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Virtua Fighter 4
Welcome to the Virtua Fighter 4 series!
Naomi 2 CPU SH-4 128-bit RISC CPU (200 MHz 360 MIPS / 1.4 GFLOPS Graphic Engine cell2=2 x PowerVR 2 (PVR2DC-CLX2) GPUs Geometry Processor Custom Videologic T+L chip "Elan" (100mhz) Sound Engine ARM7 Yamaha AICA 45 MHZ (with internal 32-bit RISC CPU, 64 channel ADPCM) Main Memory 32 MByte 100Mhz SDRAM Graphic Memory 32 MByte Model Data Memory 32 MByte Sound Memory 8 MByte Media ROM Board / GD-Rom Simultaneous Number of Colors Approx. 16,770,000 (24bits) Polygons 10 Million polys/sec with 6 light sources Additional Features Bump Mapping, Multiple Fog Modes, 8-bit Alpha Blending (256 levels of transparency), Mip Mapping (polygon-texture auto switch), Tri-Linear Filtering, Super Sampling for Full Scene Anti-Aliasing, Environment Mapping, and Specular Effect. Fully backwards compatible with all Naomi and GD-Rom games. Contents
In the end, it was Kage-Maru who won the Thrid World Fighting Tournament. After it ended, he defeated a new model of Dural who appeared before him. Kage-Maru finally obtained the new item type required to save his mother, Tsuki-Kage. However, Tsuki-Kage actually got worse, transforming into Dural further when the item was used. Ultimately, she turned into Dural completely and J6 acquired her once more. With Dural again within their grasp, J6 started to research how they could mass produce Dural. During their research, J6 discovered that Tsuki-Kage had remained incomplete for too long which explained her lack of abilities somewhat.
J6 started to look for a new target eligible enough to become a new (complete) Dural. They decided upon Sarah Bryant. Plans were made so as to acquire her and the Fourth World Fighting Tournament was organised.
With many hidden agendas and suspicious machinations going on, the Tournament is now ready to begin.
Outline of the "Virtua Fighter" Series(top)
The World Fighting Tournament: a worldwide competition for fighters who believe in the superiority of their own fighting skills and techniques.
The champion of the First Tournament was Lau Chan, who retrieved the legendary art Ko'enken. At the end of the Second Tournament, it was Akira Yuki, a young fighter who uses Hakkyokuken, who walked away the winner. Who was the winner of the Third Tournament? While looking respectable and admirable, the tournaments are anything but, with a mysterious group plotting from behind the scenes.
J6 (Judgement 6)(top)
An Organization composed of six global mega-industries that have great influence on everything from weapons development to world politics. Ultimately, J6 strives for unrivaled control of the world's fate. The true purpose of J6 holding the World Fighting Tournament is to test the abilities of “Dural” (artificial/programmable human beings), and new materials.
Although Kage-Maru managed to resuce and whisk away his mother, Tsuki-Kage, off to freedom at the end of the Third World Fighting Tournament, her medical condition worsened once more. He was able to confirm that she was suffering from an unknown after-effect from her transformation into Dural. Using his ninja skills, Kage-Maru managed to infiltrate the Organisation once more and found out that he needed to get a new item to resuce his mother.
Those fated to fight are now about to start their endless battles once again. Who will win the battle this time?
VF4FT Guides and FAQs(top)
VF4Evo Guides and FAQs(top)
About SteppingMyke2003.08.26
All Round Escape (ARE)Myke2003.07.12
Basic Fuzzy Guarding and Motion CutSrider2003.03.15
Beating Elbow in Disadvantagemaddy2005.01.18
Beating Low Punch in Disadvantagemaddy2005.01.14
Counter Attack Tablesspotlite2002.10.19
Dealing with Everyday BSCreeD2003.07.24
Escapes and CombosMyke2002.10.21
Minami Step Analysis of Doom!maddy2003.08.25
PS2 Secrets Guidemao22003.06.12
Sabaki, Reversal, Inashi ChartMyke2003.04.22
System Memorandumhiro2003.09.23
Throw Escape GuideDrift++2003.11.17
VF4 Evolution GlossaryDarrius Cole2005.10.30
VF4 Evolution Quest FAQMyke2003.09.10
VF4 Evolution Ranking FAQMyke2004.02.07
VF4 Guides and FAQs(top)
Abbreviations GuideGLC2002.07.06
Anti-TR Instant Death GuideCreeD2003.01.11
Character Selection Guideice-92001.11.30
Damage Scaling FAQNutlog2002.04.26
Dodging Rising AttacksHyun2002.04.24
Escape Crouch Dash (ECD)Myke2002.05.12
Evading ChartMyke2002.02.07
Frame AdvantageMyke2002.03.10
Fuzzy GuardMyke2002.08.04
General GuideGLC2002.07.06
High Kings and Orbs GuideKali2002.05.14
Movement System FAQReCharredSigh2002.05.18
PS2 A.I. SuggestionsETP2002.05.01
Sabaki ChartMyke2002.04.20
Starting Guide for Tekken PlayersHyun2002.04.22
The System of Instant RecoveryMyke2002.05.16
Throw Escape ChartSummErs2002.03.14
Transcribed CombosMr. Bungle2001.12.25
Transcribed Counter ListMr. Bungle2001.12.22
VF4 Character Weight and Float HeightMyke2002.04.21
VF4 Items FAQMsWayneWayne2002.04.25
VF4 Ranking FAQmao22002.04.02
VF4 Ultimate Combo GuideCreeD2002.10.08
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© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM