing is important
 for being able to execute moves that can only be done from crouching, as well
 as get your character into a crouching position while moving yourself in closer.
 It is also not necessary to go through the neutral position of the joystick in
 order to execute a crouch dash; as long as you go somewhere else other than
 d/f(d is a common choice and enables you to roll the CD out instead of tapping
 it) and come back, you'll do the CD.  The CD can be cancelled much like the
 dash; ie into anything you want.  You can't crouch dash away when you have your
 back turned anymore; only crouch dash forward.
 Backwards crouch dash(CD): d/b,N,D/B
 This is the same as crouch dashing in all aspects, except you go backwards.  The
 backwards crouch dash is longer than the forward CD.  This makes the backwards CD
 an excellant way to escape out of your opponent's grasp, something that couldn't
 be done in VF3 because the backwards CD wasn't in the game.

 Into screen evade(E): u,N
 Note that you don't need to tap u to get the into screen E; u/b or u/f will also
 work and cause your character to evade in that direction.  VF3 veterans, beware;
 the E is significantly worse in this game.  No more KSing all over the place.
 The E is much more situational in this game, and you will rarely find anyone
 doing Es outta nowhere, because the normal E is slow in every aspect(startup,
 recovery, short distance, and get this; the opponent tracks you).  The more
 useful E is done when you do it during an opponent's attack, i.e. "MC E."  When
 you do this, your character will dodge like the evade in VF3tb; i.e. good
 startup and recovery, and distance.  E can be cancelled into the CD; E,CD is pretty
 common for people who want to mC their opponents with FC moves, like Akira for
 instance, and you'll be able to move the instant you come out.  So Eing is still in
 the game, but more as a defensive measure; no more offensive positioning and
 confusion using the E(I know, I know, it does suck, but think what might happen if
 it were possible to KS in VF4, along with the backwards crouch dash, revamped CD
 system, and improved backdash).  To be honest, the normal E isn't that useless in
 of itself; you can actually do little KS exhibitions much like VF3, however, they
 should only be done outside of your opponent's attack range in order to set yourself
 at a better position; this is mainly used to re-position yourself in the ring, and
 it's not useful during your attack patterns to confuse or to set up side/back throws
 and the like.  Outside of eye candy, KSing is NOT useful.

 Out of screen evade(E): d,N
 Essentially the same as the into screen E, except you are evading out of the
 screen, towards yourself.  And much like the into screen evade, you can tap
 d/b or d/f instead of d, and you'll evade in that direction.

 All Range Movement(ARM): B or F, then hold any direction
 This was the new addition to VF4; the ability to walk in any direction(I called
 it the 8-way walk in my Akira FAQ).  It's still not the same as Soul Calibur's
 8-way run, and definitely not a substitute for Korean Stepping.  However, it is
 useful for positioning, and luring your opponent to attack you.


 |333333   SSS  TTT RRR   AAA  TTT  SSS |
 |   33   SS  S  T  R  R A   A  T  SS  S|
 |  33      SS   T  RRR  AAAAA  T    SS |
 |33  33  S  SS  T  R  R A   A  T  S  SS|
 | 3333 o  SSS   T  R  R A   A  T   SSS |


 A.Putting it together

 So is there any way you can combine movements together?  Yes, though not as
 extensively as VF3.  Take a look:

 -can cancel: CD/backwards CD, dash/backdash
 -can be cancelled by: CD/backwards CD, dash/backdash, any attack, G

 CD/backwards CD:
 -can cancel: CD/backwards CD, dash/backdash
 -can be cancelled by: CD/backwards CD, dash/backdash, any attack, G

 into screen E/out of screen E:
 -can be buffered(this is questionable, but I believe it's possible to do CD,E, or
  to do it during the recovery of a move, although the former can be quite
  pointless unless if you were detecting a semi-circular middle attack during your
 -the following can be cancelled into an E: CD, (dash/backdash, any attack, G)*
  *this is questionable, but I believe it's possible

 Now supposedly, if you were to combine all these movements together, you'd be
 able to produce some very smooth movements, while not as extensive as those found
 during VF3tb, it can get very flashy.  And if you doubt me, here's some links
 showing ShinZ doing exhibition "ShinZ step" movies:


 Now granted, if you saw those movies, you'd realize it's simply not possible to
 do all that cancelling without getting thrown or attacked.  However, it is
 possible to do occasional 3-4 combined movements together without putting yourself
 in trouble.  While I won't list any direct links, other movies of ShinZ actually
 playing against opponents would show him occasionally mixing in 3-4 movements to
 get where he's going.  Here's one that's been talked about quite a bit:


 This is one of the largest aspects of the movement system; while you don't see
 it all the time in a game, you will notice its effectiveness when applied
 carefully.  It is essentially repeatedly cancelling your CDs into more CDs,
 moving you quickly forward/backward while in a crouched position.  It looks
 very similar to the wavedash that is found in the Mishimas in Tekken.  Most
 people won't go for the forwards CD cancel, since the forward CD isn't much far,
 but the backwards CD is much longer, making a backwards CD cancel very effective
 for putting distance between you and your opponent.  The ability to do it is
 based upon the following properties of the CD:

 -the CD can be cancelled by guard at any point;
  you could do d/b,d/b+G for a really quick twitch-like cancel
 -the CD can be done from a crouching position;
  if you do D/B,d/b, you'll crouch dash.  so crouching, then repeatedly rolling
  from d/b to d and back would give you repeated CDs backwards(it's not the
  same as cancelling your CD into aother CD)

 So to effectively do a backwards CD cancel, you'd input:

 in other words,
 1)do a backwards CD
 2)while holding the 2nd D/B, tap G and release it; keep holding the D/B
 3)tap and hold the D/B again
 4)repeat step 2-3 as many times as you'd like

 Feel free to do a forwards CD cancel instead if you like; you'd pretty much do
 instead d/f,N,[D/F-G-D/F,N,D/F], repeat bracketed section as much as you like.
 It is useful in its own respects, but not as useful as CD cancelling backwards,
 since most of the action is spent up-close, making multiple CDs forward useless
 (except if you are far away).  Repeated backwards CDing is much more useful.
 Besides getting your opponent's attacks to whiff and drawing yourself back out
 to give yourself breathing room to anticipate attacks and play machi style,
 backwards CD cancelling can be used before trying to do some short E exhibition
 if you need to re-position yourself by the 3D perspective.

 E--> CD
 Make no mistake, the korean step is NOT in this game.  However, it's possible
 to do a semi-korean step.  The way to do it is:

 MC E--> CD

 You simply need to MC evade an opponent's attack, then buffer in a CD in during
 the evade's execution.  This results in you dodging the opponent's attack
 in a crouching position close to the opponent while he/she is recovering;
 for characters that have excellant FC moves(Akira, Lau come to mind), this
 is a very good tactic.

 I got this from Myke's VF.com post.
 Technically, this is no different than E--> CD.  The reason I put this down is
 this has become a recently discovered way to use option select; most effective
 around 3-4 frames of disadvantage, and can enable you to escape ALL standing
 throws; the weakness is that it won't beat circular attacks or delayed attacks.
 Remember that you need to key in the motions QUICKLY; you have around a 4-5
 frame window, and that's not a lot.

 Basically, suppose you face Akira and he connects LBF on normal hit(-3 frames).
 He can now force a 2-way guessing game; DblPm(which gets your throw escape and
 fastest pokes), or throw which gets your evade attempts.  ETE can be useful, but
 you'd still have to guess which throw to escape.  However with this option select,
 if you keyed in the motions QUICKLY, either of 2 scenarios would occur:

 Akira goes for DblPm, you MC E the attack.
 Or Akira goes for throw, you do a slow E, but it cancels into a CD going under
 the throw.

 So ECD is useful in its own respects as a option select; just remember the
 weaknesses.  If you want more info, you could look up my Akira FAQ, or go to
 VF.com and look around for "Escape - Crouch Dash defensive technique."

 VF4's movement system is sort of an improved version of VF2's Taiwan Step and
 a downgraded version of VF3tb's Korean Step.  I can't tell you exact commands for
 you to use the VF4 movement system, but I can give you ways to apply them
 universally and give examples.

 -to get where you're going
 movement is especially useful for placing yourself at the right distance that you
 want.  it is useful for either distancing yourself or avoiding attacks while
 you're moving in.  and after distancing yourself, if you need to re-position
 yourself with some sidestepping exhibition, you can do that a bit.

 example #1:
 Akira vs. Jeffry
 Akira got his DE blocked.  Jeffry tries his d+K+G in an attempt to MC Akira, but
 Akira CD cancels backwards(the d+K+G whiffs), cancels that into his dash, cancels
 that into his CD and quickly buffers a modified double palm, catching Jeffry in
 his move's recovery.  While I don't think anyone has tried this before, there's a
 very clear example of how good movement can enable you to avoid attacks then
 quickly move in to attack.

 example #2:
 Akira vs. Akira
 Akira#2 is on the ground after being hit by a RBC--> SDE--> m-DblPm combo.  The
 1st Akira thinks Akira#2 is going to do a TR, so he does a SPoD(which whiffs).
 Akira#2 tries to get up in time to hit Akira#1 with a rising attack, but Akira#1
 recovers much faster than thought, so he MC E's the rising kick, buffers a CD,
 and does a shoulder ram on the poor Akira, then follows up with PG--> DLC-->
 Wall hit--> Ground punch.  Consequently, this was an actual case in one of the
 ShinZ vs. MoonSuk clips.

 -to set yourself the way you want
 don't get what i'm getting at?  i'm basically saying you can use movement to
 stand when you want to stand or crouch when you want to crouch.  for instance...

 example #1:
 Sarah vs. Lau
 Characters are at midrange.  Lau attempts a heelkick, but Sarah MC evades to
 Lau's open side, successfully dodging the attack.  Sarah wants to counter with
 a Dragon Cannon, so she quickly buffers a CD cancelling the E, then cancels that
 into a standing dash instantly standing Sarah so she can do a Dragon Cannon and
 combo Lau.

 -to confuse the opponent
 depending on how well you cancel each movement into each other, you can confuse
 the opponent while you set up your attack.  a lot of this will have to do with
 what you want to get out, how experienced your opponent is, etc.

 While there's many ways to holding the joystick(grabbing it like a ball, between
 the middle and ring w/the palm facing upward(which i happened to do a lot when
 i used to play the capcom 2D games)), the recommended technique to holding the
 joystick in VF4 is a way that enables you to do TAPS rather easily(as there are
 almost no rolling inputs).  the way is usually to hold the joystick like it were
 an eyedropper(open hand).  Then to tap out the inputs, you'd use(this is what
 I recommend):

        FINGER(S)   |   TO TAP OUT   |   THE DIRECTION
      thumb(+middle&|       ^        |    diagonally
      ring optional)|     < o        |     up/left
      thumb(+middle&|       ^        |        up
      ring optional)|       o        |
         thumb +    |       ^        |    diagonally
      middle & ring |       o >      |     up/right
         thumb      |     < o        |       left
         index      |       o >      |       right
        thumb +     |     < o        |    diagonally
      middle & ring |       v        |    down/left
        middle (+   |       o        |       down
      ring optional)|       v        |
        middle (+   |       o >      |    diagonally
      ring optional)|       v        |    down/right


 B.But wait, there's more

 Depending on whom you use in VF4, certain aspects of VF4 movement will be much
 better than others; let's take a look:

 If you have a quick way to switch your stance(Akira's G-cancel low-kick), VF4
 movement can benefit you; it can not only make your character harder to read,
 but set yourself up; as we all know, some combos in VF4 are stance dependent,
 while other things like moves will have different hitting abilities(which way
 to dodge, how far the move extends) depending on your stance.  If you look at
 any of the ShinZ step exhibitions, you'll notice a bunch of stance switching
 with the Akiras, and this can be confusing if used well.

 I'm talking about Shun and Lion's special dodges(done by hitting P+K+G and a
 certain direction); these dodges are much faster than the stereotypical evade,
 and these characters have the ability to utilize the 3D aspect of the game
 better than the average character.  However, as a Shun or Lion player it's
 important to note that you still can't cancel your dodges; it's just that
 these dodges are much faster and thus much easier to utilize in your game
 as these 2 characters.  To a certain extent, Sarah and Kage can also use their
 special movements to mix up, but both character's special movements are much
 more risky to throw out.

 Debatable, yes, and I am not an expert here, but I believe those characters who
 can place their back to their opponents can utilize movement as well(again, not
 the same extent as during VF3).  Perhaps if you can do CD cancelling forward
 when you're back-turned, you can play the opponent offensively with your
 back-turned.  Remember that you can't run away or CD away; only you can walk
 away or CD forward.


 |  4   RRR   EEE  V     V III  SSS  III  OOO   N  N  SSS |
 | 44   R  R  E    V     V  I  SS  S  I  O   O  NN N SS  S|
 |4 4   RRR   EEE   V   V   I    SS   I  O   O  N NN  SSS |
 |4444  R  R  E      V V    I  S  SS  I  O   O  N  N S  SS|
 |  4 o R  R  EEE     V    III  SSS  III  OOO   N  N  SSS |

 Version 1.0 May 2, 2002.
 Wrote this FAQ in one day; I was bored, so sue me.

 Version 1.1 May 18, 2002.
 Added the ECD option select, and revised a few areas.


 |5555  III N  N    CCC  L    OOO   SSS  III N  N  GGG |
 |5      I  NN N   C   C L   O   O SS  S  I  NN N G    |
 |555    I  N NN   C     L   O   O   SS   I  N NN G  GG|
 |   5   I  N  N   C   C L   O   O S  SS  I  N  N G   G|
 |555 o III N  N    CCC  LLL  OOO   SSS  III N  N  GGG |


 Ok, I don't know whether this FAQ was total BS, or something worth reading.  But
 in any case, movement is still an important aspect of VF4, both for confusing and
 getting where you want to be.  Being able to buffer in multiple movements at the
 wrong time makes you look like a scrub whose only source of fighting game info
 are from the gaming mags, and being able to use it well when the timing's right
 makes you look like a stylish player.  Being able to do those smooth movements
 like ShinZ doesn't mean you have skill, just that you have fast fingers.  This
 is only 1 side to being better at VF4; learn it, practice it, and see if you're
 good at using it.

 To those of you who want to e-mail me.
 -I need feedback, plain and simple!  Please do that!  Anything's helpful, from
 criticisms(if you're polite about it) to tips, I'll accept it!  I try to give
 credit where it's due as well, so don't worry about me throwing something in and
 not giving you credit for it.


 HAHA, go #16 of the Dallas Mavericks!  Go Wang!
Virtua Fighter and all related material © SEGA
VFDC © 1997-2006