HOTDOG! The VFDC Combos database is in the process of being updated for VF5 R.E.V.O by each character's Content Manager, but here's how you can help! Each character sub-forum has a pinned thread for REVO combos, so simply contribute there to assist the Content Manager's task in maintaining the latest and greatest combos for all to enjoy!Dismiss Notice
Virtua Fighter 3
Model 3 Step 1 Main CPU 32bits RISC PowerPC 603 66Mhz Sound CPU 16bits 68EC000 11.3Mhz Sound Chip Yamaha SCSP/YMF-292F/"LAKE" FH1 128-step DSP x 2, MIDI interface, 16 bits 64 voices 4 channel, maximum of 16.5 Mbytes ROM, 64 PCM channels Audio RAM 1meg (8 megabits, 540 bytes per SCSP chip) Main Memory 8 Mbytes 66mhz Ram, graphic ROM maximum of 64 Mbytes, backup RAM 64 Kbytes Video resolution 24KHz 496(H)x384(V) one or two plane or 31KHz 640x480 one plane in 16bit colors Scroll Window Two plane (24KHz/two plane mode), 16 colours/32,768 1024 palette x 2 bank, 256/32,768 64 palette x 2 bank Geometarizer 1,000,100 polygons/s for square polys, 2,000,200 for Triangle polys Renderer 60,000,000 pixels/s Video Full Color Texture Mapping, Tri-Linear Interporation Micro Texture, Shading High-Specular Gouraud Shading, Fix Shading, Flat Shading, Texture & Edge Multi Layered Anti-Allasing, Lighting Effect Parallel Light, 4 Spot Light, Pin Spot Light, Special Effect Zoning-Fog, 32 Levels of Translucency Board composition CPU + VIDEO + ROM boards Others 10mbs Connection, calender IC Characters(top)
VF3TB Guides and FAQs(top)
Mr. Bungle2001.07.11
Mr. Bungle-
Mr. Bungle2001.07.11
Jirawat Uttayaya-
Mr. Bungle-
Mr. Bungle-
VF3 Guides and FAQs(top)
Beginner's GuideAndrew Ryan Chang1997.01.19
Arcade Virtua Fighter 3 codes, bugs & easter eggsMr. Bungle2001.07.11
Famitsu DiscussionSitson Lee1997.02.19
Famitsu Additions & CorrectionsSitson Lee1997.02.19
Famitsu ExtrasSitson Lee1997.02.19
Systems FAQJirawat Uttayaya-
Freeze FAQInternet Kage-
VF3 FAQ & Movelistsdodee1997.03.05
VF3 Movelists--
Throw FAQCreeD1997.02.09
Gamest Throw Escape TablesYupa1997.08.15
General Guides and FAQs(top)
Changes from VF2Jirawat Uttayaya1996.10.26
Option SelectMr. Bungle2001.07.11
Ranking ModeJirawat Uttayaya1997.06.09
Reversal GuideJason Cha-
Taunt GuideDonny Chan-
Taunt Translationssta783-
Version InformationJirawat Uttayaya1997.01.26
VF3 General posts from RGVA--
VF3 Bugs/Stuff posts from RGVA--
Content from the old site will eventually appear here. As a quick reference:
- VF3 (original and Team Battle) system / general guides
- Akira
- Aoi
- Jacky
- Jeffry
- Kage
- Lau
- Lion
- Pai
- Sarah
- Shun
- Taka
- Wolf
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© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM